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  • Hidden wear indicator on Mavics
  • oldgit
    Free Member

    Is there one? My Open Pros have nothing and I don’t recall seeing any mention of such when I bought them.

    The idea of something that appears when they’re worn seems better than something that isn’t there when there’s a problem.

    Free Member

    There is something that appears when they wear out. It’s a thin bit of black butyl rubber. It also make a noise to alert you to the problem

    (sorry, not very helpful).

    Free Member

    Yes yes like the old Mavic X138’s

    Free Member

    ^^ 😆

    No, there’s not.

    Free Member

    From tech-mavic.com site

    “INTERNAL: Process: The inside of the braking surface of the rim is machined on both of the wings of the rim. Principle: When there is too much wear on the rim, a little hole appears on each of the 2 braking surfaces of the rim. Depending on the adjustment of the brake pads, it is possible for the wear indicator to appear on only one of the 2 braking surfaces. In any case, the appearance of the wear indicator on at least one of the 2 braking surfaces means that the sidewalls are too thin, and it could be dangerous to continue to use the rim. It should be replaced as soon as possible. The position of the wear indicator is marked by 2 yellow arrows on the stickers on the rim, opposite the valve hole. Refer to the chart on the previous page to find out which rims offer this internal wear indicator.”

    Not 100% sure this applies to Open Pro as I don’t have the chart it refers to.

    Am in same boat, v.worn rims after 4 winters of grimy brakes.

    Full Member

    every day is a school day…

    Free Member

    I bought some cheap wheels with mach1 mx rims for my commuter last year and could not see any wear indicators on them.
    Could this also be the case with these that something will appear rather than something will disappear when they are worn.

    Free Member

    i can’t see any wear indicators on the Open Pro that exploded on me last week
    (in the kitchen thankfully)

    Free Member

    Looked nothing, that’s a tiny bit pants.

    Full Member

    Have you looked all along the inside of each rim wall? The wear indicators are tiny hemispheric cut outs which become holes once the outside of the rim wears down to meet the circumference of the cutout.

    Free Member

    IME they either have them and they’re clearly marked, or they don’t and they’re not
    Try this thread for confirmation

    Free Member

    Clearly Jo has found the hidden wear indicators. If the rim explodes its too thin.

    Mavic have obviously improved the design as it always used to happen on the road/trail for me.

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