Home Forums Bike Forum In your opinion, what represents the very pinnacle of 2 wheeled bell-endery?

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  • In your opinion, what represents the very pinnacle of 2 wheeled bell-endery?
  • derek_starship
    Free Member

    It seems to me that everybody on here hates the **** out of everybody on here.

    Sounds like a pissing knicker factory all the bitchin’.

    MTFU – get out and ride what you want and wear whatever you’re comfortable in.

    Full Member

    It seems to me that everybody on here hates the **** out of everybody on here.

    not true, I love some of the folk on here and would do anything* for them.

    *within reason* 😉

    Free Member

    Singletrackworld would seem to be quite high in elevation terms when the pinnacle of bell-endery is the mountain under consideration.

    Free Member

    The red faced bell end on a full on kona dh bike with a full faced lid and full body armour outside my house. he had ridden 6 miles on the flat to the village, was lost and commented how knackered he was, not surprised mate..

    Free Member

    FFS, just use common sense. If its a fairly narrow main road, or country lane, then cycle two abreast or somewhere in the middle of the lane. Then cars have to wait to pass safely.

    If its a nice big wide main road, keep in the side and dont cycle two abreast. Cars can pass with a shit load of room if the road is wide enough.

    Free Member

    Another thing to note, proper cyclists (those wearing lycra) should always have right of way on the roads. They’re the ones out physically pushing themselves whilst the car drivers are being lazy.

    Free Member

    I ride with a guy called Stan – who is actually called Alan – and goes by the name of ‘anotherstan’ on here
    he really is the king of bell end knobjockeroony mtbers
    Total ARse

    This really is a stupid thread

    Free Member

    DH pj’s. It’s more the people who wear them though, they’re usually (but not always) stuck up **** who think the sun shines out of their arse because they’re good at riding a bike.

    Free Member

    Roadie team kit’s ok, it’s almost a rule in europe, but a world champion rainbow jersey, only wear it if you won it…

    Free Member

    So because car drivers aren’t considerate, you’re going to be inconsiderate too?

    Thats not what i said

    I just think this furthers the confrontational ‘us and them’ attitude that doesn’t do anyone any favours.

    Certainly the solution is more considerate drivers of all road vehicles and when this appears to be happening i will be more relaxed about the need to preserve my own safety and ride accordingly.

    Yes in your pic the car is on the other side of the road but on a lot of main roads there is a lot more room than that.

    take that up with whomever wrote the highway code. I suspect many drivers think many of the rules in it are wrong and dont apply to them or the road they are on/conditions whatever.
    yes a car can get passed in some places safely but when it cannot it is not the cyclists fault or the cyclists responsibility to get out of the way. The other vehicle must overtake safely.

    Obviously some cyclists can be arses and some considerate , which is true for all road users but riding 2 a breast is not illegal. You cannot really get cross at folk not breaking the law IMHO though you may choose to get cross at the law.

    Free Member

    Is this thread about me? Do I win a prize?

    Free Member

    You cannot really get cross at folk not breaking the law IMHO

    Just because something is legal doesn’t make it the decent thing to do. Highway code also says:

    never ride more than two abreast, and ride in single file on narrow or busy roads and when riding round bends

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member

    Is this thread about me? Do I win a prize?

    The prize is acceptance. It’s the first stage on the way to recovery.

    Free Member

    it also says dont break the speed limit, overtake safely, consider other road users etc.
    Every thread on here has a cyclist ranting at other cyclists on the road doing nothing at all illegal…granted there are far fewer opportunities to moan about car drivers doing this 😉

    We all know it all depends but some folk on here just object to it Full stop.

    Free Member

    I don’t ride my bike on the road anymore due to being spat at, bottles lobbed at me and attempts to run me off the road. I only ever rode on my own, and considerately. It’s a shame I think that in middle class Britain I was far from safe.

    On my motorbike I still see stupidity, especially on narrow lanes. Today, I had a lady driver deliberately bully me to the side of the road as she approached from the opposite direction. Almost enough to make me want to turn round and have an argument, but to be honest, why bother? If the drivers are prepared to endanger life, talking to them is hardly going to help. I just like to think the karma bank will deliver justice eventually

    Free Member

    I can’t shed the belief that everyone everywhere has to ride a bike full on, all of the time. Always. No pootling ever.
    The odd singlespeed hardtailer like moi gets it, the trees look better blurred together.

    Bellendery = People who don’t know where “your left mate” is. Wobble.

    Full Member

    The two abreast thing works when it’s a large group of riders, say a club run of 8-10. It’s (generally) safer and easier to pass a wide group that’s 4 cyclists long than a narrow group that’s 8 cyclists long.

    When it’s just two riders though, it comes across as being rude and inconsiderate. You may not intend it that way but it can be perceived that way. That winds drivers up and a wound up driver is more likely to attempt a foolish move which may well end up hurting you. It’s all very well being legally correct but that doesn’t help much when you’re underneath the wheels of a car…

    Free Member

    But two abreast riders are only as wide as a horse and everyone slows down and goes wide for horses…don’t they? Oh they don’t? hmmmm…….we don’t stand a chance then do we.
    Single file on roads, pah! Indian style is the future! 😀

    Free Member

    Bellendery = People who don’t know where “your left mate” is. Wobble.


    People who think that the trail (or indeed the road) is their personal closed off track and ride expecting everyone to get wait behind until they deign to see fit to let you past

    Fixed that one a little.

    Free Member

    this forum.

    agreed. close the thread now please 😉

    Full Member

    But two abreast riders are only as wide as a horse and everyone slows down and goes wide for horses…don’t they? Oh they don’t?

    I was driving along a road near Hollingworth Lake last week – one of those annoying roads that’s wide enough for two cars but absolutely nothing else. I was 3rd back in a line and at the front were two horses being ridden side by side at a trot. I guessed they’d be turning off at a bridleway a few hundred metres up the road.

    Anyway, car 1, just behind the horses waited patiently then edged right over to the far side of the road and gently overtook. Perfect passing manoeuvre, very considerate.

    Shortly afterwards (the horses had turned off where I thought) I’m again 2 vehicles behind this car as it tried desperately to force it’s way past a lone cyclist. The guy was trying to turn right but the car had already started forcing its way through, aggresively half wheeling this guy, forcing him into the kerb. Blast of the horn and it roared past, pushing the guy right into the left and forcing him to unclip and stop.

    WHY??! Utter, complete bell-endery from the driver and it just reinforced the fact that cyclists are perceived as 4th class citizens at best… 🙁

    Full Member

    Surely two abreast is the width of a horse. How close do you pass horses? I ride behind and out from my kids – same width as two abreast with one relatively close to the kerb.

    And for the pinnacle: The guy on my commute home who..

    1) Cut a corner by mounting the pavement behind me whilst I queued at a T junction with some cars
    2) Couldn’t wait for a bus to unload at a stop, nor overtake it, so hopped onto the pavement to undertake it
    3) Couldn’t wait for a red light at a narrow bridge, so hopped onto the pavement and rode on anyway.

    The next driver he annoys might be the one who runs down my son on the way home from school (again).

    Want to be treated like traffic – act like it!

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Sorry – had to add one to this, completely slipped my mind until I saw one today…

    Moulton owners 😯

    I mean, I’ve ridden one for a spin, and they seem like lovely bikes… but every single one of the owners I’ve ever met seems to qualify for the title 😯

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Jesus some people really do need to get out more.

    Free Member

    Groups of riders all on the same bike together.

    I just don’t get it. What happens if one of them decides to get a different brand for his new bike. Does he get ejected from the group then?

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