Just got confirmation that I’ve got a one of the first 3000 places in the Great North Run through The Sun ballot. Initial feelings is yikes as I’ve not done any proper running since September when I knackered my knee up and really struggled round the Abbey Dash and Chorley 10k’s and not just because of the pain but loss of fitness too. Since resting my knee, over eating and drinking and not just at Christmas I’ve got a belly that’s going to make getting back into running hard work. Now after the shock of getting in I’m quite excited as when I was 23 1/2 stone I didn’t think I would be running never mind doing a half marathon and especially the Great North Run which I’ve only had the pleasure of being a spectator and handing out jelly babies to the runners. Unfortunately my wife hasn’t got a place yet but fingers crossed she will get one in the next ballot. Without her I wouldn’t have gotten into running again and through my depression.
I have a clear goal for this year and will run for a charity or two, since I’ll be putting myself through pain someone can gain from it. No real idea what charities but don’t want to be a big one. Yorkshire Air Ambulance is one charity on my consideration but any suggestions are welcome where they make a real difference.