6.30 Alarm hit snooze until somewhere between 7-7.20 😳
Wash / shave / cycling kit on
Downstairs, Protien shake, bike out of shed,
Cycle to work, 5 miles anywhere between 15-20 minutes depending on lights, chosen bike and tired legs
Get to work at some point between 7.50 and 8.15, PC on, Coffee, emails etc
Shower when it becomes free at work and dress for the day (Normally before 9 )
Interspersed with this can be (Select randomly from list below)
Cuddles with Mrs Dom
Being woken by No1 child
Putting No1 on the loo for a wee
Getting No1 half dressed
Breakfast for no1
Milk for No2
Dog out for walk
Feed Dog etc etc
I should go to bed earlier and I`d be better in the mornings, but whatever I do, it takes me an hour to come round.