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  • HTC Sensation
  • wingnut31
    Free Member

    Just had one of these phones and was wondering if anyone else on here has one, if so have you found a screen protector ( clear Film type ) that actually stays on the screen properly. I have tried and failed with two different types so far as they seem a bit to thick / stiff to stick properly around the edges leaving an air bubble all the way around the edge. These phones have a slight curve in the screen surface where they meet with the rest of the phone around all the sides / edges.
    Anyone have any experience ? Many thanks…..

    Full Member

    I’ve got a Desire S and have similar problems with the Casemate screen protector – again seems too thick to stick down well (well it is compared with a protector I recently put on my Lumix camera without any problems).

    Free Member

    I got this:

    Typing this on the phone, so not sure if the url shows properly. The screen protector is ok, little unstuck in the top corner, but only in the very corner so not a problem. The case isn’t too good though, very close to the volume on the left side, and you’ll probably have to take off to charge (cover stops the lead fitting properly, but you could easily cut out a bigger hole).

    Hope it helps.

    Free Member

    Cheers guy’s, I have got a skin that covers the the back and sides of the phone and it actually leaves the charging port, camera+flash and headphone jack clear to use, got that from play.com.

    I Got the pack that included the skin, car charger and screen protector, it’s just the protector that is not up to the job, it sticks fine except on the curved edges all the way round. There must be one available which is a bit thinner and more flexible, will have to keep looking. 🙂

    Free Member

    Warm it gently and then hold it in place (tape?) until it cools – just one final trick!`

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