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  • Iron Bridge near Scotland/England border.
  • kennyp
    Free Member

    Driving back from England to Scotland today up the M6 and M74 I was thinking back to 35 (or so) years ago and going on holiday with my folks before the motorway. I’m sure that we used to drive down to England via an iron bridge just over the border, maybe near Rockcliffe or somewhere like that.

    I’ve had a quick Google and can’t find anything though, other than maybe something at Longtown.

    Can anyone satisfy my curiousity about where it was, or if it still exists? I think it was a box shape sort of thing. Cheers.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Cheers Uplink. I was looking for Iron Bridge but it should have been Metal Bridge. It’s coming back to me now. Ta.

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