2200hrs … got home and all quiet.
2345 … just before bed and perimeter secure
0230 … middle of the night wee and who knew Battle of the Somme only took a little under three hours.
There are no obvious signs of entry alone the neighbouring fence side of my triangular shaped lawn or to the road side under the conifer hedge…. So that leads me to conclude that they aren’t too worried about just walking over the looped back on itself chicken wire, which runs along the border of my lawn and drive and is the hypotenuse of the triangle
Before I shell out on a Nerf turret gun, I’ve now used stakes to raise the top of the CW wire along this hypotenuse to fashion a make shift fence…. unless they drag the kid’s trampoline around to the front they defo aren’t jump this “fence” and they cant get under it… as its right on the retaining wall.
They may, however, drop a shoulder and just run through it 😈