being a good driver is 90% attitude, 10% skill.
So a driver with a 10% worse attitude is better than one with half the skill level? Rubbish. Observing properly is a skill. Anticipating is a skill. Being able to select an appropriate speed is a skill. Being able to handle a car under emergency braking is a skill. All directly related to driving well and safely – skill isn’t just about being able to drive fast around corners.
Meanwhile attitude isn’t just about knowing your limitations. Driving within your ability. Not getting angry at other drivers. Not being aggressive. None of which are related to knowing that you need training – I mean some of those people don’t actually desperately need any training at all to be good, safe drivers. Being self-aware does actually also allow you to be correct when you think you’re doing things right. Hence why Trolling’s first post is BS.
Attitude = State of mind. All those things you’ve listed (obs, anticipation, speed etc) as ‘skills’ start with state of mind (attitude)
Read this (And Shandy):