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  • I'll say anything to get my stupid face in the press
  • iolo
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    “Around 100 Ukip supporters had paid £25 each to attend the event,”

    I couldn’t not mention that.

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    Full Member

    Why won’t someone take him out.

    Free Member

    He’s already married isn’t he? To a German (but they’re ok because, well, you know…)

    Full Member

    @ukiptraffic is worth a follow on twitter.

    @ukiptrumpton were on the case too;

    Free Member

    He’s on Question time this week.

    Also featuring…. Russell Brand.

    Should be a laugh.

    Free Member

    Two arseholes in one place, worth a nuke if ever I saw it.

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    Free Member

    I can’t decided if he’s a total idiot or an evil genius. While to us the comments like that one seem idiotic I can just imagine a significant element of the Daily Mail readership agreeing, and he doesn’t need all that big a percentage of the population voting for UKIP for them to be the 3rd party in terms of the overall UK vote.

    Full Member

    I’ll say anything to get my stupid face in the press hard-of-thinking, small-minded ****-wits to vote for me


    Full Member

    I can’t decided if he’s a total idiot or an evil genius

    An evil idiot?

    Free Member

    I thought it was funny until I read the coments section and all the “still voting UKIP” and “he’s right” comments.

    Full Member


    MI5 working at the behest of the Govt more like.

    I’m sure they can create a traffic jam on the M4 when they need to.

    Full Member

    Can somebody please create a Kickstarter project to secure funding to employ people, from now until the election, to repeatedly punch him in the conkers?

    I’ll back it

    Free Member

    People will vote for him because the alternatives are not much better (some are worse).

    They will also vote because we allow stupid people to vote. Just as we seem to allow stupid people to stand for election.

    Full Member

    People will vote for him because the alternatives are not much better paper they read tells them to


    Though this is true of any political party and one of the reasons nobody is interested in doing a broadcast media type job on them..

    Free Member

    People will vote for him because he addresses the issues that people are concerned about head on rather than hushing them up. The problem is that those concerns are largely hyped up and created by the media playing on unfounded fears rather than the facts.

    Since the Tories won’t address the concerns openly (to avoid scaring off the xeno right) and Labour essentially follow meekly behind the Tories, UKIP are seen as being in touch. Scary stuff…

    Hopefully the greater success that UKIP are experiencing will lead to greater scrutiny and people’s inherent common sense will start to see people seeing them for what they are beyond some crowd pleasing soundbites. Scary alternatives though 🙁

    Free Member

    chakaping – Member


    MI5 working at the behest of the Govt more like.

    I’m sure they can create a traffic jam on the M4 when they need to.

    As someone who used to commute home from Reading to Cardiff every Friday afternoon I can assure you that the combined might of MI5, MI6, Austin Powers, the CIA and the Illuminati couldn’t stop it from happening.

    It’s not immigration, it’s the whole of Wales trying to get home for the weekend and 3 lanes of busy traffic first stopping to pay for the bridge and then being filtered into 2 lanes to get through Bryn Glas.

    Free Member

    So why doesn’t Which magazine do a report on which party to vote for and all the papers publish it, and nothing else on them.

    We would still probably end up with rubbish. The least worse is still very poor.

    Free Member

    I burnt my tongue on a pie the other day, BECAUSE IMMIGRANTS.

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    As a life long supporter of proportional representation who feels his vote as been a complete waste his entire adult life it pains me to say this, but our first past the post system might just be the only thing that saves us from having this odious little twerp as member of the cabinet in 6 months time.

    Full Member

    So actually P-Jay, you’re suggesting its a Welsh conspiracy? Crafty buggers! I’m sure Nige considers them all bloody foreigners anyway!

    Free Member

    Those bloody Welsh immigrants >:(

    Full Member

    I find UKIP a truly depressing phenomenon, Farage has basically created a public conduit for the most mean spirited, bitter, and ignorant elements of the British character.

    The fact that people are happily voting for a party who they can only name one member of and whose policies are a total mystery to them beyond Europe Immigration terrifies me as well.

    Working class people voting for UKIP’s economic policies is possibly one of the clearest examples of turkeys voting for Christmas that I can think of.

    Although the morbidly obese, beer-swilling Americans protesting against Obamacare probably pushes them close.

    Full Member

    Farage has basically created a public conduit for the most mean spirited, bitter, and ignorant elements of the British character.

    The Daily Mail already existed, but I agree with you in principle.

    Full Member

    I find UKIP a truly depressing phenomenon, Farage has basically created a public conduit for the most mean spirited, bitter, and ignorant elements of the British character.

    I think its worse than that. People who aren’t naturally mean spirited and bitter are voting for them out of desperation too. Just to shake things up.

    If UKIP stands for anything, it stands as a monument to the total and utter failure of mainstream political parties, cut off as they are in their Westminster ivory towers, to even remotely connect with a huge chunk of the electorate.

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    Free Member

    Welsh immigrants. He’s right you know – it’s them.

    Free Member

    binners – Member

    So actually P-Jay, you’re suggesting its a Welsh conspiracy? Crafty buggers! I’m sure Nige considers them all bloody foreigners anyway!

    I’d love to say it was, I don’t want the fear mongering **** anywhere in the principality, but sadly it seems 100 people where keen enough to see him to stump up £25 for the privilege.

    I’ve just had a thought, perhaps he was late because he told the driver to head for Chepstow to avoid paying £6 to use the French bridge?

    Free Member

    Oh, and technically ‘we*’ were here long before the Anglo Saxons – you’re all immigrants to us 😉 – but we love you anyway (rugby / football not permitting).

    *I can’t include myself, being from a Family from Cardiff Docks my DNA is made of all sorts of sources from the major port cities of the world ha ha.

    Full Member

    People who aren’t naturally mean spirited and bitter are voting for them out of desperation too. Just to shake things up

    You mean like the upsurge in votes for people like the BNP a few years ago? Yes, I can see that. A protest vote, but with potentially dire consequences.

    I like the idea of a Which? type report. Shame though that I’ve always seen Which? as the consumer goods supplement to The Mail on Sunday.

    Full Member

    What I don’t understand is that none of the media are attempting to publicise all UKIP’s other policies, not just the Europe/Immigration ones.

    There are a whole load of them that would rattle a few cages if they were being aired as regularly as immigration but for some reason they seem frightened to even mention them.

    I don’t find it funny any more, it’s really beginning to scare the crap out of me.

    Full Member

    The Daily Mail already existed,

    – Very true and a whole other discussion.

    Perhaps I should have said Farage provides a political conduit for the resentment and bitterness felt by the Daily Mail reading segment of society.

    However, UKIP’s presence as a ‘legitmate’ political force alongside the Mail does offer both parties additional credence for their noxious brand of “It was better in the old days, I’m not racist but… we’re just saying what you’re all thinking” politics.

    Full Member

    I think of UKIP as being there for when the Daily Mail isn’t quite hitting the spot for bigotry and stupidity any more.


    Full Member

    I think its the fact that UKIPs policies aren’t held up to any scrutiny at all tells you everything you need to know about the press we have in this country. Its tells me that the Mail/Express/Telegraph/Times et al broadly support their agenda

    And that fact alone should convince anyone with anything between their ears not to vote for them

    Free Member

    I don’t think it really matters. Come election time we will very likely end up with another coalition.

    Lab in bed with SNP, or Conservatives as a minority Gov.

    UKIP wont have enough seats to push any minority over the threshold, and both parties would find it hard to go into a coalition with them.

    Full Member

    UKIP will only win a couple of seats. If any. But thats not really the point. They’re going to cause electoral havoc. And doesn’t Farage know it. The blue-rinse/retired colonel vote that the tories took for granted is going to abandon them in numbers. Splitting the foaming-at-the-mouth, Mail reading vote, and possibly delivering labour MP’s into previous Tory strongholds.

    And the Middleton by-election should have finally woken labour up (I doubt it has though, the half-wits) if they thought they were only a threat to the Tories. Where UKIP came within a whisker of unseating Labour in a seat where you could normally shove a red rosette on a monkeys arse and it’d get elected.

    And they’re going to make marginal seats impossible to predict. I despise everything they represent, but this is giving the complacent westminster ‘is it our turn now?’ cabal the fright of their bloody lives.

    Will it end up changing anything in reality? Who knows. Combine this with the SNP inroads into the labour vote north of the border, and I don’t think anyone can predict the next election result, other than there’s not going to be a workable majority for any one party.

    Free Member

    So basically we will end up with a forced coalition that wont work and we will be in the same mess for years to come.

    Its going to be even more of a waste of time voting than normal.

    Full Member

    Well the ultimate nightmare is a Tory/Ukip coalition marching us back to the 19th century.


    I think the lack of an overall majority could well be a good thing. Would you trust any of them with a majority at the moment? No… me neither. Maybe having to do some horse-trading and compromising to win support on individual issues might knock some arrogance out of the ****s in Westminster, and allow a bit more sense into proceedings.

    I realise this is a hopelessly optimistic wish, but you never know…..

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