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  • Hebden Bridge Trouser Company
  • footflaps
    Full Member

    So in essence:Saving Trousertown is achieved by manufacturing somewhere between Leeds and Manchester.


    Bit like saving the North by investing more in the South East.

    Full Member

    So is Hebden Bridge good at making trousers or not..?

    And if I wait and buy a pair in 6 months are they saying they’ll be better quality than the ones they are making today / have in stock?

    Genuine question as I was about to buy a pair until I saw this post, they seem to be saying the factory that has been making them to date can’t make them good enough or fast enough?

    Full Member

    There’s nothing wrong with the originals. I have two pairs and they are indeed the best trousers that I have ever owned.

    The issue appears to be that the original factory couldn’t produce enough trousers to meet demand or a sample to the modified pattern to standardize the range, then their MD made that rather odd Facebook post.

    Full Member

    Always bought Howies trousers but last couple of pairs (now made in China) have fallen to bits in no time. Need a new trouser sponsor

    Full Member

    The issue appears to be that the original factory couldn’t produce enough trousers to meet demand or a sample to the modified pattern to standardize the range, then their MD made that rather odd Facebook post.

    This, from what I can see.

    I’m happy with my two pairs of moleskins and if they start doing a cotton trouser I’d buy them for use in warmer weather…

    Free Member

    The issue appears to be that the original factory couldn’t produce enough trousers to meet demand or a sample to the modified pattern to standardize the range, then their MD made that rather odd Facebook post.

    1. HebTroCo engaged in some extremely sharp marketing practice
    2. Shorties overreacted


    Free Member

    The issue appears to be that the original factory couldn’t produce enough trousers to meet demand or a sample to the modified pattern to standardize the range, then their MD made that rather odd Facebook post.

    This, from what I can see.

    Yeah, that will be it…… Nothing to do with margins at all I should think.

    Full Member

    Yep. Brant & Ed’s Learjet doesn’t run on tap water.

    Free Member

    Huh, I’d thought this entire thread was satirical

    Free Member

    Does this strike anyone else as a bit weaselly? The overriding impression from their website last week was that everything was made in Hebden Bridge. This is some months after production started elsewhere.

    This is the issue for me (not an important one as I’m not their target customer to be fair.

    The impression I got from the thread that vanished was that their website re-wording was done after the guy from the factory went public – i.e. up until then, despite the fact that they were sourcing production from elsewhere, they were still claiming it was all made in Hebden.

    Does anyone know if that is in fact the case? I.e. does anyone know the chronology between facebook rant and website update? (and I don’t mean the compliance with the request to remove stuff, I mean stopping saying that it was all made in Hebden Bridge)?

    Full Member

    HebTroCo engaged in some extremely sharp marketing practice

    I’m still not clear on what this is referring to.

    According to the statement above they changed their website before this erupted.

    Full Member

    So in essence:Saving Trousertown is achieved by manufacturing somewhere between Leeds and Manchester

    Its still boom time for Hebden Bridge Post Office, seemingly. 🙂

    Full Member

    i.e. up until then, despite the fact that they were sourcing production from elsewhere, they were still claiming it was all made in Hebden.

    Pretty much everything they are selling is made in Hebden bridge. Other supply arrangements might have been in progress for future stock but the website was a fair reflection of what you would actually get if you bought something right now.

    Full Member

    I’m still not clear on what this is referring to.
    According to the statement above they changed their website before this erupted.

    Does this strike anyone else as a bit weaselly? The overriding impression from their website last week was that everything was made in Hebden Bridge. This is some months after production started elsewhere.

    dunno, really – I’m sure it’s all just “business” 😐

    Full Member

    According to the statement above they changed their website before this erupted.

    The statement doesn’t give any timing relative to the other events.

    Free Member

    We worked exclusively with Shorties until February this year, when it became clear that demand far outstripped their capability to supply all the trousers we needed.

    So the demand for trousers made in Hebden (a significant usp) was so huge they fulfilled it by making the product not in Hebden.


    Full Member

    Moving to another factory allowed us to make some fit changes but at a significant cost to us. New pattern drafting is not cheap but customer feedback indicated these changes have improved our product. We reworded our website, so as not to claim everything was made solely in Hebden Bridge.

    This implies they changed things when they moved some production to the new factory. That happened several months ago – this bit I know for a fact as Ed told me this in the pub (in Hebden Bridge) several months ago.

    Full Member

    This implies they changed things when they moved some production to the new factory. That happened several months ago

    This implies different, hence some folk are confused:

    Does this strike anyone else as a bit weaselly? The overriding impression from their website last week was that everything was made in Hebden Bridge. This is some months after production started elsewhere.

    Free Member

    The overriding impression from their website last week was that everything was made in Hebden Bridge

    That is just another (2nd hand) person’s interpretation though isn’t it, what did their website actually say?

    I don’t actually care either way, but for some reason I do care about things being truthful and accurately reported.. off the internet archive to have a look… 😀

    EDIT – wording today fromt he ‘about’ page

    “Everything we make is manufactured by factories and individual crafts people in the north of England.”

    Wayback machine doesn’t have the ‘about’ page* archived so anyone got a copy of what it said last week?

    The main page makes no specific mention of where the trousers are made on the May snapshot, which IS different to a snapshot from 2016

    main page in May 2017

    “We will make you …HebTroCo is about proper British trousers. This is modern workwear – whatever your work may be….”

    main page in 2016

    “We will make you…HebTroCo is about proper British trousers. Trousers made in a factory in Hebden Bridge, West Yorkshire, England. This is modern workwear – whatever your work may be….”

    change highlighted, so it does support what they said about having made changes prior to ‘the incident’ and just being called The Hebden Bridge Trouser company doesn’t mean they can’t source elsewhere as well, heck they could even do it all elsewhere as long as the company is based there/started there.

    Full Member

    The overriding impression from their website last week was that everything was made in Hebden Bridge

    The company name is quite a strong push to make that inference…

    Full Member

    DUnno about that – plenty of bike shops have a town name in their title

    Full Member

    Is it really that important they are made in Hebden Bridge or not?

    Free Member

    Huh, I’d thought this entire thread was sartorial

    Full Member

    quite a lot of the initial marketing push was about “trousertown”, meaning Hebden Bridge.

    Free Member

    Perhaps they should move in to clogs.

    The valley used to have quite a few clogg factories that have all but gone.

    Full Member

    I’m looking for some new trousers. Does anybody have any suggestions on where I might be able to procure a pair or two?

    Full Member

    Is it really that important they are made in Hebden Bridge or not?

    Not to everyone, but this has clearly been damaging for what had become quite a strong brand.

    The statement acknowledges in hindsight it was naive to effectively tie the brand to one supplier – who they’ve then fallen out with.

    Can’t blame anyone for that really, but it paints the brand into a bit of a corner.

    shot in the factory building he leases (having sold it to property developers some years ago).


    Full Member

    just being called The Hebden Bridge Trouser company

    Point of order, they’re not called that.

    Full Member

    quite a lot of the initial marketing push was about “trousertown”, meaning Hebden Bridge.

    I know, but even now a large proportion of the money is going through “trousertown”, nonetheless why get so bothered? It was never a charity to help Hebden Bridge, it’s 2 blokes making some money and some people getting trousers they like.

    Free Member

    Is it really that important they are made in Hebden Bridge or not?

    In terms of quality, probably not.

    In other ways very much so. There’s a growing trend for products to have a backstory, for example they don’t necessarily need to be local, but they need to be someone relatable’s local. You could buy trousers form M&S, but you don’t want to, you just do it out of routine, so HebTroCo give you that little extra push in their direction with a backstory.

    See also the demise of sausages, cheese, etc etc. You can’t just buy cheap mature cheddar anymore, it has to be Cathedral City. It’s probably the same dairy (Arla?) making it, but it’s a product form somewhere. Ditto Sausages, it’s all ‘Debbie and Andrews’, Bury, etc. I’d bet you neither Debbie nor Andrew made those sausages, but it’s designed to trick you into thinking it’s not just another big brand.

    Full Member

    it’s all a bit pants!



    Free Member

    It’s not uncommon to fall out with your suppliers in business, happens all the time.

    Full Member

    I’m not saying I disagree, I applaud Brant and Ed for setting up a successful new business and supporting their local producers where possible.

    Free Member

    The Hebden Bridge Trouser company

    Point of order, they’re not called that.


    Noted*, however the point stands, even if they were that would not preclude them sourcing trousers from elsewhere.

    * And you can surely forgive given the title of this very thread!

    Free Member

    Is it really that important they are made in Hebden Bridge or not?

    Possibly not to a lot of people. But to be fair, it did seem quite important to them when they launched the brand with a massive dollop of heritage marketing based purely on the location.

    HebTroCo is about proper British trousers. Trousers made in a factory in Hebden Bridge,

    HebTroCo are aiming to get the town known once again for what it was once so famous for. We want to continue and reinvigorate the manufacturing of trousers in Hebden Bridge and ensure that the tradition remains unbroken.

    The HebTroCo aims to bring a trouser brand back to Hebden Bridge. We communicate and operate in modern 21st century ways but we keep traditional manufacturing techniques, allowing the factories and staff to keep working and growing.

    We ship directly to you to keep overheads down. No high street rent or glitzy offices. Just brilliant trousers made in Trouser Town by skilled staff, sold directly to you.

    I’m sure the trousers are still awesome though, as it sounds like they are still made in a similar way rather than mass produced in a sweatshop
    So in that respect, no I don’t suppose it does matter.

    Full Member

    Of course, this could all be an elaborate masterstroke of publicity.


    Free Member

    Brant and Ed consider their next move….

    😆 😉

    Free Member

    Not to everyone, but this has clearly been damaging for what had become quite a strong brand.

    Really? the 58 people who were giving judge pickles a reacharound on facebook and the 20 folks who probably wouldn’t buy any but love the drama on here?

    Full Member

    Are people suggesting that they change the name of their company because there has been a change of supplier?

    They are still handmade in the UK. If they were being bashed out of a sweat shop on some far flung land by kids that live under cardboard boxes, whilst still being sold at a premium price, then I could see there being an issue.

    In other news.
    The Manchester Evening News isn’t printed in Manchester.
    Walkers Crisps are delivered in lorries.
    Foxes Glacier Mints do not contain any bits of fox or glacier.
    Ben and Jerry don’t make ice cream.
    Frankie & Benny aren’t actually real people.

    Free Member

    Pretty much everything they are selling is made in Hebden bridge.

    Apart from the actual trousers 🙂

    Is it really that important they are made in Hebden Bridge or not?

    I’ve said it before but they based their whole brand image on ‘saving trouser town’, the local trouser maker taught them everything they know etc. So is trouser town safe now and they can move on to saving other towns with a less prosperous post office, graphic designer and artisan belt maker? 🙂

    In other news.
    The Manchester Evening News isn’t printed in Manchester.
    Walkers Crisps are delivered in lorries.
    Foxes Glacier Mints do not contain any bits of fox or glacier.
    Ben and Jerry don’t make ice cream.
    Frankie & Benny aren’t actually real people.

    None of which based their brand image and ‘heritage’ on their name.

    If they were being bashed out of a sweat shop on some far flung land by kids that live under cardboard boxes, whilst still being sold at a premium price, then I could see there being an issue.

    That’s probably one for a couple years down the line.

    UKTroCo, EngTroCo, ThaTroCo?

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