Home Forums Chat Forum Ignorant question about electrical wiring :-(

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  • Ignorant question about electrical wiring :-(
  • DrJ
    Full Member

    I just bought a new flat and discovered that the previous owner took every damned thing, including the light sockets, so there are 4 bare wires poking out of the ceiling.

    There is green/yellow, blue, brown, black. Am I correct in thinking that green/yellow is earth, blue neutral, and black and brown live?

    So therefore I can connect my new light fitting to blue+black?

    Thanks for helping me avoid frying myself 🙂

    (why 2 live wires? When would I use that? )

    Full Member

    Isn’t it it illegal to do that (take the fittings, and leave bare wires). I thought you had to leave a basic working light fitting?

    Free Member

    My gawd, who the hell would take a light fitting?

    Free Member

    If you don’t know what you’re doing, get in a sparky.

    Full Member

    Typically blue and black would be neutral, the brown would be live and green/yellow the earth

    not sure why you’d have two neutral wires though, are you sure there’s not a red wire up there somewhere too?

    Full Member

    +1 to druidh, not worth the risk

    Full Member

    are there two switches for the light?

    Free Member

    Full Member

    They were impressively thorough in taking every damn’ thing. They did leave the toilet roll holder, though – I guess their truck was full.

    Free Member

    as druidh says…

    But what a massize twonk. Did he leave you floor boards and glass in the windows?

    Free Member

    I’m sure your solicitor covered off what was to be taken/left?

    Get a spark in [unless you can figure the switching out] and get the last owners billed for it

    Free Member

    Sounds illegal to me. Talk to your solicitor. I should imagine you can get the costs of an electrician paid back to you.

    Free Member

    And don’t assume that the wiring is correctly colour-matched.

    Free Member

    Convinced that is illegal (as we had a similar issue). They need to leave workng and safe electrics. Talk to your solicitor.

    If you google you will find the answer. It is something similar to what jota put up. There is a much simpler version if only one light is controlled off the switch.

    If you are not sure then get a sparky in as you don’t want to be getting it wrong. Death/fire are possible if you mck it up.

    Full Member

    Get an emergency sparky in to make safe and reinstate fittings, then send the bill to the vendor.

    Full Member

    Sounds like it could be two way switched. Get a circuit tester or volt.meter on it

    Free Member

    Defo should have been covered on the inventory – I’m sure there’s a section which clearly states what is happening to light fittings etc. Have a word with your brief 🙂

    Free Member

    druidh – Member

    And don’t assume that the wiring is correctly colour-matched.


    There could easily be a mix of the old and new colour combos, add in multi-way circuits and complete lack of knowledge and you’re likely to have an accident.

    Where are you in the country. I can give the number of a couple of reliable sparks if it’s London / South London.

    Secondly, get your solicitor’s view on the state the flat was presented to you.

    Full Member

    Thanks for the advice, as usual, guys. I am contacting my solicitor now…

    Free Member

    I assume the guy fitted a light fitting and did away with the backing plate at the time and just took the whole thing down again, assuming that because it was his light, he could.

    Full Member

    johndoh – yes I think that’s what he did. He bought a fancy light fitting, and took it with him, which is fair enough, but he didn’t leave me anything I can even put a light bulb into.

    Free Member

    Was it in the sales agreement for them to take the fittings?!

    Also if there were bare wires then that’s a major issue!

    Full Member

    DrJ – the contract normally specifies that fixtures and fittings are part of the sale – that covers light fittings, switches, taps etc. If he wanted to keep hold of his fancy light he should have got it excluded from the contract. In any case he has to leave the premises in a safe condition i.e. no bare wires.

    You’re being too nice – good karma.

    Full Member

    Jota180’s picture is correct for a single way circuit. IE: 1 switch 1 light.

    If you’re not sure what you are doing get a sparky or at least someone who does know.

    Also call your solicitor ASAP. Ceiling roses, (as in the picture) are classified as fixtures and fittings, and are not to be removed by the seller. The dangling light fitting (pendant) is also, unless it was a decorative light, then it may be removable if it was stated as such in the sale agreement.

    Full Member

    Is it a repossession, then nothing you can do. Repo’s do tend to have all fixtures, fitting, plumbing etc removed by the previuos owner.

    If it’s not a repo then get a spark and contact solicitor

    Full Member


    Free Member

    In Sheffield? If so, I an pop round and put a standard rose on for you.
    Eco Electrics. Contact details on my website.

    Free Member

    stevie750, it is still an offence to leave bare wires, even if its a repossession. There should be a ceiling rose / pendant that the new owner can put a bulb into at every light fitting. Similarly there should be at least one working toilet & sink for sanitary reasons. The only exceptions I know of are if the property/land is bought in a derelict condition with full knowledge of it being uninhabitable prior to purchase.

    OP, as has been said, get a spark to sort it and get your solicitor to invoice the seller (including his own fee).

    Free Member

    Just have a go, whats the worst that can happen?

    The fuse should save you.

    Free Member

    Assuming they haven’t taken those too…

    Free Member

    My gawd, who the hell would take a light fitting? [/quote]

    Well the light fittings may have been very expensive. But they should of put a few ££ worth of basic pendent back!

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