I’ve been using a SolarStorm every day through the winter. It’s been flawless. I’ve cycled through rain, hail and snow and will zero issues. The X2 has been excellent.
My set up is X2 (from a UK ebay seller) and battery pack and charger from Torchy.
The X2 package I got came with the dangerous charger. No fuse, burny smells and lots of heat. The battery wasn’t particularly well waterproofed and they nylon bag lasted two rides. That said, all in it cost me £28. Even at that price for head unit only it’s great value for money.
I get a full week easily with the battery on mid power. My entire setup worked out at £28 (light and accessories) + £8 (Torchy Charger) + £20 (Torchy battery). All in, even at that, it’s *great* value for money. Outshines my mates dual Moon x500 setup.