Home Forums Chat Forum How to lose the gut and fitness advice required please

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  • How to lose the gut and fitness advice required please
  • robdob
    Free Member

    Ok I am aiming to lose a fair bit of weight at the moment, doing lots of exercise and eating healthily etc. Starting to get results already which is good.
    However now I'm a bit older I know it's going to be difficult to lose the not inconsiderable gut I seemed to have developed (err man boobs a bit as well!!!)
    So as I lose weight what sort of exercises should I be doing to help? I'm doing turbo training, walking and obviously getting out on road and mountain bike already. I do have access to a gym so what could help there?

    Additionally I need to increase my stamina for long rides. I used to be a very good sprinter so I have always struggled with half and full day rides, but can blow away a lot of people in a sprint. What can help there?

    Specific advice would be really helpful. Thanks.

    Free Member

    There are loads of websites that give advice but I've no idea to be honest. Most of them are trying to sell you something….

    Free Member

    Eating healthily as well as exercising will compound your weight loss.

    Whats a standard days food intake for you?

    Full Member

    The only time I've really successfully shifted the weight was from concentrating solely on the diet. So unless you're doing an overwhelming amount of miles, I don't think exercise really makes that much difference to weight loss, and when you're on a proper diet it can make it a lot harder to stick to it. I think this is doubly true for cyclists, as we're all fit already* so the advice you read aimed at couch potatoes is not relevant.

    Obviously you'll be wanting to get out and ride the bike as much as possible, but I'd still put the diet front and centre if you're wanting to shift weight.

    *I'm talking man-in-the-street fit, not racing snake fit.

    Free Member

    Losing the weight is not the issue, that's ok. Using livestrong.com food/weight/nutrition tracker set to lose 2/3lbs a week and exercising about 4 hours a week on bike at least.
    It's specific advice on stomach area and endurance I need (don't want a six pack btw!!)

    Free Member

    However now I'm a bit older I know it's going to be difficult to lose the not inconsiderable gut

    IMO age is irrelevant to this, except inasmuch as it gives you more time to accumulate the flab. Exercise is dead boring so just ride more.

    Free Member

    if you want to increase your stamina, exercise at a very low intensity for a lot longer than you usually would.

    as a skinny bloke, i can assure you there are no specific exercises to target your fat belly. its the only bit of my body with any fat and the last bit is a real bugger to shift

    Free Member

    TBH – since I turned 40 [11 years ago] it's been impossible to lose weight off the belly & moobs
    I don't have a great deal of excess blubber there but what I do have stays put

    Face it – the days of a flat belly have gone forever

    Free Member

    circuit training is good, mixed exercise and less boring that other gym stuff

    Free Member

    Face it – the days of a flat belly have gone forever

    that's just defeatism, I'm 56 and can easily lose weight when I want.

    Free Member

    circuit training is good, mixed exercise and less boring that other gym stuff

    true, especially if there are girls too 🙂

    Free Member

    that's just defeatism, I'm 56 and can easily lose weight when I want.

    So can I – it just doesn't move off the belly

    Free Member

    I suppose the endurance thing is my biggest issue. I always dead last on any uphill and it's depressing!!
    I know losing the weight will help but I'm not convinced it will help me keep up even then. My brother (peterpoddy) can ride all day at a decent pace and never seem tired.

    Free Member

    To help you manage your calorie balance this is excellent:
    Also weights will help for strength in legs – try one legged presses: I'm up to 170kg and started on less than half of that.
    Edurance – ride your bike, but also run, swim (very good for aerobic fitness)
    Don't forget to stretch and your core
    good luck

    Free Member

    it just doesn't move off the belly

    it does on me

    My brother (peterpoddy)

    I thought he'd been grown from a seed…

    Free Member

    endurance is gained by riding longer and further.

    climbing hills is a power to weight ratio thing – lose the weight and you will start to notice the diference.
    to build power try some hill repeats, intervals or spinning. none of these can really be described as fun however!!

    diet and exercise together are the only way to lose weight.

    try to mix up the exercise a bit so you don'r become efficient at any sport. weights, swimming, running, cycling, climbing, circuits. delete as appropriate. building muscle mass is good as it speeds the metabolism.

    apologies for the brain dump!

    Free Member

    My belly wont shrink either. I banged out 500k of training miles last week, I don't over eat and I don't drink but my stomach won't go down.
    Everywhere else is fine after a ride the veins in my arms and legs protrude something silly. And the people I beat in races are so much slimmer it's embarassing.
    I don't think I could eat less really without getting weak.

    Free Member

    My belly wont shrink either. I banged out 500k of training miles last week, I don't over eat and I don't drink but my stomach won't go down.

    what's your daily calorie intake/outake and the protein/carb/fat ratio of your diet?
    You need to look at these to lose the fat on your waist

    Free Member

    Maybe the swollen stomach is caused by something other than fat then? I think part of the problem is when you get fat that seems to not move from somewhere you have to go under your ideal fat mass on the other areas to force it to be consumed. Sort of over-slimming but with care taken. You can't spot-lose weight.

    Free Member

    IMO age is irrelevant to this, except inasmuch as it gives you more time to accumulate the flab

    Not sure if this is true.
    I have always been slimmish mainly because I have always been very active. If I stop through injury I tend to put weight on.
    When I was in my 20s the weight fell off very quickly once training resumed. I find it very difficult now (45) to shift the weight.
    Maybe you are right and it is down to the fact that I can manage the intensity of exercise that I used to do.
    I do think if you exercise at a high level you can (almost!) eat anything without putting on weight. At my training peak I had to make an effort to keep my weight up!

    Free Member

    to build power try some hill repeats, intervals or spinning. none of these can really be described as fun however!!

    The one thing I don't need is more power. I wish I'd become a BMX racer as I can sprint very well!

    Free Member

    I'm steadily losing weight, for health reasons I decided to look at my diet and make some changes.

    Basically here's my diet.
    Breakfast: Cereal and 4-5 fruits, yoghurt 0%fat, honey, coffee.
    Lunch: something with beans or lentils and chicken: not for everyone.
    Dinner: 3-4 pieces of fruit, if hungry some sardines on toast (homemade bread)

    Drinks: generally water.

    Pizza, homemade, of course at weekends.

    No alcohol.
    I appear to not eat red meat, but no problem if I fancy it. Big Mac a couple of weeks ago, so I'm not obssessive about it.
    I know it's not for everyone, but I think careful eating is better than eating fewer calories of crap.

    Careful eating, good exercise and trust in the fact that even if you can't see any changes, they are happening and it's a long term thing.

    You'll feel better in the end.

    Free Member

    Running is very good for toning the stomach area so I would suggest getting up early and going for a run in the morning before work. Keep the intensity mixed to make it interesting, low intensity and long distance improves your body's ability to use fat as a fuel but similarly short but intense sessions burn more calories so mixing up the intensity can be very beneficial.


    Free Member

    A quick calculation of calories consumed yesterday comes to about 1297, 300 of that is in a muffin someone brought in.
    Muesli & skimmed milk
    Pastrami & onion sandwich no butter one round
    Grapefruit juice
    Fresh pasta with tomatoes and olives
    Grapefruit Juice
    In that order. That's pretty average, though less at weekends as I often miss a meal if I'm riding. I drink plenty of water to keep the hunger if I get it away
    Did three hours of very fast riding last night as well.

    Weight's will assist. Yes it's boring, however weight training burns calories as well as building muscle, more muscle burns more calories and so the cycle continues.

    Free Member

    The one thing I don't need is more power. I wish I'd become a BMX racer as I can sprint very well!

    but you say your last to the top of every hill?

    Free Member

    Running is very good for toning the stomach area so I would suggest getting up early and going for a run in the morning before work

    That's what I do
    I do 10k twice a week & 5k twice a week before breakfast
    + all the cycling

    I get to the point where I'm losing muscle even though there's still a bit of a belly
    It was never like that just something that's happened as I get older

    Free Member

    difficult to say if your calorie estimation is correct because it depends upon a number of factors not least of which is the size of your portions. Certainly the muffin wouldn't help because of its high fat % particulrly saturated fat. Go onto fitday.com and work out your exact calorie intake – you will have to weigh/measure your food. Then work out the amount of calories your activities are using. You also need to take into account your body weight and current lifestyle – are you in a sedentary job? Also what's the composition of your calories – doesn't look like much protein in your diet. Also if trying to lose fat you should eat every 2/3 hours about 6 times a day rather than 3 big meals.

    Free Member

    (Apparently) Bear in mind gym training for >1hr causes muscle wastage due to increased levels of cortisol.

    Running, swimming, football, cycling and a diet of porridge and oolong tea.
    Just started to approach the 11st. Genes has something to do with it and I've been blessed an "athletic" build. 🙂

    Free Member

    Certainly the muffin wouldn't help because of its high fat % particulrly saturated fat

    irrelevant to calories

    Then work out the amount of calories your activities are using

    all that calorie crap is very boring. I just weigh myself the same time every day and if the figure goes up I eat less, down I eat more 🙂

    Free Member

    Try getting hold of a book called the time crunched cyclist. It's aimed mostly at roadies but most of it will cross over. Gives you tips on diet, nutrition etc. as well as some training plans deliverately for people who want to get fit for long rides but don't have the time to ride for hours every weekend. You have to work at it though, lots of intervals is the very simple summary.

    General advice for diet is cut the crap low nutrient high calorie stuff like sweets, cake, chocolate and alcohol. If you fill up on veg you'll struggle to put on weight.

    Free Member

    Iain Gillam:
    Running is very good for toning the stomach area…

    Really? I must be doing something wrong as i run 20-30 miles a week and cannot shift my gut.

    …..probably diet is too rich tho 😉

    Free Member

    I've never made an accurate assesment of calories consumed, I shall find time to do so.
    That said what I ate yesterday I think is about 1/2 the allowance of an adult male so factor in the training and I must have loads of room for error and still be able to shed the gut.
    I used to have the **** taken out of me by fellow club mates twenty years ago and I was winning places. 'Whens it due' was a favourite.

    Free Member

    all that calorie crap is very boring. I just weigh myself the same time every day and if the figure goes up I eat less, down I eat more

    well that's obviously another way of doing this but oldgit seems to be looking for an alternative approach 🙂

    Certainly the muffin wouldn't help because of its high fat % particulrly saturated fat

    irrelevant to calories

    no, calorie amount and composition is important

    Free Member

    ha ha i love it when people who claim they can sprint fast also claim they should be bmx/road racers.

    try it.

    i bet you wont win mate!

    Free Member

    I've never made an accurate assesment of calories consumed, I shall find time to do so.

    you don't have to do it all the time – just do it for a week to get an accurate measurement of your intake as they're might be some hiden calories there somehwere
    you could also get some calipers very cheaply and measure your body fat % – you may be surprised – for me to have no belly I need to be 10-11% body fat or below although this varies for individuals

    Free Member

    robdob you say endurance is your biggest issue. If you are riding 4 hours a week then the occasional long ride shouldn't be causing you problems. It may be you're not eating enough during the ride. Make sure you have a decent meal before starting long rides and try eating more during the ride and maybe try a sports drink. Other than that just get out more on longer rides.

    On the weight loss front I find that unless I want to feel hungry all the time, in addition to eating a bit less and cutting out some of the booze, I need 5-6 hours per week biking in order to lose weight. Biking is the best way to burn calories as you burn about the same as for running only you can do it for longer and it causes less damage to your body.

    Free Member

    ha ha i love it when people who claim they can sprint fast also claim they should be bmx/road racers.
    try it.
    i bet you wont win mate!

    didn't say I would do, but my natural sprinting and power would have been good if i'd have taken it up at a young age. I rode park bmx for 6 years and loved it.
    And what does sprinting have to do with road racing?

    but you say your last to the top of every hill?

    You obviously don't ride in West Yorkshire and the Dark Peak like I do. Small hills I can burn up if they are small but the long steep ones have me dying!

    My calorie intake and exercise are all here: http://www.livestrong.com/thedailyplate/diary/who/robdob444/

    Free Member

    You need to do longer intervals to get your pace up on longer climbs, 15-20 minutes or so, I'm the same, can outsprint most people over the top of a climb, but can't keep up if we go hard from the bottom.

    Exercise before breakfast will speed up your metabolism throughout the day.

    Sit ups/crunches etc will specifically target the abs/stomach area, but are of questionable merit by many!

    Free Member

    If I understand your Livestrong data properly, you're aiming for 1097 kCals/day 😯
    That's far too low to sustain any activity let alone exercise.

    I mean, April 11, calories consumed = 784, that's not even enough to cover keeping you alive for a day.

    A mid 30's male, about 90kg, sedentary lifestyle will 'burn' about 1500-1900 kCals/day just staying in bed 24hrs !
    It look like the 'calorie calculator' doesn't take account of your BMR (Google it)

    The low calorie intake you're trying for will just make your metabolism kick in to 'starvation mode' where most dietary intake goes straight to fat and body protein breaks down to provide energy.

    Seriously, if you're eating less than 1500/day and trying to exercise you're not going to lose weight, just health

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