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  • Gary Glitter on Twitter – Social Experiment
  • slimjim78
    Free Member

    I love his music. I don’t wanna be in his gang.

    Free Member

    Gary Glitter = 70s glam music
    Paul Gadd = paedo.

    Appreciating one doesn’t mean you condone the other.

    (“One” being the music, obviously…)

    All those people that went to his Christmas gigs in the 90s should now be whipping themselves with a birch for funding his trips to Thailand.

    Free Member

    The whole internet thing is a complete red herring.

    Yeah, you’re probably right

    Full Member

    They do try to treat sex offenders in Prison, and just because you find something arousing doesn’t mean you have to realise any thoughts you have into physical actions.

    Had an eye-opening discussion with the head psycologist at HMP Albany some years ago, I was asking about how they use their IT and he told me about the data-logging from the penile plethysmograph, to be honest I wish I’d never asked 😥

    They would show the prisoners a powerpoint slideshow of kids in various oufits and measure the response, they would also record the amount of time they looked at each picture.

    Basically they would use this to try to show to the prisoner what it was that stimulated them and how to recognise the warning signs and therefore avoid situations that might give them an opportunity to offend again.

    Whether they were successful or not I have not idea, it was 10 years ago so I guess things will have moved on, but anything that helps us understand how people tick must be a good thing imo.

    Free Member

    Durrrrrrrrr durr da da da duh!!! Heyyy duhh duh da da!!

    Free Member


    Free Member

    They do try to treat sex offenders in Prison, and just because you find something arousing doesn’t mean you have to realise any thoughts you have into physical actions.

    Had an eye-opening discussion with the head psycologist at HMP Albany some years ago, I was asking about how they use their IT and he told me about the data-logging from the penile plethysmograph, to be honest I wish I’d never asked

    They would show the prisoners a powerpoint slideshow of kids in various oufits and measure the response, they would also record the amount of time they looked at each picture.

    Basically they would use this to try to show to the prisoner what it was that stimulated them and how to recognise the warning signs and therefore avoid situations that might give them an opportunity to offend again.

    Whether they were successful or not I have not idea, it was 10 years ago so I guess things will have moved on, but anything that helps us understand how people tick must be a good thing imo.

    Interesting stuff Nick, in a purely armchair psychologist sort of way of course.

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