twinw4ll – I’m working on the whole suite which it is from, I learn’t the Prelude last year, this Fugue took about 6 months to memorize the score and to get to that standard and needs some work still. I’ve played classical from childhood but this is the most challenging piece I’ve attempted, both technically (there are some big stretches!) and musically. It is very complex, like most fugues, but this is a inverse retrograde fugue, so the repeats are backwards and upside down, excuse the theory talk but only Bach does that shit. It’s tough to get your head around.
metalheart – yea amazing set of videos, Julian Bream is my all time favorite guitarist of any genre, probably the greatest of all. His enthusiasm and sheer love of playing is amazing, and when Benjamin Britten decides to write stuff personally for you, you know you’ve made it 😉
Edukator – haha! I do love a power chord also! 🙂