Home Forums Bike Forum Jeremy Clarkson, cycling in London….

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  • Jeremy Clarkson, cycling in London….
  • angeldust
    Free Member

    Impressed that singletrack does not allow direct links to the Daily mail! Keep up the good work.

    Free Member

    Embarrassed the STW doesn’t allow links to the DM. It’d be understandable if it was for the Grauniad. The readers tend to wear sandals and socks (at the same time), be vegan and be complete A-holes.

    Two things from the article.

    1. “I don’t mind if cyclists want to come on the road with their silly Victorian distractions, I’m not bothered, but they must behave themselves.”

    2. Woohoo. Top Gear on Sunday!

    re. #1. They’re not silly, but you can’t argue with the sentiment. All road users should behave themselves.

    re. #2. Woohoo!!!

    Free Member

    That’s the first article I’ve seen in a while that seems to be a bit of ‘healthy debate’. It’s probably the DM’s hatred of cyclists AND Clarkson that’s caused it, but the more this topic is discussed in the media, the better, as far as I’m concerned.

    Free Member

    I agree with #1 – behave on the road or face the consequences the same as other road users.
    The number of people on here who spout sanctimonious shite about RLJ, positioning, etc then whinge when a car drive for biker is a millimeter in “the wrong place” …..
    On the road? Then you get the same penalties REGARDLESS of what form of transport you use….

    Free Member


    This made me laugh. The BBC/Guardianista luvvies must be choking on their soya lattes that the filthy hoi polloi prefer this over the PC multi culti drivel that makes up most of the output.

    Free Member

    Embarrassed the STW doesn’t allow links to the DM. It’d be understandable if it was for the Grauniad. The readers tend to wear sandals and socks (at the same time), be vegan and be complete A-holes.

    As opposed to the closed minded, racist, homophobes that read the Mail? Whilst the guardian is the wet lettuce of news papers, at least it’s not full of bile and venom targeted at anyone who isn’t middle class white British. It is the epitome of gutter journalism and thrives on perpetuating fear and hatred of anything unfamiliar or unknown.

    Free Member

    just posted a thread about the producer being interviewed on bbc radio 2 talking about clarkson/hammond filming yesterday.

    Free Member

    As far as I can see STW does allow links to the Mail, just not direct links.

    The thing about behaving themselves, problem is that there are lots of different views on what that entails.

    Free Member

    pulled from my parallel thread closed:
    Just heard Evans interviewing the producer of Top Gear, part of the interview mentioned that Hammond and Clarkson where seen cycling in London yesterday and the question was what were they doing? The answer was filming a ‘public information’ type film about cycling… I think we should not be happy about this but frankly get ready to go to war with the BBC. Clarkson on a bike can only mean sarcasm as the king of cars MISINFORMATION for the drivers of the world.

    Full Member

    The BBC/Guardianista luvvies must be choking on their soya lattes that the filthy hoi polloi prefer this over the PC multi culti drivel that makes up most of the output.

    Clarkson is one of the BBC’s main “luvvies” you must be really really incredibly stupid to not realise that.

    Free Member

    Clarkson on a scooter in vietnam was the finest TV for a generation. On a bike in London should be good too…

    Free Member

    I think we should not be happy about this but frankly get ready to go to war with the BBC. Clarkson on a bike can only mean sarcasm as the king of cars MISINFORMATION for the drivers of the world.

    Maybe wait till the program is aired before jumping to conclusions?

    Free Member

    jumping to conclusions

    hahaha… based on his twitter storm last week I dont think its a leap in imagination to see where it goes.

    Free Member

    Now you know why he started the ‘storm’.

    Full Member

    ‘Public information film for cyclists’? Can’t see a lot of balance creeping into that, particularly after Clarkson’s recent twitter spat. I do wonder if the whole issue has prompted this as a late addition to this run of Top Gear, given that it’s being filmed and edited even as the first show goes to air.

    Happy to be proved wrong, though.

    Free Member

    based on his twitter storm last week I dont think its a leap in imagination to see where it goes

    While Jeremy may be anti cycling in London both May and Hammond are avid cyclists so the way the piece is produced will no doubt cast Clarkson as the bad guy but the tone of the piece may also highlight cycling using May and Hammond to counteract Clarksons oafish behaviour.

    With Top Gear being one of the biggest programs the BBC has the exposure could do cycling good.

    Free Member

    you guys are way more optimistic about Clarkson than me… I’ll go get a beer and see if it helps even at this hour.

    Free Member

    I think people really do not see that Clarkson has a persona that exists to sell copy. Look at his charity work. I believe that is the the true man.

    Would I play a part that brought me riches? Damn sure I would. No different than any other actor.

    Free Member

    I read the Guardian and like Top Gear – do I win a prize?

    STW’s blocking of DM links is great – it’s a hateful publication that doesn’t need the oxygen of any more publicity.

    Free Member

    Well I’ll look forward to the Cycling programme they do, rather feel it’ll be part of a Top Gear insertion myself but non the less I sit in anticipation waiting to watch Jezzer and Hamster riding thorugh Lonjon.

    Wonder if they’ll pop into Rapha for a coffee??

    Free Member

    Clarkson is a parody of himself IMHO. I used to enjoy his books but stopped getting them a long time ago. He doesn’t really bother me, but I can understand why he irritates some.

    Free Member

    please no more Lance Jeremy threads – please make it stop

    Full Member

    both May and Hammond are avid cyclists so the way the piece is produced will no doubt cast Clarkson as the bad guy but the tone of the piece may also highlight cycling using May and Hammond to counteract Clarksons oafish behaviour.

    They may be singing from similar hymn sheets in some respects though.


    Free Member

    I think people really do not see that Clarkson has a persona that exists to sell copy. Look at his charity work. I believe that is the the true man.

    I’m sure he’s kind to animals, too. Did you forget the bit about cheating on his wife with his ex, then taking out a super-injunction against her?

    Full Member

    martinhutch – Member
    ‘Public information film for cyclists’?

    Funny that, I heard the interview and don’t remember Andy Wilman saying anything about a public information film for cyclists.
    He did say they were making a public information film like the ones that the government used to make but didn’t say anything about it being FOR cyclists.

    Free Member

    Look at his charity work. I believe that is the the true man.

    It such a big part of him there is no mention on wiki- I can only assume this is because he shuns publicity

    As for clarkson I find it reprehensible that he says stuff he does not believe in just to make money and idiots adore him when he is essentially mocking them

    He has a platform and people actually listen to him and revere what he says. He could use this for good or for profit. i believe that is what we should judge him on not his “charity” work.
    It is unlikely to make cycling safer but lets keep our fingers crossed

    Free Member

    Jeremy tweeted: ‘It’s weird to have so many angry cyclists following me here. In real life, it’s usually the other way round.’

    I’m afraid that is undeniably funny 😆

    Free Member

    As for clarkson I find it reprehensible that he says stuff he does not believe in just to make money and idiots adore him when he is essentially mocking them

    No, he’s mocking you which is why he’s adorable. 😀

    Full Member

    I heard the interview too, did I really hear Andy willman ‘jokingly’talk about a road sweeper going past may and hammond and missing the chance to take a sharp left turn, would seem to sum up the attitude generally! OTOH
    James Toseland sounds a decent chap give him the gig?

    Free Member

    Why is he mocking me ? Bit hard really as I dont watch or read his output and apart from STW I have no idea what he does or says tbh.
    I accept he, like his followers, get a semi out of thinking they have annoyed folk and laughing at their great wit for doing this and I pity them both equally.

    Its an endearing quality but easy

    Apologies i did not think you/the fanboys were that stupid 😉

    Free Member

    I accept he, like his followers, get a semi out of thinking they have annoyed folk and laughing at their great wit for doing this and I pity them both equally.

    ^This. The spluttering of the permaoffended brings me pleasure. Without you Clarkson couldn’t exist.

    I should thank you for doing your bit. Thanks.

    Free Member

    Lycra on the ouside of jeans, labels still on the clothes.

    I’d imagine he’ll cycle around a bit then tell everyone to stay in the gutter “out of the cars way”.

    Full Member

    Why is he mocking me ? Bit hard really as I dont watch or read his output and apart from STW I have no idea what he does or says tbh

    How can you comment on him if you don’t ‘know’ him (i.e. read/watch his output)

    That makes you as bad as the daily mail readers who spout vitriol about stuff they’ve never seen or experienced.

    Free Member

    Lycra on the ouside of jeans, labels still on the clothes.

    I assume you’ve never seen the show? That’s sort of a running gag, notably the labels piece. They did the same in Shere when kitting up in track day cars in the rain.

    Free Member

    The spluttering of the permaoffended brings me pleasure. Without you Clarkson couldn’t exist.

    So he could not exist without someoen who does not rea dhis stuff, but his books or watch his programmes….Logic really is your strong suit.
    Are you so deluded you think the “permaoffended” are the ones who buy his books and read his columns and make him rich? Now i knew his fans were gullible but really are you this gullible/stupid?

    I should thank you for doing your bit. Thanks.

    Happy to help you get a semi at how rude and edgy you are * swoons

    I think its strange you wish to offend and get excited by it as you try to get a rise from someone.

    Happy days upsetting folk…I wish you luck.

    Free Member

    How can you comment on him if you don’t ‘know’ him

    Good point if it was what i said

    Nice use of the DM to get a reaction- what next tree hugging tofu weaver?
    Serious point

    What is the fun in getting a reaction by simply provoking those you disagree with ?

    I am dangerously close [ possibly past the line even] to doing the same tbh

    Really what is the point?

    Free Member

    Shitty page bumpy glitch appears to be back!

    Free Member

    I am dangerously close [ possibly past the line even] to doing the same tbh

    Really what is the point?
    You’re amusing me. Please carry on.

    Free Member

    What is the fun in getting a reaction by simply provoking those you disagree with ?

    Have you ever read a politics thread on here, Junky? 😉

    The number of times someone writes something along the lines of, “If it annoys [Group x], then that’s great!”. Not sure you’ve ever berated anyone for that.

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