Home Forums Chat Forum Ipod Touch and downloads………best/cheapest places??

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  • Ipod Touch and downloads………best/cheapest places??
  • vondally
    Full Member

    Hello following my thread the other day my family have kindly bought me a ipod touch so can people direct me to places for cheap music and so on.

    Been on itunes signed up and got seasons for £1.89 happy, what else is out there that is legal?

    Or what else should i be looking at to download?

    Are apps a waste of time or am i old if i think that???


    Free Member

    Carcassonne. New and very faithful rendition of the great board game.

    Free Member

    For apps you'll have to go through the app store, there's over 200 thousand on there so have a look, start with the top 50 free ones to get you going.

    Where have you got your music at the mo, any you've got on your pc stick it into itunes and sync to the pod

    If you're flexable on the legal side of things then there's torrents of everything out there

    Full Member

    swisstony thanks rather be legal but can you direct me to any of the more flexible side of the downloads please

    also how do i know it is safe?

    Full Member

    Plenty of useful apps around, a lot of them free.
    I used Airshare to dump a pdf of the local bus time table on mine before going into town today.
    We use Remote at work to control itunes on the music server laptop. Or VNC lite for complete control.
    It's worth having a hunt around the app store to get the most out of an ipod touch.

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