^^ theres too many strings on that Bass Mr.. 🤪
So suggest some plans of attack! Budget is up to £500 but I am starting to wonder if just grabbing a Squire Tele would be a good starter for 10.
Thats quite a budget really. And it’ll take you into Fender Player Series categories above the Squier range… not that Squier aren’t good, it’s just the Player series has a lot of higher quality parts etc.. Might be a viable option.
But I’d send you over to MusicMan Stingray series, fabulous playing guitars, similar to your Wolfgang shape (if thats what kinda shape you are after) and for £250 too… see Andertons website..
Other than that, G&L/Charvel/Jackson/Epiphone, good there are so many manufacturers building brilliant guitars for £250 upwards these days it’s hard to recommend any one brand.
Blues/Jazz might mean heading down the P90 route or a mellow Humbucker of some sort… I play Jazz/Neo-Soul stuff on a Strat using the neck pickup only, its an early 60’s wound inspired pickup and it’s frankly brilliant..
Always worth looking at Andertons S/h collection, I spotted an Elite Tele in there that looked about a couple of years old for £500…, the one with the bound neck n-all..
eBay/Reverb or even FB have Guitar for Sale groups, they looking on there for something that takes your fancy.. then try one out.. it’s really the only way to know..
Do you intend to buy an Amp as well for the £500 budget?