im not even gonna bother with mud tyres this year – im going for an allround ust setup in the advantage……id be very surprised if most of your riding is continuous mud, and if so why on earth would you want to ride in it 🙂
anyone around the peak area will get away with an agressive xc tyre for most of winter…..
mud x’s are a good tyre in the mud make no mistake – but they are light, have thin sidewalls and dont feel overly firm or stable on rocky stuff to me….
it was pretty mucky in places up peak at the weekend (not so much muddy as there really isnt a great deal of mud of the route we did) but certainly wet/mucky/slippy in places and i still had a crossmark on the rear and it performed pretty ace considering the wet slippyness alone…..
it may be a crap idea and i end up regretting not sticking the mud x on, but im sure the advantage all rounder will cope pretty well with it all…