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  • French Elections
  • dazh
    Full Member

    Oh this is entertaining, although I am not sure whether you will appreciate it Ed

    That was a great read. Thank you.

    I’ve often said that most countries (western ones at least) have the same problems and stuff going on and the current French cluster**** would seem to confirm that.

    Free Member

    TV debate with Bardella (franco-algerian-italian origin), Faure (fanco-algerian origin) and Attal (franco-tunisian origin) scrapping this evening. It got a bit surreal at times but Faure (Front Populaire), and Attal (Macron) kept Bardella (le Pen’s front man) on the hop. It was very clear who’d paid attention at school and done their homework; Faure and Attal. Bardella kept bringing the debate back to Muslim immigrants which is proabably what his supporters wanted to hear.

    First time I’ve seen Faure in action, the best performance from a left winger in years in a debate. His task being easier than Attal who kept getting reminded of the events of the last 7 years by Faure, a record not easy to defend.

    Faure was the only one to dare to show a graph or to try anything pedagogical, which went over the head of Bardella.

    The jounalist mainly let them get on with the petty bickering which stopped several times when Bardella finally understood what was being bickered about, realised he’d got it all wrong and was lost for words beyond non/faux. But that won’t matter to his supporters, they’ve understood he hates Muslims and that will do for them.

    Full Member

    Bernard Tapie’s take on the FN still highly accurate today.

    Alpe d’Huez ; voiture balais…

    4 mins 40 onwards.

    Full Member

    Well that went down pretty much as bar as the polls were saying (bad)

    Looks like the left & the centrists plan to block far right candidates a much as they can


    Free Member

    34% nationally which will be adjusted as results come in. I counted in the local polling station and it’s clear it will be a triangular second round locally – unless there’s trading of seats. I’d be quite happy to vote for the center rather than left if needed. The biggest unknown is whether the orphan republicans (decimated locally) will go left or extreme right. The Front Populaire has done pretty well, now what’s needed is a front républicain as in previous elections

    Free Member

    Emmanuel Macron – the French David Cameron.

    With the exception that Macron has just gifted France to the far right as the result of a hissy fit.

    Cameron was more due to his bluff facade being just that – a facade. He was worn down over time.

    Free Member

    and what was the leading story on the BBC news this morning? Football.

    Our nearest neighbour is on the verge of electing a far right government whose policies would likely have a direct impact on our country but the most important thing to talk about is a dreary football team from one part of the UK. We’re so insular it makes me livid.

    Full Member

    France + Trump = Ukraine ****.

    Full Member

    Yet again it’s going to have to be the Germans that bring the voice of sense and reason to central Europe, and see they need to make sure the Ukraine is not abandoned.

    France… it should be hanging it head in shame today.

    Full Member

    it’s going to have to be the Germans that bring the voice of sense and reason

    Just as soon as they solve their little problem with the far-right by banning them:


    France… it should be hanging it head in shame today.


    Free Member

    Our nearest neighbour is on the verge of electing a far right government whose policies would likely have a direct impact on our country

    what impact is it likely to have on us? I don’t see it as any more relevent than the south african elections which aren’t front page news at all

    Free Member

    Our neighbouring countries have far-right governments, notably UK and Italy. The only major impact has been Brexit.

    If only 34% had voted Leave I’d have thought it good not bad.

    Patience, there’s another round to go yet.

    Cameron’s policies were well to the right of Bardella and he gifted you Brexit. A little perspective please.

    Free Member

    what impact is it likely to have on us? I don’t see it as any more relevent than the south african elections which aren’t front page news at all

    What do you think a far-right government in France would do about immigration to the UK and those people trying to illegally access trains and lorries to come to the UK?

    France is one of the most influential countries in the EU – our largest trading partner. How would a far right French government influence policy in the EU (considering other right-wing gains recently) and between the EU and the UK?

    Many people (9.2m) from the UK go on holiday to France every year and more travel through there to go to other countries. How welcoming would a far-right French government be towards all UK citizens wanting to visit?

    I don’t know the answer to these questions but I’m confident that any lurch to the right in France will have more impact on the UK than the SA elections.

    Full Member

    Our neighbouring countries have far-right governments, notably UK and Italy.

    The UK does not have a far right govt.

    Full Member

    Patience, there’s another round to go yet.

    A luxury we won’t have in the UK in 2029.

    It’s going to be far more complicated for us to come together to stop a far right party in the UK election after this one, whatever form and name it takes.

    Free Member

    The UK does not have a far right govt.

    So why are people saying RN is far right? Because the UK government has enacted policy well to the right of what the RN is proposing. Compare the tow and get back to us with the aspects of RN policy that you consider more to the right than what has been happening in UK. Aspects of UK policy to consider:

    Brexit – the RN has backed away from Frexit.

    Immigrants to Rwanda – I haven’t noticed that in RN policy.

    Tax and pensions – remind me of UK retirement age and tax policy

    Money laundering – the City is the world’s hub

    Free ports non proposed in France

    Legislation concerning unions  – UK rights have been decimated

    Freedom of speech – no gag orders in RN policy

    And so on. I’m no fan of the RN and in France they are the far-right. However by UK Tory party standards they’re amateurs.

    Free Member

    The UK does not have a far right govt.

    In so much as you don’t have guys with jackboots and snazzy uniforms goose stepping round cities and towns rounding up anyone they don’t like and sending them to re-education camps.

    In that sense, no the UK isn’t far right.

    By just about every other measure, you do. And they have been taking steps in that direction of varying sizes for the last 14 years.

    Full Member

    And so on. I’m no fan of the RN and in France they are the far-right. However by UK Tory party standards they’re amateurs.

    Christ why do we have to do this UK vs France thing? It’s all very well pointing at the other and shouting ‘ha ha you’re more right wing than us’ but it’s pretty silly. The RN are seen as far right because of their history and the people within it being self declared far right radicals. They may be pretending to be a bit friendlier these days but it doesn’t change the reality of what they are. The tories on the other hand are the opposite, mostly liberal right of centre types trying to impersonate far right nutters to defend themselves against the real far right insurgents in the form of Reform.

    Anyway, once again I’ll point out that the success of RN and other far right parties and politicians across the western world is a direct result of the failure and hubris of centrist establishment politics. When the people decide that politics and government do not work for them and only work for tiny elites they will turn to reactionary populists offering easy solutions. If the west wants to suppress this surge in far right politics then it’s establishment politicians need to start listening to and delivering stuff for normal people rather than spending all their time telling us what isn’t possible and what can’t be afforded.

    Free Member

    Christ why do we have to do this UK vs France thing?

    Because you **** started it !

    Full Member

    @dazh, I think you are wrong in labelling frn far right while denying that the Tories are, in rhetoric they are really so similar. Of course we don’t know how they would govern yet, and I wouldn’t be surprised if they swung further right if they did obtain power, but the stated policies are virtually indistinqushable from the tories.

    However you hit the nail on the head with this paragraph.

    Anyway, once again I’ll point out that the success of RN and other far right parties and politicians across the western world is a direct result of the failure and hubris of centrist establishment politics. When the people decide that politics and government do not work for them and only work for tiny elites they will turn to reactionary populists offering easy solutions. If the west wants to suppress this surge in far right politics then it’s establishment politicians need to start listening to and delivering stuff for normal people rather than spending all their time telling us what isn’t possible and what can’t be afforded.

    Full Member

    Because you **** started it !

    Don’t be silly, I stated the simple fact that the UK doesn’t have a far right govt. You might think it does but you’d be in a tiny minority. The similarities between France and the UK are not in how rightwing their govts are, but in how they’re both governed by hubristic and self-interested establishment politicians who only serve big business and capital.

    Free Member

    They also go far Left. LFI and RN both attract those who feel disenfrachised by the parties that have been in power over the last 15 years.

    Free Member

    It might not be far right in terms of uniforms and parades, but the UK government is VERY right wing on policy, and statements from government ministers, and previous ministers

    Free Member

    Don’t be silly

    Back to your petty insults, provocation and forgetting about rule #1, Dazh. We’ve known you for long enough to know that your main role on politics threads is trashing them.

    Your “simple facts” just don’t hold up to examination as three (edit: four now) members have pointed out.

    Full Member

    We’ve known you for long enough to know that your main role on politics threads is trashing them.

    Please explain how stating that the tory govt isn’t a far right govt is ‘trashing the thread’. The only thing that trashes threads in this place is the intolerance of people like yourself for any differing viewpoints. 🙄

    Your “simple facts” just don’t hold up to examination as three (edit: four now) members have pointed out.

    LOL four people on here saying something doesn’t make it a fact. 😂

    Free Member

    Stating an opinion isn’t trashing it’s the dog-at-bone pettiness that goes on for pages and pages and pages and eventually gets to the point anyone with anything constructive to say throws in the towel because discussion is lost in the Dazh bickering with people.

    Have a good Summer all.

    *throws in towel*

    Full Member

    Left of centre parties standing down in areas where Renaissance are running second to National Rally.

    We need to watch this and learn… it might be needed here in 2029.

    Full Member

    Some interesting perspective – maybe Edukator can comment on whether this is how folks in France see things. Macron’s risky strategy…..


    Free Member

    I stated the simple fact that the UK doesn’t have a far right govt.

    Can’t see the wood for the trees?

    Full Member

    throws in the towel because discussion is lost in the Dazh bickering with people.

    Ed the only person bickering on this thread is you. If someone offering a different opinion to yourself winds you up so much it’s probably best if you do something else for your own wellbeing.

    We need to watch this and learn… it might be needed here in 2029.

    Are you suggesting Labour should stand down candidates where the tories are second to Reform? I don’t see why that would be necessary, FPTP should ensure that Reform get nowhere near govt for a very long time. They’ll have a couple of MPs after this election, maybe a few dozen in 2029. Even if they continue to build momentum and support I doubt they’d be anywhere near govt until the 2040s at the earliest. The only thing that needs to happen to keep them out is for Labour to reconnect itself with working people and start delivering policy in their interests rather than the corporate establishment.

    Full Member

    We’ve known you for long enough to know that your main role on politics threads is trashing them.

    There are a few individuals on STW who have zero tolerance of opinions different to their own, and invariably reduce political threads into deeply unpleasant personal attacks, you are way at the top of that list Ed.

    It has the desired affect obviously – all political threads end up becoming echo chambers frequented solely by like-minded individuals.

    Your “simple facts” just don’t hold up to examination as three (edit: four now) members have pointed out.

    Exactly. Don’t expect bullying tactics to create a healthy diverse range of opinions.

    Free Member

    There are a few individuals on STW who have zero tolerance of opinions different to their own, and invariably reduce political threads into deeply unpleasant personal attacks

    Honestly Ernie, and Ed, the real reason you make political threads hard to read and join in with isn’t your views, it’s the way you conduct the conversations.

    Free Member

    Some interesting perspective – maybe Edukator can comment on whether this is how folks in France see things. Macron’s risky strategy…..


    Macron is definitely playing games to me he is more off a third world dictator desperately clinging on to power.

    Last time he was reellected mainly just based on there is a war in Ukraine to busy to explain what he planned to do and too important time to have change(the last not per se wrong) it worked.

    This time he banked on the left infighting and the the fear of extreme left LFI Melenchon which I personally despise or the fear from extreme right. Just banking on fear and spurring on fear and deliberately creating chaos not on what his plans are and what he and his team did.

    He’s got previous for this when there where big mainstream protest things where orchestrated to get out of hand to then get the people (well mainly the old and frail) to cry for order and push his way through. Seems this time his bluff is finally being called sadly don’t think he’s gonna realise and resign which is what he should do. But then who Else Neither RN with Le Pen the Left with Melenchon or the Marginalised moderate right have anyone capable or worth running the country. It a Choice between a bunch of ferocious and lethal diseases.

    Which you can’t understand as Macron Basically ranked up massive debt, let salaries slide and push more people in rubbish jobs by decreasing unemployment rights. Often by avoiding parliament votes pushing laws true whith 49.3 rule more suited for dictators.

    It’s a sad way of the majority system like in the UK where in France since a long time sadly you just need to make sure to get into the second round against RN and then just say vote for me cos they are pure evil. With little importance for what you plan to do or did.

    Foreigner(non UK) living in France for over ten years. Politically its a massive shit show.

    Not allowed to vote but would like RN to win not because I believe in them not cause the have their capacity to run the country. But cause the place needs a big bang too kill the system.

    But then there is little hope last presidential elections there wasn’t one of the main 5-6 candidates worth my vote and/or confidence.

    Free Member

    And Molgrips who has absolutely nothing to say about the French Elections piles on in all the same. L’hôpital qui se moque de la Charité

    Happy Hols, Molly.

    Full Member

    Sorry all, not up to date on the thread or the French electoral system.

    Realistically, what is the chance of the left and centrists being able to block the RN at the next vote?

    Highly unlikely or a fighting chance?


    Full Member

    But cause the place needs a big bang too kill the system.

    That doesn’t alway go well.

    Highly unlikely or a fighting chance?

    Highly likely.

    Free Member

    Highly unlikely or a fighting chance?

    Depends Do you mean?

    1)the left side coming out with a Majority? Almost impossible IMHO

    2) The left side being bigger then RN seat wise? Possible say 20 to 30%

    3) The left side being big enough so that RN doesn’t have half the seats in  parliament and the country becomes ungovernable? Quite likely although RN might in that case be saved by a union With the moderate/normal right side but the latter won’t have many seat and most are not likely to wanna join RN

    That doesn’t alway go well.

    I know I have lived in many different and often very undemocratic country’s aswell I have little hope for this one but the scenery is nice the food is (very) good the weather my style and the houses are cheap.

    Full Member

    We seem to be back on topic – was it the usual suspects shouting at each other about whataboutery.

    So it’s a bit touch and go whether MAcron’s gamble pays off. It does seem that the Right wingers are concentrated in just a few areas from the maps that have been posted on twitter (that I can’t now find)

    Free Member

    We seem to be back on topic – was it the usual suspects shouting at each other about whataboutery.

    So it’s a bit touch and go whether MAcron’s gamble pays off. It does seem that the Right wingers are concentrated in just a few areas from the maps that have been posted on twitter (that I can’t now find)

    Nope you got that wrong right wing is ahead in Most of the country with the left coming a not so far behind second Macron’s bunch is only third.

    You need 289 seats for Majority Macron already didn’t have those the why for obsessive use of law 49.3 to bypass a vote and force a law through.

    RN is predicted around 200 to 300 seats left wing say 100 to 200

    Macron’s bunch 50 to à 100 which ca only be seen as a Massive spanking

    After round one

    Seats already fixed

    RN 39 seats left wing 31 Team Macron 2(yes TWO)

    4 to some others

    500 still up for Grabs but you need to be qualified so not all can play for all of them

    its in french but the coloured map is at the end of article https://www.lesechos.fr/elections/legislatives/legislatives-2024-les-resultats-du-1er-tour-en-sept-points-clefs-2104872 coming ahead in the first round doesn’t guarantee you to win in 2nd as others might bunch up against you.

    So Macron is basically out he will still be President but governement will be other orientated. Well he can still make an alliance with Others Left union or Moderate right but even in that Case his group wil almost sure be a winority partner. He basically reduced presence of his group to half or even a quarter of what he had before(based on predictions game of alliance can have funny results)

    Full Member

    Realistically, what is the chance of the left and centrists being able to block the RN at the next vote?

    It seems mixed. At least some of Macrons allies have stated they wont work with the LFI and even Macrons terminology could be taken several ways.

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