There is a perfectly logical line between infanticide and abortion, does it feel pain?
At what age can a fetus feel pain?
But the issue/compromise at the moment is that the latest date for an abortion is around the same time as advances has allowed the baby to become viable.
Frankly it’s a minefield and I don’t envy anyone who has to make decisions in it.
Yeah. I was reading awhile back that unborn babies at 23 weeks can survive but always with disability, often severe. Because of this many doctors abroad do not keep 23 week old fetuses alive. In the UK we keep them alive at 23 weeks and some horrifically disabled people are born because of that. Who’s wrong? F**ked if I know. Beats me how anyone can say 24 weeks is the only valid answer and everyone else is wrong.
Frankly, it seems to be the three most logical points for considering ‘life’ to have begun are birth, conception and perhaps 3 months.