I had a roadie draft me t’other day, along the cycle path in Cable St. He went to overtake me, but din’t use a bell or owt so I din’t know he was there. I ‘swerved’ slightly to avoid something on’t ground, and we nearly crashed. I told him it might be an idea to get a bell, he responded with ‘learn how to ride a bike propperly’. 😆
I caught him at a set of lights, and asked him why he thought it necessary to be such a knob. He din’t have an answer for that one. But there was a bashing of elbows as we both pulled away from the lights.
Little Tip for roadies what want to act like knobs; Don’t wear club kit what I can then use to identify exactly who you are, where you live and who you work for. Look forward to seeing you again… 😈
Shall I send him poo in a tupperware container? Shall I? Shall I??? 😀