3 bank accounts. Mine, hers, joint we each pay half of our living costs inc food into the joint account and live from that, what we have left in our individual accounts is ours to do with as we wish
this only works I think if you have similar incomes
We have never in nearly 40 years argued about money. Neither of us waste money on stupid stuff. At different times in our lives each of us has earned more than the other but never more than about a 30% difference. I run out of spending money – I either go without or ask her for beer money
She is better at saving, I am better at buying big stuff. recently I have paid for holidays and redoing the bathroom, in the past she has paid for holidays from her savings
For me the key thing is to have a deal we both are happy with and I know for certain that she would not be happy without money that is hers that she does not have to account for. Me I’d be happy handing over the lot and getting an allowance but she believes its not right that she has to be responsible for my spending habits
I repeat – in nearly 40 years we have never argued about money