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  • Grand Designs – full commitment again…
  • matt_outandabout
    Free Member

    New series.
    Starting with a Swedish office block of a building…

    Full Member

    I sense this could go wrong already…

    Full Member

    They’re mad! Ordering the inside of the house 7 years before they built the house!

    Full Member

    Only half watching, am I right in thinking he paid 250k to a Latvian company for the glass and when they failed his Sister owned or ran a glass company so she sorted him out?

    Full Member

    That’s about it, but the Latvian company dispute his version.

    Anyway, what do you need 7 bathrooms for?

    Full Member

    At least they got a lovely visitor centre out of it. With a yoga ‘zen’ space. And only £1mill over budget.
    So that’s nice.

    A strong start to the series. Mad rich people doing mad things.

    Free Member

    There’s more going on than said on TV there….
    Sister runs glass co. but they chose to pay £250k upfront to a foreign company who now dispute it…?

    And magic sofa found nearly £1m this time.

    FFS, they are maybe 50, so now have £1m mortgage until they are 70?


    (And while very ‘high end’, I wasn’t that taken by the house either.)

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    Full Member

    I don’t know why people do it to themselves, then again I’m a lazy ****. Given where it is, at least it’s probably worth the money if they need to sell.

    If someone at work pissed £250k up the wall through such poor contract and contractor management they’d be looking for a new job – let alone going 125% over budget.

    … And I’ve said it before – so many of these houses look like upmarket creative workspaces I’ve used. Some elements were fine but I’m not sure I’d find it a comfortable space to live in – but that may just be me

    Full Member

    If love to do an audit on how much time is spent sat in all the seats they have in these massive houses. They had a library space with a sofa in their bedroom. Bet they never sit there. I’m just jealous.

    Full Member

    I reckon something has gone on under a table/in the shadows with the Latvians. Either leading to the architect ‘recommending’ or the owner needing to do someone a favour after one of his TV projects.

    I liked the house, not sure they will after a couple of years of its mortgage meaning all they can do is sit in it.

    Full Member

    Surely this is just a comedy show now!?

    Full Member

    I liked the bit when they were trying to bend those huge panes of double glazing, and they kept breaking.<span style=”font-size: 0.8rem;”> </span>

    Full Member

    Grand Designs

    Actually I quite like the finished house, but not enough to commit to a mortgage in my 80s.

    Full Member

    When he handed over £250k without a bank backed performance guarantee I cringed. I said to my wife that’s not going to go well…cue him losing most of it in a dispute later. Words fail me sometimes – these people have more money / income / borrowing powers than sense.

    I did actually quite like the house – although if it were me I’d have made it a bit smaller I think.

    Free Member

    Did anyone get pregnant?

    Free Member

    Did anyone get pregnant?

    No, but there was a lovely pregnant pause when Kevin announced it was early 2020, the Latvian’s hadn’t arrived with the £250k glass and the architect had a suspicious cough…

    Free Member

    Did anyone get pregnant?

    I got the impression by the way he looked at her , if she was of child bearing age , she may well have had a bun put in her oven.

    I can see the Latvian money was probably swallowed up by building the floors in situ.
    We have started using floor cassettes in our film set builds. It involves a plate being welded to the underside of the steel beams for them to sit on. It also involves co-operation between the chippies and the steel erectors as you need to fit them as you go on a complicated project like that, otherwise you don’t have space to get them in.The cassettes are made at same time as steel. That steel frame and floors would have been up in around 8-10 days if they had gone that route.
    Another GD where they think it’s easy to project manage a job with no experience in building .

    Makes good telly though 😉

    Free Member

    Surely this is just a comedy show now!?

    Been a drinking game for years. A very easy drinking game.

    Full Member

    I can see the Latvian money was probably swallowed up by building the floors in situ.

    this +1, as someone who uses contractors to chuck pipework into chemical plants it’s frightening how much and how quickly labour swallows money up regardless of nationality.

    The steelwork frame was good – it was massively complex but appeared to go in without any issues.

    Flat roof???? In Manchester????? The most mental part of the whole project.

    Free Member

    Thank you for the heads up OP. That was absolute comedy gold. The blokes face in the glass factory when the 2nd bit shattered was superb. Rewound that a good few times and still giggling as I type this! And the size of the rental property was outrageous while he swanned about in his Tesla whinging about money.. absolute **** lunatic! He should’ve been renting a small flat and cutting aboot in a £1k scrapper if it was that bad. Mental

    One of the best hours of telly I’ve watched in donkeys.

    Free Member

    I know it’s yet another GD cliche but I was so offended by the sheer size of the build for two people (hadn’t the kids fled the nest?) that I was hoping they’d fail or at least have to rein it in. But I think I got my schaedenfreude wish as it looked like he d gone through the mill

    We ve all seen the magic money sofa but having your sister own a glass making company just as you desperately need some windows is a new one

    Free Member

    His sister runsthe familyglass business set up by their great great grandfather.

    Makes interesting reading in companies house 😉

    Full Member

    I bet the latvians made glass cheap for the family company, and so he tried pulling a fast one with cash in hand

    Free Member

    I quite enjoyed it! Liked the house in the end too…. except for having the kitchen/dining room in the underground carpark.

    What I did appreciate was the quality – they clearly spent A LOT of time and money on the design, and having the architect design the interiors resulted in a really exceptional finished product.

    Having said that, as a home to live in…… nah.

    The bloke seemed ok – but just lacked basic project management skills. I suspect (due to his industry culture) had a vastly overinflated sense of his own capabilities. I agree with the above, that the project turned at the point that the Latvians couldn’t use their “cassette” building technique with the complex steel frame, by their own admission this would quintuple (?) the time/budget required. We don’t know who’s fault that was – maybe they weren’t diligent enough when scoping the job, or maybe the client changed the design so much in the 7 years they were planning it and the builders weren’t consulted.

    Regardless – at that turning point there should have been a conversation – “we can’t deliver this project within time/budget”, and work stopped until it’s resolved. Worst case, you pay a fair rate for the work done to date and everyone walks away. What seemed to happen was that everyone just bimbled-on with their head in the sand, knowing that, at some point, the number of hours in the builders budget was going to run out. Sounds like the deposit for the glass was used to pay for labor costs – it wasn’t expressly said whether this was/wasn’t agreed, but I suspect this paid for the Latvian workers to return that second time.

    I’m from a (non construction) project management background, and most of my time now is spent building project budgets, troubleshooting/costing changes, and managing the fallout this causes with (often inexperienced) clients – and was finding myself triggered throughout that episode!

    Was a big fan of the wife though.

    Full Member

    I’m guessing the budget didnt include the original house/plot too? Never really bought the ‘Oh moneys tight now’ act TBH. Thought the finished product looked great though too big IMO

    Free Member

    Makes interesting reading in companies house 😉

    Is there a £250k tax write off this year on foreign relations?

    Full Member

    I can see the Latvian money was probably swallowed up by building the floors in situ.

    And unloading vehicles by hand as the project manager hadn’t supplied a forklift and driver for the day. Changing the spec of build items after starting (which happened at least once) is always going to be expensive and introduce delay.

    Full Member

    The blokes face in the glass factory when the 2nd bit shattered was superb

    Tbh it’s usually priced in and is why anything a bit spicy is mega money.

    I had a simple bit done with a slot and a hole, all within the manufactureable ranges and it took them a few times to get one that didn’t go bang, it’s funny stuff.

    Full Member

    Flat roof???? In Manchester????? The most mental part of the whole project.

    Multi-purpose surely, the can convert it into a pub at a later date? 🤣

    Full Member

    Seven years of misery/stress and 1.5 mill for a council office on a street covered in pavement parkers. Nice interiors, though.

    Full Member

    Just watched it. Mind-blowing.

    Still house looked amazing.

    Free Member

    I thought the finished house looked amazing. The money side of it was just crazy but if they do come to sell then I’m sure they will recoup their money.

    Full Member

    In by Christmas KLAXON!!!!

    Modular units don’t fit together KLAXON!!!

    And that’s only the first part done…

    Free Member

    Modular units don’t fit together KLAXON!!!

    And that’s only the first part done…

    I’m so glad they did all the design work in house 😉

    Free Member

    is it just me that’s massively annoyed by their hard hats?

    Free Member

    Not annoyed, but they look very odd 😁

    Full Member

    is it just me that’s massively annoyed by their hard hats?

    also annoyed

    Free Member

    Well, that worked well.
    It’s not my taste in external design, but inside is great.
    And it clearly means a lot to them.

    Full Member

    I like the house. Not the cladding though.
    It seems almost too easy and I like easy.

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