Home Forums Chat Forum Full Fat Friday. What we having then?

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  • Full Fat Friday. What we having then?
  • binners
    Full Member

    Usual rules apply. We’re not interested in your salad or muesli. This thread exists for us to bask in the calorie-laden unhealthiness that the final straight into the weekend demands.

    I’ve just had a gert big sausage and egg butty. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm 😀

    What we on then?

    Free Member

    2 pints of Butcombe and a bowl of double portion breaded scampi at the pub with Dad

    Free Member

    Just finished a monstrously good burger, now watching the rugby and washing the burger down with a beer. Or two.

    Forgot…lunch was a sublime curry. Prawns, Balmain Bugs, tikka lamb cutlets and more. NomZ.

    Free Member

    I’m currently eating a banana.

    My body is a temple.

    Full Member

    I imagined you sat on a sunny terrace in the South of France, sipping a fine white wine and casually nibbling some bread with local cheeses and cooked meats, while pursuing the latest edition of Paperclip World, Flashy.

    Free Member

    Lunch was on a sunny terrace, Binners. Just a little bit further away…

    Free Member

    You know he’s constantly circling the globe on a plane, right?

    It carries out a hazardous mid-air refuelling every 16 hours whilst he controls his empire of evil from the skies to avoid detection.

    It’s the ultimate irony that Flashy is never stationary.

    Full Member

    If MasterChef did Dirty dinners…
    Line caught fish fingers, pan fried and served four ways on whole grain toast, smothered with mayonnaise and a drizzle of pumpkin seed jus.

    Michelin level filthy food...


    Free Member

    **** me Rick, Im hungry now. And Im not down the pub until 11:45…

    Free Member

    circling the globe on a plane

    That’s tomorrow.  Urgh.

    Those fish fingers look ORSUM! I’ve just had dinner, and now I’m hungry again!

    Free Member

    Entirely because of this thread, I have just ordered a Lorne sausage and haggis doubler with broon sauce from the snack bar next door.

    Damn you Binbins and damn my  weak willed resolve!

    Full Member

    If MasterChef did Dirty dinners…

    The Parmo.

    Trying to decide on breakfast but it’ll probably be boiled eggs.

    Full Member

    2 pints of Butcombe and a bowl of double portion breaded scampi at the pub with Dad

    Already? Impressive.

    Anyway, I’ve had a sausage and mushroom bap this morning (apologies, Binners, if mushroom counts as a vegetable). Tonight’s dinner will be fairly healthy as I’m going on a biggish ride tomorrow, however that will earn me the right to Big Fat B@st@rd Saturday Night Eurovision Curry tomorrow night.

    Full Member

    Rickmeister – you have just proved the inspiration for tonight’s tea. Not had a fish finger butty in yonks!

    Cheers! 😀

    Free Member

    I live in a Muslim country so I naturally had bacon barms with brown sauce.  Barms toasted and with real butter – marg is a dirty word in this house.

    Ramadan starts next week so need to stock up before porky goodness becomes unavailable for a month!

    Full Member

    Square sausage, tattie scone in a well-fired roll this morning

    Full Member

    I got in a day early. At BPW yesterday I went for what I believed would be the smallest breakfast option. In fact it was an entire full english somehow crow-bared into a loaf of bread about the size of a missile casing.

    If the clutch on the uplift truck was a bit stinky, that was likely the direct cause. It was blooming good tho and that’s not normally an adjective you’d use to describe anything that comes out of that Cafe 🙂

    Free Member

    Currently slurping my way through one of the Aldi versions of a Naked Noodle pot noodle thingy. Absolute bargain at 59p and can’t tell the difference to the branded one at 3x the price.

    Free Member

    2 veg, 1 meat samosas (unsure which is which) and a chicken tikka naan kebab.

    Full Member

    I see those fish fingers and raise you this:

    Eaten at my desk.


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    Full Member

    having post issues. But that roll had some really great black pudding on it.

    Full Member

    A cupasoup and 2 toasted crumpets while I try and get some stuff done before the kids come home from school

    Go me!

    Full Member

    I’m just off to make a grilled cheese sandwich.

    Butter, bread, cheese. Accept nothing less.

    Edit: I might have a fried egg on it too, having seen the pic above.

    Full Member

    I’ve just nipped to Greggs for a cheese and onion pasty and a sausage roll chaser 😀

    Full Member

    Yet again people missing the point of these threads…

    Tinned mackerel in no way, shape or form, trumps fish fingers in here.

    I, sadly, have nothing to contribute as part of today’s eating involved carrot sticks cos I’m fat now😭

    Full Member

    Tinned mackerel in no way, shape or form, trumps fish fingers in here.

    In case it wasn’t evident from the post itself, my final hashtag was meant to convey irony.

    Oh well. 🙁

    Free Member

    Just nipped to our nearby lunch stop (I usually bring in my own).

    I got a tuna roll and some Rubicon (seems the sugar tax is England only?). My boss was sat in the corner eating chips’n’cheese from an A4 size carton about the size of A4. No wonder she is 20 odd stone…

    Free Member

    I’ve just had a slab of brownie one of the women in the office made as it’s her birthday tomorrow.

    It also happens to be my last day before I move to Canada on Sunday.

    Free Member

    I fancied something a little different, something that’d make a nice change from the usual rabbit-food I live on. Something I’d never had before.

    I had my very first Greggs steak bake.

    They’re seriously overrated on here and I won’t be bothering with that munk agen!

    It was, however, far superior to the Beef & Veg pasty I also had, which contained a very sorry excuse for meat in something of a paste form and tasted predominantly of peas.

    Very poo-er.

    Free Member

    4 pieces of firecracker crispy coated chicken

    chips slathered in a curry pot noodle



    Free Member

    I had my very first Greggs steak bake.

    They’re seriously overrated on here and I won’t be bothering with that munk again!

    They are truly awful. I used to visit mine for bread until they stopped baking their own bread.

    Anyhoos, I’m about to roll up some unspecified white fish fingers in a pizza for a fishtacular calzone. I’m pretty sure that’s a winner, but just in case it isn’t I’ll add some bacon, streaky. Sauce will be garlic and herb of unknown origin or use by. Chilli flakes are on standby.

    Full Member

    Stella Artois to be consumed before and after tea this evening, none of yer 4% nonsense.

    Free Member

    Stella Artois

    Hmm, we have no cans of “do as yer told” in the house. Might have some Señorita beater (or San Miguel as you may know it) in the garage.

    Full Member

    Battered cod and mushy peas, (no chips, sorry), followed up by maple syrup sponge and custard. I burnt 1500 calories just riding to work, so think I earned it!

    Full Member

    Was in the Co-op buying some last weekend with my daughter, 7yrs old. Queue of shoppers behind me and 3 cashiers, little one pipes up ‘my daddy loves Stella, he has it all the time!’ lol. Exit stage left…..

    Free Member

    Chip shop Friday at the works canteen today.

    Battered haddock with battered onion rings and lots of beige chips…finished off with a nice cuppa and a couple of forrero rochers….heaven.

    Also did a 21mile singletrack commute via the woods into the office so not feeling guilty in the slightest…burp.

    Free Member

    I had a bowl of soup with a 2ft long multiseed baguette followed by a magnum mint choc ice cream which i then supplemented with chocolate covered raisins. I decided this was not enough chocolate so i then had a packet of the kids chocolate animal biscuits and finished off one of there easter eggs. I may have a chocolate problem! I had just won a race on zwift which was a fasted ride so i was due a large in take of horrific calories.

    Free Member

    I had a tesco mean deal sub roll thing #1

    then I had some sort of sainsburys thai microwave meal cos i was still hungry #2

    Then i read this thread, walked down to gregs and had a chicken bake and a pepperoni pizza slice. #3

    Then one of the support team wandered over to my desk with one custard and one jam doughnut. So i nailed both of them as well.

    Full Member

    I’m currently cooking the mince for cottage pie,it’s relatively healthy,but the topping is going to be at least 25% butter,I’m drinking a 5.6% American IPA hopped with Amarillo and Centennial,there’s only about 6 pints left in the barrel,an early night maybe in prospect.

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