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  • Foreign immigrants that have settled in the UK
  • Tiger6791
    Full Member

    May be considered a pest but they look nice in my garden 😀

    Free Member

    🙂 nice

    Full Member

    That sure is some fancy pants baby robin you’ve got there!

    Free Member

    Coming over here taking our nuts.

    Full Member

    They shoot em round these parts
    http://www.wharf.co.uk/2013/07/isle-of-dogs-parakeet-cull-sho.htmlComin here eating our nuts !!

    Do they east swans too

    Problem is the Bias Bird Corporation lie about their teal impact

    Free Member

    So, Is that what I’ve seen flying around squalking? What’s the story with them?

    Full Member

    Would I have seen them in front of Windsor Castle a couple of weeks ago? Maybe not those exact birds, but ones of their ilk?

    Free Member

    twoniner,see here – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingston_parakeets

    (assuming the OP is in the SW London area)

    Full Member

    Would I have seen them in front of Windsor Castle

    Yes, I live near Windsor

    Free Member

    Would I have seen them in front of Windsor Castle a couple of weeks ago?

    Yep, pretty likely. There’s loads South West and West of London.

    Full Member

    Well I never – thanks for posting, we wondered what they were. 🙂

    Free Member

    I’m sure I’ve seen 2 of those fly over my pad on the North Wales coast a few times.

    Free Member

    Felt like I was getting divebombed by the noisey blighters when I was walking on Wormwood Scrubs last year, they were roosting – there were thousands of them. Pretty mind.

    Full Member

    The do seem to bully and dive bomb, saw a pigeon running away this afternoon

    Free Member

    Escaped pets, the prior owner of my first house used to return to the area regularly the check on his escaped Parrot, full size one, it lived for nearly 10 years before it dissapeared.

    Free Member

    We’ve got one that regularly visits our garden in Glasgow – seems very wild, too wild to be a pet. It has great fun winding up the jackdaws…

    Free Member

    Saw two parrots flying round the Kirby Stephen area. Kind of surreal but very spectacular!

    Free Member

    There is a large population in Beckenham Place Park and they seem to have spread from the SW to the SE London suburbs over the last 20 years or so.
    The idea that all these birds are descended from just one breeding pair seems a bit far fetched. They make a racket but they don’t play the banjo try and abuse middle aged men in the woods 🙂
    The African Queen theory sounds far more plausible as a mass release would have given the possibility for the more hardy birds to survive and then reproduce a less tropical variant.
    The sheer number indicates that a larger quantity than a single breeding pair went on to reproduce.

    Free Member

    We have loads of these over in SE London, and according to the old people round here we have had for years. I didn’t notice until one day my little girl (4) was drawing and all the birds in her picture she coloured in green. I asked her why, and she told me thats what colour the birds are daddy, since then I always notice them. Big flocks of 100s flying about.

    Full Member

    Don’t let Nigel Farage find out. He will start foaming and swivelling his eyes.

    Free Member

    foreign immigrants, over here stealing our nuts? or prison escapees freeloading on hardworking birds nut handouts?
    either way, best call the daily mail and let them know.

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