For (shorter), lakes descents that you can also ride to the top of, I would suggest the Duddon Valley area, just don’t both with Walna scar. They are all rocky and a fun test, just not as committing as those listed above, but all rideable mans you don’t have to carry up!. They also have the advantage that even on a bank holiday it’s quiet, and relatively walker free. Nice bakery / shops / cafes in Broughton, and a very convenient pub…….
Park head road (high kiln cross down to the pub), stone star but start up by the tri (just keep going up!), the natty bridge descent into the top end of Broughton mills (use the fire road to get to the top after traversing around stevensons / hartleys ground), wallabarrow, and Black Combe (just possible to climb up via the Bootle bridleway, then descent south). You can loupe this via the Corney fell bridleway but be very careful with the washed out middle section, it’s lethal at present – deep wheel trapping gullies….