Well, that didn't take as long as I thought it would.
Day off then today, unexpected, for the previoulsy mentioned reason.
Got back late lunchtime, but didn't have anything prepared….
It was at this point I heard the bread and cheese calling me 😯
But !, I resisted and made the following, only took about 10 mins.
Diced 2-3 inches of cucumber
Finely chopped half an onion
Diced a Tuna steak
Whacked the tuna steak pieces, onto a greased tray and under the grill
Put the diced and chopped cucumber and onion into a bowl
While the tuna was cooking I made up some more of the dressing I usually use for salad.
Olive Oil at a ratio of around 3:1 (2:1 if you prefer your dressing to be a little less viscous) with lemon juice or white wine vinegar.
So 30ml oil, 10ml lemon juice
Also added 10ml of dijon mustard and finely ground fresh black pepper, to taste, maybe a pinch of salt.
Whisked the oil, juice, mustard, etc, in a bowl.
That was the dressing done.
You might make a larger quantity and store it in the fridge for a few days.
Once the tuna was cooked, I added it to the cucumber and onion in the other bowl
Dressed with the, err, the dressing 🙂
Done !.
The point was, I resisted the easy choice of a sarny, and 10 mins later, I had something I really rather liked, and it got me out of a spot.
I'm a few days into this now and I don't want to waste my efforts so far.
I reckon that if I had the time in the morning, I could make this up and take with me to work.