Home Forums Bike Forum I give you….The Darkness Obliterator (TM)

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  • I give you….The Darkness Obliterator (TM)
  • trout
    Free Member

    £220 posted

    remember the ryvita adds

    in the lumen war a Troutlight helps you win

    Free Member

    Uhm birthday wish list!

    Free Member

    Somewhere there is a football stadium missing its lights lol

    Ive got to say i was a bit so so about the other trout light but this is serious want 😈

    Free Member

    £220 eh… I may just have to have one, just for the sheer hell of it 😆 What's the run time guv'ner? And what are the power options (ie. full, half, low etc)?

    Free Member

    I wasnt saying another one would be that price if ever there was another as there was a huge amount of work went in to it

    2 hours on full from phils 5.2 amp hour is close but there are no 2 hour techy decents around .

    and I dont think I will have the time to do one for a while .

    If you ride with Swift then you need 2 Troutlight LL s now 😀

    Free Member

    ah…. I see… 'twas a one-off creation, ah well, probable just as well, think of the global warming issues if every rider had one! 😯

    Free Member

    I'll wait for something more powerful, yep.

    Full Member

    That is just ridiculous… Almost certainly brighter than the lights on my damn motorbike. You win!

    Free Member

    Bloody hell. Insane.

    Top marks.

    Free Member

    awesome. It looks almost like natural daylight in those first two pics….

    Free Member

    Quite impressive.

    I tell you something though, Those who want to buy this light and others like it could save yourselves some money by riding in the daytime.

    Free Member

    I could have saved even more money not having kids, which necessitates riding at night, bright spark.

    Free Member

    alot of these comments were the same when the first 1000 lumen light appeared Still some very amusing ones though .

    Bet you cant wait for tonight then Phil to go and fry some bugs .

    Free Member

    I tell you something though, Those who want to buy this light and others like it could save yourselves some money by riding in the daytime.

    You're not quite getting the point Sonor. In winter how do you get to ride very much if you only ride in daylight – that would mean no riding mid week and no more 20 mile commutes across the moor, and that's just not on.

    Full Member

    Mr Trout, you are putting together some blindingly (no pun intended) good looking bits of kit. I couldn't help noticing the Hope Vision stem you have on one of the pics in the other thread. Now as an owner of a 10 watt HID and P7 torch – which puts the HID to shame I got to wondering about the possibilities of having the light adjusterated to fit some LED's as I am a big fan of the stem mount for light and battery.
    Firstly do you think it is possible and secondly do you have any spare time in your construction schedule………Pretty please 🙂

    Free Member

    You're not quite getting the point Sonor. In winter how do you get to ride very much if you only ride in daylight – that would mean no riding mid week and no more 20 mile commutes across the moor, and that's just not on.

    Here's the point you missed. I wasn't saying don't go nightriding, I was saying having lights this powerful…what's the point of going nightriding if you are going to turn the trail ahead of you into daylight?

    Free Member


    I am not agreeing with lights this powerful, but some people don't want to go night riding. They want to go for a ride but can only do so at night.

    Some people want to go for a nightride, others want to go for a ride but at night.

    Free Member

    With Swifts new light yes it is blindingly powerfull on max but it is also very dim on low with levels inbetween so he can get a light output to suit his riding and wants / needs .

    Who on here has a car that will do 120 mph! why ?
    because you can and want it

    Not had a close up of the hid or disected one so dont know if it is possible

    but a base plate or adapter to fit a troutlight on to a hope stem is doable
    not a very good pic sorry and cant do a better one as the plate is in the US

    Full Member

    Holy Mother of God!
    Hint: don't go night-riding near an airport, the aircraft will be lining up on you for their final approach!

    Free Member

    looking at that i'll be putting an order in for you to replace my motorbike lights

    Free Member

    Sonor the light is adjustable. But for me I want a light like that because I commute 10 miles a cross a moor, in winter it's nice to see more than just a small pool of light in front of me. When it's cold, dark and pissing down it's great to at least see into the distance. But each to their own.

    Full Member

    Into the distance? Into next week more like!

    Free Member

    Who needs night-time anyhow..I give it two years max before you need sunglasses for a night ride.

    Free Member

    It will be compulsory to have 2 very bright lights
    EU directive for health and safety

    Free Member

    On the bike. Not too bad an install really, my only bugbear was the cable (coming from Exposure lights), but it fits well.

    Its more than likely because i dont have it to compare to anymore, but id say on the lowest setting, although the penetration is a bit less, because of the spread the light is almost as good as my Enduro Maxx on high. Very impressed.

    Free Member

    Very neat Phil
    what is the battery in that looks perfect for my pace too

    Have you had a ride with it yet

    Free Member

    Cut up an old inner tube and stretched it over it, then glued up the ends with rubber epoxy leaving just the connector sticking out (hopefully should be waterproof), and you were right, the lead on the light is the perfect length.

    Free Member

    I fail to see the benefit of 'turning night-to-day' when out for a night ride. Sure, i'll stick a light on the bike and tape a torch to my lid and that's plenty. I want to see where i'm going but it's much more of an adventure when all around is black. I would even argue that such a system could slow you down. You can go faster at night with adequate lighting (enough to light the way and pick out shadowy drops etc) 'cause you need to focus more on the trail and you're not distracted by things in your peripheral vision.

    Still, a very impressive setup and would be handy if I ever lost something when out for a ride.

    Free Member

    I fail to see the benefit of 'turning night-to-day' when out for a night ride.

    same shit different day – some people use riding in the dark (as we do) the same as day rides so want light to be able to see. Nothing about thrill and skill honing, just what tme is available to ride

    Free Member

    nicely said ROFL HARRIS 😆

    Full Member

    Trout, I have been diligently avoiding thinking of purchasing one of your sweet looking lights. Now there you go giving me the perfect excuse…….In my final attempt at not buying more bike stuff, would it be able to use the Hope vision battery?

    Free Member


    Sadly no the hope will be 7.2 volts and my light needs 14.8 so your bank account is safe for the time being .

    ( look in to my eyes 😯 , look in to my eyes 😯 you need a new light 😯
    clicks fingers

    Free Member

    Troutie – single led helmet light -powered by an external pack – what are the chances?

    Fancy around 400 lumens on the (bike) helmet powered by AAs in the back pack (not the bastid light tho)

    Free Member

    The more light the better. Looks amazing and cant wait for the 1000 lumens to be ready for sale.

    I would rather see everything and make it home safely than hit a fallen tree or root and end up struggling on the trail.

    And worse case, carry a cardboard cut out of a bat and you can call for assistance from batman!

    Free Member

    Nice job done their Swift. good idea with the innertube over the battery.
    As for the lumens war, so long as you go out biking I really dont think it matters what lumen power you have.

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