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  • Health-wise is this country utterly going/gone to the dogs?
  • mindmap3
    Free Member

    Binners…that articlt does raise some interesting points and is appalling the way the nutritional content of food is dealt with for a tiny portion. It should be for the whole thing, that may well make a few people realise what they are consuming, although there will still be a part of society (not a particular class) who just don’t care.

    I also agree with the point that someone else made about parents should teach their kids about food and cooking. My mum never had much money when I was a kid, but we always ate well and enjoyed home cooked food (although this was helped by the fact that we grew a fait amount of stuff and kept a few animals). It’s also probably quite hypocritical of schools to teach kids about nutrition given the rubbir that passes for school dinners.

    But like a said previously, if your parents eat junk and don’t exercise, it’s likely that you will too. Its a visct circle. I can understand that people don’t like being told how to live, but so many people don’t want to take responsibility for their actions that they need to be. The point about the lady who tried to sue the council because she fell over on a walk organised by them kind of sus up the mentality of so many people these days…it’s not my fault, so I’ll get or claim whatever I can.

    Free Member

    But fundamentally we need then to teach kids to read , write and do maths, understand science and maybe appreciate art, so they can develop into useful memebers of society. Not feral beings

    How much of what you learned at school do you use on a daily basis? Very little I expect. I agree, knowing how to read and write and do basic maths is important, but much of what is taught in schools is outdated and pretty useless.

    If, what you are saying, is that schools have to do this because parenst are too irresponsible, then we are on the same page. But lets address the parenting standards – rather than blaming “the system”

    Parenting standards are partly the result of the system. Without a system that demands children learn how to participate in some form of exercise and teaches them life skills then how the hell do you stop the cycle of parents having kids who have no idea about how to eat and be healthy?

    It it ok for us who have been brought up with homecooked meals and taught life skills, but what about those who haven’t. Is it that just too bad and they have to deal with it? Sorry I don’t agree.

    Until the government pulls it head out of its arse and starts making health a priority things will continue to get worse. In the future I believe/hope that junk food will eventually be taxed like alcohol and cigarettes, but only when the nhs falls to bits and we have a massive obesity epidemic.

    Full Member

    Looking back at old school photos nearly all the pupils in our school were slim. Mainly from running around everywhere, walking to and from school, eating meals, which were probably slightly bland, you know, meat/fish/poultry of some type, potatoes and plenty of veg. Even with rice dishes and pasta we still had plenty of salad and veg (usually grown by parents or grandparents).
    Of course children have tellys, computers, all types of screens in their bedrooms and are less likely to want to go outside.

    Some parents will not understand the importance of a good diet, exercise or getting fresh air, or vitamins from being outdoors. I am trying (as an auntie) to do my bit. It’s hard work and sometimes a battle to tear a young child away from all the gagets that the 21st century offers, however in my experience most children do love being outside and running around with a ball or riding on something with wheels. We all should try and help out when we can.

    Free Member

    I work in the healthcare industry….keep eating fatties, you are keeping me in lucrative employment!

    Free Member

    I’m old (by this boards average) – so most of what i used every day comes from life experiences. However school ( and loving learning) got me to University, so two degrees later, I was fairly well prepared for later life.

    You seem like a bright chap/chapess – but I still don’t see why you think it is up to the government to address the issue! It’s the government’s problem because of the healthcare issues it will cause – so maybe we shouldn’t tax food for the fat and unhealthy. Maybe they should be fed minimal rations and clothed by the state and sent into workhouses ?

    It is the individual’s responsibility. I do not want to be told and taxed by the government further on booze, entertainment, or food. I do not want to lice in a nanny state – you seem to want to!

    Now define a junk food ? High fat ? High salt?
    Well, that is olive oil, butter, avocados and anchovies on the junk food list

    Unfortunately, parenting is that crap, I do think , that in future, basic life skills will have to be taught is school. Yet again allowing parents to abdicate more responsibility and blame the state. But this is is the crux of the problem – people are getting too lazy, too apathetic and believe “the state” should so everything.
    So 20 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, it would appear that most want the UK to turn into East Geramn and have the state run their life.

    As I have said, I have a lot of life experience. Those to are too lazy and stupid to help themselves won’t take any advice from me, so they are not my problem.
    Those who are prepared to list – that is a totally different issue

    Free Member

    but I still don’t see why you think it is up to the government to address the issue!

    Because it is the government that has reduced the amount of exercise kids have to do it school, and decides on the crap that kids eat for school dinners.

    The government also panders to huge food companies, who get away with selling absolute shite to the masses, and then complain that the NHS is overstretched.

    As you can tell I am not a big fan of the ‘system’. Most people are sheep, they follow others and do what they are told. At the moment we are told that you go and see your doctor when you are ill, not to learn about how to prevent illness, by healthy eating, exercise and lifestyle.

    I really don’t think the majority in power gives much of a toss about what people eat and how much exercise they do. As long as they and their families are eating healthily, and bringing up kids who know how to look after themselves, then screw everyone else.

    As long as we live in a society where it is all about ‘me’ i.e capitalism then we are ****.

    Free Member


    Full Member

    Bunnyhop – that was very public-spirited of you and rewarding too I should think. 🙂 Are you aware of whether any walkers have continued to meet up?

    Free Member

    Looking back at old school photos nearly all the pupils in our school were slim.

    You didn’t go to Grange Hill then did you. Roland.

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