Got my first MTB end of January, humble rockhopper, got persuaded to enter the HONC 50k. Considering I didnt think I could get fit enough in time, I was happy to finish with my mate Dave.
Great fun was had, I was slow at over 4 hours (I did take plenty of time to enjoy some bread pudding though) and had a few 100kers somehow get past me (are they machines or what?).
Had flat rear tyre 3 times despite slime, which certainly got frustrating. The last few miles I just kept pumping it back up instead of trying to fix it and trying to keep going.
One or two close calls (that very steep rocky slope that many took by accident) with two people stopped across the path. Saw a few barrelling down it full pelt, amazed they made it unscathed. One incident where a 100ker passed where there wasnt room to pass and almost having me off for once I got my foot out of the cleat intime 😉 . Great experience all round though.
I swear someone had hosed that final downhill track to put some mud down to cover me 😉
Final mile or so ignored my gps and followed people who were lost haha, so added a couple miles to.
Overall great fun, look forward to getting fitter so I can enjoy it even more. Brilliant event for the price too, and the tea angels were a godsend, that bread pudding was the best food I ever tasted.