I have a whole list of questions but instead of dumping everything into a mega thread is it better to tackle each part of the subject separately and link the threads?
(Definition; is free-stroke the same as dead-stroke? Ie referring to the movement of master cylinder piston seal head towards the compensator port, pushing excess fluid back into the reservoir BEFORE the slave pistons are actuated at the caliper?
and pad-gap-stroke being where the hydraulic pressure is actuating the slave pistons in the caliper?)
Manufacturers have their reasons (R&D) why they design the functional geometry of their components the way they do. Consumers clearly know better and often would like to make alterations to suit ourselves.
So if free-stroke is a function of how far away the piston seal head is away from the compensator port; If I wanted to (reduce) make an adjustment outside of the range the manufacturer has designed (if they have even given you that option) is it simply a case of modding/hacking a way to move the piston seal head in closer towards the compensator port so there is less distance to travel? So long as it is NOT ALREADY AT THE EDGE of the port and that any adjustment does NOT BLOCK the port.
When you do top down bleeds I’m assuming the brake fluid goes into the system first through the reservoir?
As that would mean an easy way to keep check that you have not blocked the port would be that if you had blocked the compensator port there would be no way for the new fluid you are trying to introduce in through the top to make its way down to the caliper?
Next: Part 2 of ???