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  • Foods you don’t like that always need explaining.
  • desperatebicycle
    Full Member

    Funny how the thread has turned into “Food you don’t like – Explain why!”  rather than what you don’t like and shouldn’t have to explain, but do!

    Full Member

    I reckon I am now pretty much an omnivore these days. I started my post-home life with a typical diet of beige foods (pasta, rice, processed meats…) and a succession of girlfriends and flatmates introduced The Vegetable into my diet. My distrust of blue cheese was cured by a friend who, every Christmas, would get a barrel of local beer and a whole Stilton set up in his garage. A pint of beer and a slice of stilton on crusty bread and I was fixed.

    I did used to think that I was allergic to mushrooms, and as a child would have to leave the room/house if there were mushrooms being cooked. Even a side order of them on someone else’s plate would make me lose my appetite… Over the years, though, I realised that there were stews and burritos and the like that I’d consumed that had had mushrooms in without any ill effects (as I’d not realised until later…) so I moved on to just eating round mushrooms in dishes. And then in a ‘none-more-bike-journo’ style, Keith Bontrager (who is a fantastic cook) ganged up with my then-girlfriend Chris to make me a gourmet mushroom dinner. There was chanterelle risotto (with shiitake mushroom liquor) and mushroomy side dishes – all cooked to perfection. Even Keith reckoned it was a bit too mushroomy, but I was cured…

    Now I eat anything, though, like Hannah, I tend to avoid octopus for cleverness reasons, and now lobster, thanks to the ‘Leon the Lobster’ Youtube series… I’m going to stop watching documentaries… 🙂

    Full Member

    I quite like raw button mushrooms

    Full Member

    I’m going to stop watching documentaries

    Yeah, my wife made me promise to stop watching “documentaries” when we started dating seriously.

    Full Member

    If we’re basing our meat choices on cleverness alone, I know a few people I’d be happy eating 😉

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