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  • It’s stout season.
  • didnthurt
    Full Member

    Clocker Stout is good on draught, the only place I’ve seen it though was at the KITTchEN (Pussy & Pints) in Hawkshead. Worth another road trip? Definitely.


    Clocker Stout

    Full Member

    Another great stout I’ve tried recently was at the Station pub near the railway station in Dunbar, it’s pretty strong though, didn’t really taste that strong. Worth a road trip? Maybe, it’s at the end of the John Muir Way which is worth riding IMO.



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    Dug out a can of delicious  Chocolate Moose from Purple Moose brewery – chocolate and vanilla smoothness after a long day.

    Full Member

    This, this is really good.

    By Seven Sheds in Tasmania.

    Free Member

    Many notes being made in preparation for the season of mists and mellow fruitfulness.

    Free Member

    I’m currently on a sunbed in Crete so it’s local draught for me at the moment, as above its still a bit early…. although I spotted a bottle of something in the bar that looks like stout, I will take a look later :-)

    Full Member

    I’ve had this sitting in the cupboard since Christmas……every year a pal and I exchange silly beers. I’ve almost stopped drinking and haven’t plucked up the courage to crack it….yet, but this thread is tempting me!IMG_20240917_174114564

    Full Member

    This, this is really good.

    By Seven Sheds in Tasmania.

    Nice. That’s beer writer Willie Simpson’s outfit. I used to go to an outrageous monthly beer tasting he held at the New Sydney in Hobart. He gave us all a bottle of his first ever beer but I haven’t heard much about it since.

    Full Member

    They’re still going strong up in Railton.
    Had the prize giving for Tas Grav there. Glad I wasn’t driving home.

    Full Member

    Mild drinker all year round. I hate the 6%+ stouts that seem all the rage these days, give me a session strength mild with some flavour anyday

    This is me, really dislike the high percentage beers of any kind. First thing I check is the alcohol content, under 4 and it’s in the basket. Especially annoying is the strong IPAs. Just no.

    Just to point out, historically IPA’s were brewed particularly strong because they had to travel by ship to our colonies abroad, particularly India, hence India Pale Ale – stouts and porters wouldn’t survive the journey.

    The fad for very hoppy, citrus IPA and pale ales has, thankfully, died a well deserved death, and not before time.

    6%+ stouts and porters aren’t a fad, that’s how they should be. I can see some people really don’t understand what a wide range of beers are available today, but at least two would have been happy forty-odd years ago, with the very limited availability brews on the market – not for nothing was Courage Best described as “like making love in a boat”…

    Full Member

    Just to point out, historically IPA’s were brewed particularly strong because they had to travel by ship to our colonies abroad, particularly India, hence India Pale Ale – stouts and porters wouldn’t survive the journey.

    Not technically correct. Beers that became called IPAs were already being brewed under other designations, they just happened to survive the journey well (comparatively). IPA as a term was about marketing, and believe it or not the first known use of the term in print was in an Australian newspaper.

    Other beers were also exported – porter was very popular for example.

    The fad for very hoppy, citrus IPA and pale ales has, thankfully, died a well deserved death, and not before time.

    That hasn’t happened. There’s still absolutely loads of them around. You’re obviously avoiding them because you don’t like them :-)

     Courage Best described as “like making love in a boat”…

    Monty Python Live at the Hollywood Bowl, 1982 – referencing American beer ;-)

    Free Member

    I separate stouts and porters into the traditional smokey/coffee tasting and varieties with added flavour (usually fruit) which there is a bit of weird snobbery about.

    Anyway as far as easy to get from a supermarket, I can vouch for:

    Guinness West Indies Porter (already mentioned and at 6% ABV it’s got one foot in stout territory)

    Saltaire Triple Chocolate Stout

    Youngs Double Chocolate Stout

    Shepherd Neame Milk Stout

    Fullers Black Cab

    Not as easy to get:

    Brew York Imperial Tonkoko

    Bollington Brewery Oat Mill Stout

    BrewDog Tactical Nuclear Penguin

    Some of the nicest I’ve ever had, I can’t remember the names of :D Imperial, pistachio, hazelnut and cherry stouts, ooommmh lush!!!

    Full Member

    Just opened a can of “Robusto Combusto” coffee porter by Basqueland, which came in a trial box from Beer52 that MrsMC got for me.

    Nice smell and flavour, more porter than coffee which I’m meaning as a good thing.

    Full Member

    Just cracked a “research” can in preparation for a tasting next weekend. A bit different. The Bourbon notes are really subtle.


    Full Member

    Montys dark secret and imerial stout well worth finding

    Full Member

    To counter the white stout, I had a nice pint of “Black IPA” on Friday night.


    Very pleasant while sat outside at my local, and only £3/pint.

    Free Member

    the nigerian guiness is great if you can find it,

    had a ‘creme beerlee’ (beertown) in untapp’d leeds last week, very nice but very very sweet

    probably my favourite for cold christmas evenings, used to be £25 a crate at that ch5 farm shop barnsley
    Samuel Smiths Organic Chocolate Stout

    Full Member

    the nigerian guiness is great if you can find it,

    I remember buying that and Dragon Stout from Henry’s Food and Wine in Homerton when I was a stoodent in the late 90s!

    I think it was a bit rich for my tastes

    Full Member

    the nigerian guiness is great if you can find it,

    Tesco Extra next to Twickenham Stadium seems to be a reliable source.

    Free Member

    yeah i’ve only ever seen the nigerian one in london tescos; i’m not a regular tesco shopper up north so never seen one.

    just remembered at the start of summer crate_escape had 30 packs for £30 but it was already past its BBD and i’d struggle to drink them in smmer, so i didnt bother,

    Full Member

    Funny that people are recommending Guinness Foreign Extra / Nigerian stout. The first time I had it was in Barbados many years ago, where it was served ice cold. So I always think of it as a summer drink.

    Full Member

    I have a bottle of Vocation, Italian ganache or something based stout loitering in my cellar. . 10.8%.

    I keep walking past it retrieving tools etc.  I’ll need a special mindset to crack that one open.

    Full Member

    I’m finding that the Aldi Coffee stout is worthwhile. Like a poundshop Elland 1872 Porter (sobs quietly). But worth a go if you like that kind of thing.

    Free Member

    Look out for an Estonian brewery called PuHaste. Was on one of their tasting sessions at Rivington Farm Trip and was the most incredible beers I’ve ever tasted

    Full Member

    I’m finding that the Aldi Coffee stout is worthwhile.

    I tried that on my Dad’s recommendation recently. A nice drop indeed.

    Full Member

    Bought four small cans of Dark Arts Stout from Adsa. It’s a bit too fizzy and too much licorice taste for my liking. Won’t be buying again.

    Full Member

    That hasn’t happened. There’s still absolutely loads of them around. You’re obviously avoiding them because you don’t like them :-)

    I’m not avoiding them, they just don’t exist anywhere that I happen to drink in my neck of the woods, probably because people aren’t buying them.
    There are lots of golden ales around, plenty with a hoppy, citrusy quality, just not overwhelming so any more. There’s one in the photo below.

    Here’s a stout/porter I had a pint of yesterday, a new one on me, although I’ve had a number of different beers from the brewery before – damn good it was, too.

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    Photo isn’t showing up for me :(

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    Nice pint of Thornebridge Cocoa Wonderland whilst waiting for the train.


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    Caught the bus down to Bath at lunchtime, and after a wander around I ended up at The Raven for the obligatory pie and mash, and a pint of whatever looked interesting, especially if it was a Porter or stout, and they had Pitchfork Ales ‘Old Slug’ on tap. So called, after a slug infestation at the brewery, and the condensation on the glass leaves trails down the side.

    Damn fine it was, too!

    Full Member

    Bought this in Sainsbury’s on a whim last night, very nice ?

    Closer reading if the label reveals it’s made by Badger Beers in Dorset – they do some nice beers, so not a surprise this is good.


    Full Member

    Beer52 have a mixed light and dark option that’s been giving me lots of new stouts to try but had a few lovely draught pints in the lakes last week but failed to make a note of them

    these on the shelf at the moment (the Basqueland is very fine – went back for more).  Their advent calendar is also excellent value (have ordered 2 for us this year)

    (obligatory referral link – half price first case https://www.beer52.com/join/HPN8ZK )


    Full Member

    Bought this in Sainsbury’s on a whim last night, very nice ?

    Closer reading if the label reveals it’s made by Badger Beers in Dorset – they do some nice beers, so not a surprise this is good.

    Perfect to wash down a few doughnuts ;)

    IIRC Panda Shandy was made with “Real Badger Beer.”

    Full Member

    Old Rasputin from Tollgate Brewery – really rather good. MrsMC keeps having a taste.


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