Im from worcestershire originally(Martley). Live in derby now. Whole family and alot of mates still there. Back there tomorrow again. Had no idea the high percentage of folks on here from worcestershire.
In a drizzly Macclesfield wondering how shitty the weather will be in he morning. Brant, please bring back a nice 140mm frame that is 6lb with shock for under a grand 🙂
I’m in heaven, hanging with the angels, god they’re sanctimonious pr1ks and I’m bored of blinkin choral music. Time to kick God in the nuts for making the skin on your elbows look like little leather patches on a tweed jacket made from leftover scrotum….. and creationists I’m definitely going to give him a chinese burn for that.
I’m in Bucks watching a horror film through my fingers. If there’s one more bit that makes me jump I’ll be off to read my book. Early night as on a road bimble in the morning…
I’m in Adelaide. It’s not hot today. I’m supposed to be wasting my Sunday working, but instead seem to be doing a better job of wasting it than that by posting on here.
Can you tell the chinese to fall in line with our climate change propaganda and start paying their climate change taxes like a good country. Don’t want them getting too powerful now.