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  • Fitness and the role of genetics
  • smurf
    Free Member

    I thought the article linked to below might be of interest to a few folks on here.

    I know Stuart and the team at the business so the article appeared in my linkedin update. I thought it was a good, simple summary of quite a complicated area.

    Interested to hear others views or from anyone that has taken the test.

    Full Member

    Interesting topic but the article doesnt actually say anything

    Free Member

    No real information there.

    Would be interesting to see examples of how knowing your genetic make up can help you make choices about training and nutrition to maximise potential though. I guess we all know that one size fits all plans don’t suit everyone.

    Free Member

    I think the lack of detail is a linkedin “feature”…all of the stuff I get from them is short, a bit bland, etc.

    @mrblobby…the musclegenes.com website has an “exercise genes” section that provides more information on what is tested for and how the published science is translated into advice

    Free Member

    I’d recommend reading The Sports Gene by David Epstein for a more substantial introduction to this with much of the research explained and critiqued.
    The most useful bits I’ve found have been gaining an understanding of where I sit on scale of fitness responders, and what base level of aerobic/anaerobic fitness I hold. Both of these factors are largely genetic (according to the research).
    I’ve used it to shape my periodised training and reduce injury rates with good personal results in rock climbing.

    Free Member

    Thanks. Reckon most people who train seriously have a pretty good idea of what works for them. Be curious to see how this ties up and what it could add.

    Free Member

    I used to go to school with Stu and Dan

    Free Member

    For anyone interested in how they match the science with your personal results, I came across this a section on the web site that I thought was helpful.

    Take a look at the https://musclegenes.com/the-research/

    and then scroll down to the “The MUSCLEGENES Research Process section”.

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