I find it attracts dirt which sticks to the frame or mech etc. Are there any less sticky lubes for the mechs?
Like what Micky said. I guess rust is as big a factor as having dirt in the chain!
For chains I like Rock N Roll Extreme, which works in very wet or dry dusty conditions – and keep my chain clean with no effort. I simply back peddle a few times after slapping it on then wipe excess. Finish line wet got my chain looking black after every ride, even though I wiped it down to remove excess! And wipe it down too much and it starts sweaking. So Rock N Roll Extreme for the chain for me! And not sure what works best for mechs…. GT85 seems too sticky for mud to me. Need something better.
I lost a bike due to GT85, I put a load down the BB area through the seatpost after I left the seat off while bike was on the car and it rained into it. This was a younger and less wise version of me and I thought it would get rid of the water. But it got rid of the greece instead 🙁 BB rusted in, impossible to get out!