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  • Fed up of offensive ‘ Gay / Jay’ comments being acceptable on this forum
  • scruff
    Free Member

    In reality, Gay means Happy.

    So anyone spouting offence or whatever about the term Gay being used offensively is either really stupid individual or seriously needs to get a life.

    Full Member

    I think the banter gets a bit tiresome at times. From looking at this and other forums you’d get the impression that mountain bikers seem to be hung up on their sexuality. I’m sure many other male-dominated sports are the same.

    However some of it is also very funny and there seems to be a fairly clear line drawn between the playground insults and the more serious stuff. To paraphrase something noteeth posted on here a while back, there’s no hatred here, only insecurity. 😉

    Free Member

    Boardin bob that actually is quite offensive.

    Free Member
    Full Member

    ‘Must be her “unclean” time of the month’ and ‘she’s a bit sensitive and So take some evening primrose and MTFU’ – I think these are more offensive!

    Free Member

    Thanks for making me thing about this – though I’m prompted to wonder why you mentioned your own sex or orientation. My first thought was to ask a gay person – however, I don’t know any – which led me on to thinking, given that supposedly something like 10% of people have gay leanings, either there are whole gay cities I know nothing of, or most choose to conceal it – which reflects the general prejudice I guess 🙁

    Free Member

    “xc-jeyboy” originated as a misspelled dig at XC riders on (I think) MBUK’s forum

    The thing is though Chipps, it is difficult to deny that the digs at XC riders, and at roadies, basically boil down to the suggestion that those people in some way are homosexual and deserve to be treated as such i.e. with mockery.

    There is a (perfectly good natured no doubt) thread on by a chap describing his conversion to road riding as though he were coming out as a homosexual. It’s not meant harmfully I’m sure, but it’s interesting that we are totally comfortable with this way of looking at these issues. Try phrasing that sort of joke in terms of “how should I tell my parents that my new lover is black”. 🙂

    Free Member

    simonfbarnes – Member
    given that supposedly something like 10% of people have gay leanings, either there are whole gay cities I know nothing of, or most choose to conceal it – which reflects the general prejudice I guess

    Or you only know 8 other people….

    Free Member

    I dunno, I am guilty of using gay (for which jey is surely just a sly substitute) as a derogatory term. I really don’t think I have any negative feelings towards gay people though I suppose it is related to stereotypes of gay people as being wimpy and effeminate.

    There is a gay guy I sometimes work with who does find it quite offensive and it’s fair enough really – he is not a fan of Chris Moyles!

    Free Member

    Can I point out that everyone was a so called “jey” boy when mtbing began.
    If it wasn’t for these “jeys” who started it off we wouldn’t be talking on this forum…we may mock them ,as i’am think wearing lyrcra is fine and tbh most people who wear baggies are trying to cover up rolls of or are the young super fit type who think the skater look is still in…
    well as always i digress to say retro as with all things is cool….
    skinny jeans and pointy shoes??? its the same with the oringinal lycra clad message,Except thankfully the colour have been toned down abit.
    Lycra is cool in both sense of the word,practical and shows you are a proper cyclist,lycra is still cooler than baggys so don’t mock anyone about it .
    anyway hope it doesn’t issult the “baggy trousers crew” 😆
    a 16year old in lycra.. 8)

    Full Member

    Oh dear. Sweety, I’m sure your heart’s in the right place, but gay/lesbian folks have proved to be perfectly capable of fighting their own battles and standing up for themselves for many years now. All you’re doing is coming across as patronizing and condecending, and if I was gay I’d be bloody offended at some snippy straight bint trying to score points on my behalf. I respectfully suggest you go and find some real injustice to get offended about.

    Free Member

    it is related to stereotypes of gay people as being wimpy and effeminate

    Nail. Head. 🙂

    Free Member

    Or you only know 8 other people….


    Indeed. I’ll bet you do know a gay person, but you just don’t know they’re gay. And you’ve never realised because it’s not an issue.

    Free Member

    Countzero that implies for example, I would not be allowed to be offended at racist joke because I am white.

    Full Member

    he is not a fan of Chris Moyles!

    Is this to do with the fact that Chris Moyles is a homophobe, or the fact that he’s a charm-deficient oaf with a face like a giant uncooked pork scratching?

    Free Member

    Offence by proxy – It’s all the rage these days

    Free Member

    Moyles’ homophobia is just one facet of his oafish charm-deficiency. 🙂

    Free Member

    Is this to do with the fact that Chris Moyles is a homophobe, or the fact that he’s a charm-deficient oaf with a face like a giant uncooked pork scratching?

    Am I allowed to laugh at that? Is it not offensive?
    I do like a bit of pork though… Mmmmmmmmm

    Free Member

    You’ve got it all wrong with the ‘jey’ thing – nothing to do with sexuality.

    The ‘gay’ thing is just boys being very childish boys. My 11 year old son calls things ‘gay’, which I find annoying, but he is a child and I’m trying to teach him that there is nothing wrong with being gay. I’m not offended by it though, I just find it immature for grown men to use the word gay to describe something they dislike.

    The funny thing is the oft used phrase of ‘that is so gay’ sounds so camp.

    Free Member

    ‘Is this to do with the fact that Chris Moyles is a homophobe, or the fact that he’s a charm-deficient oaf with a face like a giant uncooked pork scratching?’

    Bit of both I think.

    Free Member

    OP – it’s not worth it. Like you I live in a world where people mostly don’t seem to talk like this, but this is STW. Just sit back and sigh, I do. Some of them are actually ok…

    Free Member

    Bit if balance. I commented yesterday on a thread with religion-with the CofE saying they’ll debate allowing gays into the clergy. Miffed me to no end that bigotry in religion hurts Christians who also happen to be gay. Who says the Priests actually do talk to God (dispicable beasts).

    OP- it tends to be a ‘male’ and people egg each other on with abit of controversy. STW mods would ban people in an instant if they believed any posts were intent/malicious.

    BTW- Valentines day 2008, me and my girlfriend ate in Eden on Canal St Manchester. Its a gay restaurant.

    I’ll still royally take the mick etc etc- as long as I know its joking just as I dont mind being called a Polish Plumber or ‘Bosnian Warchild’ (my nickname at college).


    Free Member

    jey is for offroad
    ghey is for the real deviants – roadies.
    and if you take it up the wrong un, you should be on mlehworld where moob rubs and dinkles out cuddles are the way forward.

    love ya all, soobalias (some of my best friends are queer ****)

    Free Member

    The funny thing is the oft used phrase of ‘that is so gay’ sounds so camp. “

    mostly said by my camp (and gay) friend!

    so where are these posts – other than the coming out one?

    Free Member

    No, I’ve read that first para twice and it still makes no sense.

    Free Member

    Oh come on every one knows that calling someone gay or a gayer when it’s because they’re a pants rider or whimp out at something or just dress odd is in no way said in a manner that offends.
    So ok it might be just my opinion, but it’s use in our way and many others has taken a clear and different path to the one you suggest.
    It simply is’nt offensive for me to call my mate who isn’t gay BTW a gayer when he walks down a drop off for example in the same way it wouldn’t be offensive to blind people if I shouted out ‘are you blind’ when he crashed off the drop that he didn’t see.
    And in a way our use of the word gay is third hand, so calling someone gay because they like to dress in purple lycra is more in line with it’s true meaning.

    Free Member

    Yet another gay cyclist thread,where are you all hideing in the bushes,sadly there is still a lot of fear and hatred towards people of alternative sexuality, despite what some straight people think, ive worked for gay people and sometimes one has to be discreet about what one says.
    One case comes to mind, when i left a note for a gay couple,and put on it i called round today,knocked on the door and thought you and your boyfreind where out so ill come back tomorrow to pickup the keys.

    A heated responce that night, saying they where not out, and didnt want workmen saying they where out, when i tried to explain they didnt answer the door, so i presumed they where out, as opposed to being in the house,the penny droped, followed by a groveling apology.

    So if youre not in the house , your`e not out, but away,and if youre out, you may be out about your sexuality,and out of the house.

    Free Member

    But if it’s meant in a derogatory way then surely it is offensive? Implying that being gay is bad?

    Free Member

    A student described another student’s work as gay in a seminar i was teaching. I got him to stand in from of the class and explain how a diagram can be gay – perhaps it is only sexually attracted to other models of the water cycle, or it has a penchant for GIS maps… he’s a reformed character now.

    Full Member

    This thread is ace.

    Free Member

    Binners will be along shortly with his riding corset. He’ll sort you all out 😮

    Full Member

    gay means happy…………..no??

    Full Member

    it has a penchant for GIS

    Try saying that out loud, with a soft “g”. 😆

    Sorry. 😳

    Free Member

    the lesbian on my thursday night ride calls blokes gay if they bottle something, or try to bail from the pub early.

    i will tell her its offensive tonight

    Free Member

    project so are you saying you can’t use the word ‘out’ to a gay person?

    Full Member

    If the OP feels so strongly, why aren’t they chipping in with some more thoughts?

    Unless it’s trolling of the highest order 😉

    Free Member

    most people who wear baggies are trying to cover up rolls of or are the young super fit type who think the skater look is still in…

    Lycra is cool in both sense of the word,practical and shows you are a proper cyclist,lycra is still cooler than baggys so don’t mock anyone about it .

    Confirmed gaylord

    EDIT: It seems I have just inadvertantly questioned a 16 year old boy’s sexuality. Does that make me a nonce or a closet gaylord?

    Free Member

    Wheres Adam W, the token Gay,on the Forum

    Free Member

    mrsflash, no one is implying that being gay is bad, merely mistaken.

    In cyclinguist terms.

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