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  • This topic has 267 replies, 87 voices, and was last updated 12 years ago by Drac.
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  • Girlfriend Problems
  • crikey
    Free Member

    If we had a whip round I reckon we could sort him out…

    There are probably EU grants that we could apply for.

    Free Member

    Let her go and another bloke give her the attention she deserves.

    Sort of sell a Lotus Elise to someone who can actually drive it properly.

    Like lads say ‘lots of girls out there who will give you lots of sex’.

    Personally I want a partner, soulmate, friend first and filthy sex second. Its easier to fix the later than find the former.

    Free Member

    I think a lot of people are missing something.

    Sex is important in a relationship. Not because you get off, you can manage that on your own; but because of the intimacy. Without intimacy, what you’ve got there is a flatmate

    This… very true for me. There may come a time when it is not important to me, but it sure as hell is now.

    Troubleandstrife good luck mate, correct call I think. Let us know how things go

    Hora it cannot always be fixed, wish it could. I don’t want a platonic soulmate.

    Full Member

    How much do those filthy dating sites cost?

    Plenty More Naughty Fish FTW!!

    So i’m told… 😳

    Full Member

    OP – do you and your gf live together?

    Free Member

    desparategit – have you actually left your wife yet or still having your cake and eating it?

    good words hora

    Full Member

    You could always get a **** buddy.

    Free Member

    I think the point of that Times post (that was taken WAY WAAAAAY to far) is that women now want dazzling careers, a baby at 30 (or demanding the NHS pay for expensive fertility treatment) and then a perfect man who earns more than them… listens to everything they say…. and is nice (even though half the time what they say they want in reality isn’t).

    Except life really isn’t like that. Now that women are earning nearer to men, it’s harder for them to date up. Careerist women have a lack of options, feminism tells them they should earn as much as men but they are loathe to date ‘losers’ who earn less than they do. Those men that are earning a good amount are prone to cheating as they know they can get women whenever they want. Careers have become more important than love, so when women do have children they don’t want to sacrifice their careers. So instead they try to single handedly take on the role of caring for their child (half of them don’t trust men to do it their own way), whilst intimacy takes a back seat.

    Honestly if the girls on here think men should enjoy this and put up with it, well those of us who aren’t ‘losers’ can play the field and for that we are grateful to feminism. You gave us even more freedom than ever when it comes to not growing up or being irresponsible. For the ‘loser’ men in society there will be ever growing rage in the back of their minds having to squabble over spoilt brats that treat them like dirt. *Ducks under air raid shelter awaiting bombardment of misandry and accusations of misogyny”

    Free Member

    Hello – another one stuck in the 1950s.

    Its nice to have a relationship that is a partnership of equals. its the modern way. Works nicely

    Full Member

    Personally I want a partner, soulmate, friend first and filthy sex second.

    after many years of this, it breaks your soul and you feel like a unattractive comfort blanket. Life is far too short to be unhappy

    Free Member

    Jesus wept there is no one left for you to loathe or pour scorn on I pity you and your view of both men and women
    Do you miss the good ole days when women knew their place?

    Free Member

    Picking up on the ‘she doesn’t tell me what she wants’ thing – maybe that’s because she has a low sex drive and as such d

    Free Member

    Fat finger – will try again

    Free Member

    after many years of this, it breaks your soul and you feel like a unattractive comfort blanket. Life is far too short to be unhappy

    “If my work has a theme, I suspect it is a simple one: that most human beings are inescapably alone, and therein lies their tragedy.” – Richard Yates

    Free Member

    If she has a low sex drive she may not fantasise about anything and therefore not really have anything she specifically wants other than keeping you happy. I try to meet my oh midway and accept that he has a huger sex drive than me, but I’m very aware that it’s more for his pleasure than mine.

    And it *is* hard to talk about this stuff. Particularly when the starting point always seems to be that there’s a problem that needs fixing, rather than accepting your differences and dealing with that.

    Free Member

    “Jesus wept there is no one left for you to loathe or pour scorn on I pity you and your view of both men and women

    Do you miss the good ole days when women knew their place?”

    No, I believe the cultural idea of “and then they were married happily ever after” should be destroyed and people should be encouraged to be stronger emotionally in the face of a culture that actively encourages transient relationships.

    Women used to die a lot around childbirth, men would end up being married multiple times….now both parties live to roughly the same age…for a lot longer….and both genders are almost equal in terms of pay etc. The whole idea of marriage is obsolete.

    Free Member

    Someone’s offended easily. Can’t edit it, the edit button here seems to have a time delay.

    Free Member

    How the **** is that racist? The cultures are entirely different and a lot of dubious men date Asians because they think they are easier to control because of those cultural differences.

    Free Member

    Dig away dude.

    Free Member

    Bite me. Develop some insight before you accuse.

    Free Member

    I don’t bite racists, they taste funny

    Free Member

    now both parties live to roughly the same age…for a lot longer….and both genders are almost equal in terms of pay etc. The whole idea of marriage is obsolete.

    yes you are right i just cannot love my equal who will live as long as me or perhaps even earn as much as me…..it makes me seems so feeble and weak.

    So now i have accepted this and to find true true love and emotional maturity I just need abit more help from you.
    Where do I get me one of these submissive subservient asian wifes you are bigging up 😯

    You are not a racist but your views are **** idiotic

    Free Member

    Really? Actually the people I’m being racist towards (possibly) are white men, as I’m just spouting what some Nepalese and Thai friends complain about.

    Free Member

    ‘Already broken’?

    Jesus wept. Let her go then. I love it but I prefer the person first. Intimacy, shared jokes. Everything else is a Brucey Bonus.

    This going to sound harsh OP but what if one day you experienced Erectile issues. Could your other half leave you as she wanted ‘cock’ as it was important to her?

    Free Member

    yes you are right i just cannot love my equal who will live as long as me or perhaps even earn as much as me…..it makes me seems so feeble and weak.

    So now i have accepted this and to find true true love and emotional maturity I just need abit more help from you.
    Where do I get me one of these submissive subservient asian wifes you are bigging up

    You are not a racist you are just a **** idiot

    Marriage was conceived by the church at a time when people on average lived 30 years less than they do today if they lived to be 16. So you’re telling me that institution and the ideals that go with it are a good idea in today’s society? Tell you what, why don’t you come back with a reasoned answer. Then I might listen.

    Free Member

    WOW that really is a new twist on some of my best friends are

    you give us the superb some of my friends are racist as a defence that really is a new approach to the old cliche

    PS do you often ask non white men what white men think?
    Do you want to ask this white westerner about Nepalese and Thais men views on women?
    i refer you to my previous point about your views being idiotic.

    Free Member

    Tee hee

    some fine stuff gets written on here but his is exemplary.


    Are you happily married?

    Full Member

    I’m closing this thread before the Universe falls into the hole being dug.

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