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  • Have we done this? Fogle and Cracknel content
  • allthepies
    Free Member

    I predict that they will fail 🙂

    Free Member

    I predict there will be tears.

    ….probably shot with shaky camera in extreme close up.

    Free Member

    I won't be impressed unless they do it on a rigid single speed.

    Free Member

    I predict they'll get a third person then almost completely ignore them in the tie in book they will write badly.

    Free Member

    It annoys me that people like them (no gripe with the individuals involved) are paid to do this sort of thing, whereas mere mortals like us have to fund this once in a lifetime experience out of our own pockets. Like that series that Amanda whatshername from Britains (aparently) go talent got to do 5 or 6 things she'd always fancied doing.
    Why not not give an enthusiast, rather than a semi-famous person the oppertunity to do some of the things they'd never get the chance to do?
    Oh, i forgot, this country seems to be gripped by the Cult of Celebrity and as a result its not worth viewing if it doesnt feature some celebrity.
    What happened to making interesting TV, rather than shooting fish in a barrel, formulaic, repetitive dross?

    Free Member

    Why not not give an enthusiast, rather than a semi-famous person the oppertunity to do some of the things they'd never get the chance to do?

    Likelihood is an amateur could make a crap presenter.

    Free Member

    I see no mention of any charity links for the ride which seems a shame.

    Free Member

    cynic-al – Member
    Why not not give an enthusiast, rather than a semi-famous person the oppertunity to do some of the things they'd never get the chance to do?
    Likelihood is an amateur could make a crap presenter.

    Mark beaumont made an excellent presenter on his cycling the americas show.

    FWIW I quite like the cracknell/fogle duo, it's good telly, (even if it is shout at the telly content as per the south pole adventure) and if it inspires a few people to get out on a mountain bike then whats the harm.

    Will they do it? I don't see why they couldn't – Don't forget that Cracknell is a man who likes to suffer, and Fogle is actually a strong athlete himself – they've both got the strength of mind, and isn't that half the battle in events like the great divide.

    I fear there could be some dyed in the wool cyclists noses put out of joint if they did do it!

    Free Member

    Cracknell and Fogle want to break the course record by completing it in 17 days.

    Not a chance!

    If they ride together, it's not an individual time trial, surely?

    Free Member

    Good luck to them. No reason they can't do it, as they have rowed the Atlantic which is slightly tougher IMO. I think they have a good chance but also reckon some more experienced cyclist will beat them.

    Free Member

    I think they'll do it, if someone gets upset by it, I don't know why

    On the plus side they'll also raise the profile of the great divide race and all those athletes that have/are undertaking it. How many members of Joe Public have an idea that such a race exists?

    Full Member

    I'm sure they will complete it. Rowing the atlantic takes 3 times as long and there is a lot less to look at. They will know what it takes mentally and thats what its all about. Be surprised if they 'break the record' though unless they are secret cyclists already.

    Not got a problem with them personally or being paid. Jealous maybe.

    Free Member

    I get your point bigyinn, I hate the cult of celebrity as much as anyone, but I'm quite looking forward to seeing this.
    Yes, Fogle came out of a reality programme, but Cracknell is a genuine, talented, athlete. They make for a good balance. And that certainly is a challenge they are taking on.

    Free Member

    Why not not give an enthusiast, rather than a semi-famous person the oppertunity to do some of the things they'd never get the chance to do?

    One letter is only the start of it…

    (quick, call Jimmy)

    Free Member

    Lot's of cyclists are going to get their knickers in a twist if they succeed 🙂

    Free Member

    My failure predication was that they won't break the course record BTW.

    Free Member

    I think both are brilliant – Fogle was amazing on that Antartic crossing – stronger mentally than Cracknell and his other team mate. He's got proper grit. Yes he may have been an ex glossy mag editor but that doesn't mean he's not got the right stuff.

    Cracknell, while super fit and talented, comes across as a bit of a selfish moaner at times.

    As for why celebrities? You try getting radio and TV coverage plus raise money with a pair on unknowns – it simply won't happen.

    Free Member

    Be interesting to see what happens, especially if they have any mechanical issues, I can see them geting a third person who wuill end up doing all the spannering

    Free Member

    Fogle was pretty slow on the Etape and that was only 81miles.

    Free Member

    Should make for a good programme – I'll be watching. I have no doubt they will finish the race, but I don't think they will beat the record.

    Full Member

    Can I be the first to lower the tone and say that if they were going to be wearing little clothing, I would most definitely be watching. 8)

    Two fit blokes for sure!

    Free Member

    Fogle was pretty slow on the Etape and that was only 81miles.

    What was your time then?

    Free Member

    I predict they'll fail but it won't matter because a series of middle aged women across the Uk will be watching with bated breath wanting to clasp the chap's weatherbeaten faces to their busoms.

    Full Member

    middle aged women across the Uk will be watching with bated breath wanting to clasp the chaps' weatherbeaten faces to their bosoms.

    Oh yes 😆

    A wee edit for you there! I can manage both.

    Free Member

    But Fogle has hardly cycled at all

    I was wonder about things like this… I don't consider doing the Etape "hardly cycling at all"

    Free Member

    Oh yes


    Free Member

    Just looked at his twitter feed –
    "Cycled through the night across the South Downs. No sleep, soaked and covered in mud. Now off to announce Kenco young eco designer winner."

    So he's doing a bit of cycling.

    Free Member

    If they're aiming to finish it, they probably will.

    If they're aiming to break the record they won't and they'll probably not make the finish either.

    The actual race started earlier this week, so they definitely won't win that 🙂

    What they must be going for is the individual timetrial record – if they ride together, whatever time they get won't count as the record anyway. When you see how little kit the fast guys carry for the race, I think it's impossible to manage a fast time while carrying camera equipment, unless they have one Flip video camera each.

    Free Member

    Fogle crashed out of the Etape Caledonia on the only significant climb. He couldn't have been that fast as he set off in the first group and I passed him just after he had fallen. (4:12 if that helps)

    Free Member

    they wont break the record 160 miles off road every day with all the kit on their bike for 17 days evan at 10 mph which is very genrous that is 16 + hours cycling per day. Determination alone wont get you through that but yes they will complete it
    6.3 mph average to break distance/time so assuming they sleep just a bit higher.

    Just checked the record and the rcord holder raced it for five years starting with 21:02:47 in 06 he is the only person to break 18 days [twice] and next nearest is 18:11:13. THe course is now 36 miles longer as well so he may not have broken 18 days
    Good luck breaking the record aint going to happen

    TJ the tandem record is only 18:13:50 not tempted? You and sfb could do this surely 😉

    Free Member

    Matthew Lee is an ultra-endurance machine. I can't see them breaking his record, though I do think they'll get to the finish, barring bad luck.

    Free Member

    160 miles off road every day with all the kit on their bike for 17 days evan at 10 mph which is very genrous thatis 176 hours cycling per day

    have I missed something with this calculation? 😉

    Free Member

    TJ the tandem record is only 18:13:50 not tempted? You and sfb could do this surely

    Powered by hot air?

    Free Member

    I've worked with TV presenters, and whilst they do get to do exciting stuff as part of their job, if you look at the amount of work they have to do in between the exciting bits to present the programme, personally I'd rather do a normal job and pay for my own holidays. It is bloody hard work – doing tech stuff on a TV shoot is tiring enough, and the poor presenters work ten times as hard as me.

    We did a roughly 5 minute piece filming on rollercoasters last year, and the poor presenter had to go on one pretty long rollercoaster* something like 15 times, and also got repeatedly stuck on several of the biggest drop and spin rides in the park too. By the end of the day, he was completely broken – those things are very tiring to ride repeatedly without breaks to queue. On the piece, he just looks happy and professional throughout, and it just looks like he rode one time on each ride. It's a tiring job with 12 hour days and typically a fair bit of travelling to the 12 hour day too, and the ones who aren't super famous don't even get paid spectacularly well.

    *"Saw" at Thorpe Park for any coaster nerds

    Free Member

    Fogle is one of the most irritating people on TV – that Extreme Dreams programme that he did was ludicrous. Spoke to someone who had been on it and the guy is totally self obsessed too apparently.

    Free Member

    We did a roughly 5 minute piece filming on rollercoasters last year, and the poor presenter had to go on one pretty long rollercoaster* something like 15 times, and also got repeatedly stuck on several of the biggest drop and spin rides in the park too. By the end of the day, he was completely broken – those things are very tiring to ride repeatedly without breaks to queue. On the piece, he just looks happy and professional throughout, and it just looks like he rode one time on each ride. It's a tiring job with 12 hour days and typically a fair bit of travelling to the 12 hour day too, and the ones who aren't super famous don't even get paid spectacularly well.

    If they have to ride every bit 15 times, they definitely won't break the record 🙂

    Free Member

    >The actual race started earlier this week

    Different race innit.

    Free Member

    Different race innit.


    Edit: see below.

    Free Member

    Actually, I just looked the site again.

    There are two ways to race the Tour Divide. One is the mass start, which is currently ongoing. The other is as a ITT, and they're listed on the official list: http://tourdivide.org/2010_ittdivide_start_list So they are racing Tour Divide.

    There are a couple of things mentioned in the press release that I suspect might be against the rules – it mentions supplies at prearranged drop off points and that a film crew will shadow them on the route.

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