Colic is a B1tch !!
For the first 4 months I would come home from a stressfull day at work and be handed a screaming child….
Strangely it didn’t bother me as much first time round.
her cry didn’t get to me but it really set her mother off, so I would spend hours cuddling her on the sofa screaming while mum had a break.
The second one though….. There was no bond there at all, and quite a bit of resentment if I’m honest.
They are 4.5 and 2.5 now, the youngest is still “Testing” and not sleeping at the moment which is hard, but he is a proper little character too.
I still don’t really have the bond with them that their mum does, I hope that improves as they are able to do more stuff (I`m sure it will)