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  • iPhone 6 screen repair, who'se done it?
  • Lazgoat
    Free Member

    My wif’s screen is cracked and need replacing. I’d read a while ago about a flaw/feature in iOS that rendered phones with non genuine screens with touchh ID useless. Is this still the case?

    Who’se done a diy repair and where did you get your parts from?

    Full Member

    Wasn’t that issue fixed? I took mine to Apple as it didn’t cost much more than a third party and knew I had a genuine screen.

    Full Member

    Indeed. £86 at Apple, either post it to them or go to a store (with an appointment booked).

    If you’re DIYing you really want a whole screen assembly making it a straightforward swap. If you just buy the outer glass you have a very tedious job carefully peeling bits of broken glass away then attaching the new one. Very difficult to do without causing further damage, or getting tiny little shards of glass embedded in your fingers.

    The whole assembly costs about what Apple charge from a reputable supplier (ie. not one assembling their own from old broken phones), so it really isn’t worth doing yourself IMO.

    Free Member

    Only if you break the Touch ID cable.

    Free Member

    I would be tempted to go with Apple. I took mine in this week for a battery replacement costing £59. The broke it in the process and I got a brand new one for the repair price. Would assume it is the same if they mess up changing the screen.

    Free Member

    Go with Apple.

    I have replaced batteries in 4S and 5 and rear plates on a 4 but front glass is a different ball game. A 6 is still worth decent money so just get it repaired properly. While you are at it you could change the battery too.

    The phones are assembled by young Chinese people with razor sharp eyesight and small dexterous fingers who have done the work 1000’s of times. No amount of YouTube videos are going to give me those attributes.

    Free Member

    Great tip on the battery replacement! It often goes down to 20% then switches off a moment later. Of to try and book an appt now.

    Free Member

    I had mine done with a third party screen and it’s not as good as the original. Not terrible but a little thicker and not quite as good. I had to get it done the same day but had I had time I’d go to apple.

    Full Member

    Of to try and book an appt now.

    Tell them it was crashing with a white screen before you cracked it.

    I didn’t tell you this.

    Free Member

    Get apple to do it.
    I had mine done by a 3rd party. It then broke again.
    The bloke who did it first time wasn’t doing them any more so took it to Apple Store.
    They took the screen off, noticed it wasn’t an original. They put the broken screen back on, now unusable
    And told me they couldn’t work on it. (H&s apparently)
    Heated conversation with manager later I walked out with replacement phone.
    They didn’t ask if it was an original when I walked in so they had no argument after making my phone useless.

    Free Member
    Full Member

    Get apple to do it.
    I had mine done by a 3rd party. It then broke again.
    The bloke who did it first time wasn’t doing them any more so took it to Apple Store.
    They took the screen off, noticed it wasn’t an original. They put the broken screen back on, now unusable
    And told me they couldn’t work on it. (H&s apparently)
    Heated conversation with manager later I walked out with replacement phone.
    They didn’t ask if it was an original when I walked in so they had no argument after making my phone useless.

    You do have to see Apple’s point of view, though; a repair has been done by a third-party, with non-Apple parts, resulting in a second-rate job, then they’re expected to sort it out! I can understand their reluctance.

    Free Member

    Damn, missed your post Cougar! They ran some diagnostics on the battery and shoot it was fine and suggested a backup, iOS update and factory restore.

    Took the phone in to Apple, two hours later it’sas good as new. And it only cost £79. Their website stated £86 and other local third party repairers quoting £75-80.

    Free Member

    Result !

    My iPhone6 battery is fine but my usage is average rather than heavy. Worth keeping an eye on it. Still very good phones and I am probably going to keep mine a while longer as rumors are that the next one to be announced on Sep 7 isn’t likely to be a major step forward whilst the 2017 phone probably will be

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