Not quite as ridiculous as it sounds.
Sure, we’ll have elections, but the effective gerrymandering of the UK by allowing Scotland to be dominated by the SNP means that, unless there’s a Labour-SNP alliance (over Nicola’s dead body etc.) and no Scottish independence (over Nicola’s….) then England and Wales could be moving neatly into the next phase of permanent Conservative governments.
And, for so long as Labour is in dissaray the Conservatives will be able to call elections whenever they wish and we’ll continue to return Conservative governments.
Now, for many people this would be ideal (Conservative voters, generally). But for everyone else, unless there’s either a fundamental reordering of English and Welsh election boundaries or a move to a lasting Lib-Lab (+ others maybe) pact, it will be a long difficult journey into an unchecked Conservative future.
So, if you aren’t a Conservative voter, you may have to vote for Corbyn however much you hate him. Voting for minority parties will only dilute any opposition to May.
I think the last couple of decades of fluffiness will finally be thrown off – every one for themselves…!