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  • Friday A&A !
  • TandemJeremy
    Free Member

    Who cares about what happens in your office? This is a public place and this thread is the equivalent of the builders wolf whistle

    You guys really need to grow up and enter the modern era

    Its really really funny watching you all being so so careful to post non provocative pictures and to post pictures of men
    without my intervention I am certain this would have degenerat4ed by now into leeriness and leching but you are so determined to show me to be wrong Ridiculous

    DezB – Member

    Why do you think last weeks threads were both pulled?

    Er, cos you turned it into a small boy slagging contest? If you think otherwise, you are a deluded man.

    Other threads don’t get pulled for being bitchfests. get real

    Thank you to the couple of guys who support me on this. Nice to see someone else sticking their heads above the parapet

    Full Member

    CFH – here here
    TJ – why do you even look at the thread if you object to it so much. Are you not better off spending your time on threads that you think you might enjoy. Really don’t see what the problem is. As for your ‘go and look at Sports Illustrated’ chat – does than mean that anyone with a car buying query should leave STW and only consult Autotrader etc?

    Free Member

    you probably bitched to the mods until they couldn’t take anymore and pulled it

    Free Member

    There’s always a line that can (and shouldn’t) be stepped over, but in my opinion this isn’t it. This is second only to Lazlo’s missing issue 62 in the “things that we shouldn’t really waste our time worrying about”.

    That said, I’m back to work now so I’m not scouring t’internet for piccies to post 🙂

    Free Member

    Its really re3ally funny watching you all being so so careful to post non provocative pictures and to post pictures of men

    That’s the point, you fool! If you could only get off your high horse long enough to notice, the point was always to include non provocative pictures and….pictures of men

    Now, run along and do something else instead, there’s a good boy.

    Free Member

    come on tj dez’s last one is riding without a helmet..
    he put that up just for you 🙂

    Free Member

    I actually feel sorry for you with your inability to understand why this leching is unpleasant.

    I’d be surprised if anyone here was leching? Where?

    That is all this thread is and your protests ring hollow. Teh only possible purpose for this type of thread is to drool over the scantily clad women.

    What is you explanation for the men posted here and the women who are not scantily clad, in fact almost fully covered?

    Every time in the past it deteriorates into a contest to see who can post the most provocative pictures. So far this one is not – its merely childish

    why childish?

    If you want to letch at pictures of scantily clad women there are whole websites especially for this. Some of them even have no clothes on at all you know

    do you think we don’t know this? Surely this is evidence that this is not what we are doing here. We know those sites exist, but we do this instead (as well). If we wanted to lech we would go to those other sites. So, how do you now explain what we are doing here?

    Full Member

    on no, inspector tj of the thought police is in the vicinity.

    we must all.

    lock away 3 million years of evoloutianary urges and cover the piano legs with linen. misogyny is the only explanation for appreciation of the human form.

    sexual attraction is childish and puerile. aesthetic appreciation is merely a cover for sexual attraction and misogyny.

    the potentially offended must be protected from accidentaly opening threads that they know they do not like.

    in the end, we will all love big brother.

    Full Member

    TJ, OK, you’ve made your point.

    Do we all have to think and act like you?

    No. It is a public forum, not yours.


    Full Member

    I think TJ’s point is whether any of this is relevant or necessary in the context of STW?

    Everyone’s welcome to look at what they want but does it need to be posted on here if it causes some people not to want to visit?

    Free Member

    Other threads don’t get pulled for being bitchfests. get real

    You sure about that?! That’s the main reason I see.

    Nice pic of Darcy’s bike:

    and THE number 1. Pacquiao

    Free Member


    That’s the point, you fool! If you could only get off your high horse long enough to notice, the point was always to include non provocative pictures and….pictures of men

    CFH – I understrand that – however its not what happened in practice as you know

    No you get off your high horse and show some respect for others.

    Free Member

    TJ wrote

    This is the 21st century – do you not think its time you grew up and behaved like an adult?

    Don’t you think it’s about time you stopped being such a self-righteous, patronising old fart?

    Free Member

    any of this is relevant or necessary in the context of STW?

    OK, so the context of STW are any of the political/car/film/plumbing/dating/cooking/decorating/sailing/skiing etc threads really relevant or necessary?

    Free Member

    However from previous discussions there are many who agree with me including many of the women who post on here

    Are these the same women who instigated the “Bloke Thread” a short time ago? Did you not get involved with that thread yourself TJ?

    This forum is diverse. People have different tastes. If this belongs on a sports illustrated forum then maybe you should seek sailing advice from a forum more appropriate than a biking one.

    I understand your pov if a thread degrades to something inappropriate but is there really any need for childish tags and rants before this may or may not happen?

    Free Member

    I think TJ’s point is whether any of this is relevant or necessary in the context of STW?

    Since when as relevant or necessary had anything to do with STW?

    Free Member

    Oh gosh this is dull next time why don’t we just have a note on the topic ‘don’t open if easily offended/a member of the thought police’.

    I seem to have lost my crusading sword of truth, justice and telling other people what to think, has anyone seen it?

    Free Member

    Life must be such a chore for you TJ.

    Full Member

    wwaswas – if people don’t want to visit the thread then fine, but there’s 1000’s of other posts on STW to look at…
    Personally I don’t have a problem with the Kylie Friday and male equivalent, but hey…its not worth getting upset about…

    Free Member

    Who cares about what happens in your office

    Well it was a reference on how a cross section of women can be. I wanted to use something I actually had experienced rather than just googled for some mind numbing stats or references.

    I really can’t see the problem to be honest, if it was a disuise for pron then fair enough but it’s not.

    Builders wolf whistle my arse!! It is appreciation of the physical form.

    Evidently you have issues with this TJ so I would advise sticking to the threads that interest you, it’s not like it’s Clockwork Orange and your eyelids are taped open and force fed it.

    😯 x infinity!

    Free Member

    lock away 3 million years of evoloutianary urges and cover the piano legs with linen

    new to me statement 😆 quality.

    Free Member

    Now victoria’s here it feels like Friday at last,,,

    Free Member

    Now then, can someone please get this back on track now TPuritanJ has his own little thread to whine on?

    I’m on a phone so can’t really post pics easily, I’m afraid. But, how about some Cedric Gracia? Always looks good, on or off bike, the suave blighter!

    Free Member

    it always degenerates into leching.

    Except for the last couple that degenerate into a petty argument and name calling.

    I fear that the Friday A&A will be banned, not due to naughty pictures etc, but to stop the same argument every Friday. The really sad thing is that TJ will claim it a moral victory!

    Free Member

    He will be too busy eliminating choice out of his bean purchases!

    Free Member

    can someone please get this back on track

    I tried. But obviously the deluded ranting has made me mend my ways. (Grow a mullet, don shoulder pads and start reading Spare Rib again)

    Free Member

    Dezb nice photo of Pacquiao, one bloke you would not want a right hook from.

    Firestarter back to his Royal days i see. 😉

    Why do folk feed the trolls, if someone does not like the post they dont have to come in,the Mods have the decision over right and wrong, it is their trainset, i dont go into their posts and i dont pass judgement. Choice, freedom and tolerance come to mind not a desire to wind folk up at every chance. 👿

    If you want politics go elsewhere.

    Free Member

    If Friday A&A gets banned then it is nothing more than a whinger forcing his views on a public forum and getting his own way.
    The forum has rules. The forum has moderators to manage those rules.
    People get banned for flaunting those rules.

    Do we really need self righteous people forcing opinions down our throat?

    I’m still wondering why the “Bloke thread” was ok but this isn’t. Can anyone smell Hypocrisy?

    Free Member

    Kiira Korpi.
    A and indeed, A

    Dominique Maltais.
    A and indeed, A.

    Free Member

    TJ –


    Free Member

    count yourselves lucky im not feeling vindictive today.

    Full Member

    *insert bickering here*

    and now back on topic..

    JMC.. LEGEND..

    Free Member

    One more

    Therese Johaug

    Free Member

    i love that pic of jmc it has the feel of…not sure what shape to throw here but what the hell.

    Free Member

    Great photo’s today. The ones that stick in my head are actually the David Hay and Chabal photo’s. Not in a pervy way as I’m full on hetro but those guys are huge and I have so much respect for how much they must have to train.

    Which leads me to wonder, could a guy that big be a good mountain biker OR are there any pro mountain bikers that are that bulky (as opposed to ripped racing snakes)?

    Free Member

    In keeping with the request they have to be in sporting garb – here’s Julia Mancuso in ski boots

    and just to balance things up – Alan Baxter, who got his kit off to try and raise money so he could get to the olympics (how degrading is that TJ?)

    Free Member

    could a guy that big be a good mountain biker

    If Jonah Lomu can ride BMX..! (no I didn’t watch it, my son did!)

    Talking of Jonah.
    He was bloody awesome, wasn’t he

    Free Member

    i sold him a pair of jeans once.

    he had this baby in a pram with him that was huge man.
    i swear the pram was made of scaffold.

    Free Member

    If I could pick any mans body to replace mine with it would be Alan Baxter… Back to the gym.

    Free Member

    I know he’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but the training pics of Lance Armstrong that came out last year are inspiring – and definitely A and A!

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