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  • Far right attempting to subvert the farmers protests in London.
  • pk13
    Full Member

    @TiRed the last part is why most of the old farmers i know build a granny anex and work part time on other farms or rent back stables for storage.

    Farming is a rubbish job with great benefits if you like being outside.

    Massively underrated and taken for granted.

    Full Member

    If my pad is worth £1m+ (no hope)  my kid will get hit with inheritance tax.   Even though my work has brought foreign money into the economy and helps (a tiny bit) to offset the mahoosive negative balance of trade.  I’ve not been paid massive subsidies each year for 50+ years, unlike them.

    I didn’t see any of them protesting when the ship yards, steel mills or 1000 other British industries were decimated.   We import most other things, we can import food if needs be – because we’re so dependent on other countries already, one more step will male fookall difference.

    They need to paying their share of tax rather than just sponging off the rest of us.

    Full Member

    And never forget- ‘their’ land was land stolen from the masses in the 1st place over the past 500 or so years.   Their really just thieves handing on stolen property.

    Full Member

    Anyway not sure in the timing of the announcement of this  new venture,but here’s a cycling related theme with farms ,gcn,inheritance etc


    Full Member

    And never forget- ‘their’ land was land stolen from the masses

    Given the ability and competence of “the masses”, not sure we want it returning, tbh

    Free Member

    Well, I imagine the proper farmers who went down to London trudged back last night in the cold and have now woken up and are going to work, in the cold, with not a single thing changed.

    Meanwhile, Farage, Tice, Clarkson et al are probably still tucked up in nice, warm, London hotel suites – having had a lovely evening meal with some fine wines. Probably a brandy or two as a nightcap in some big armchairs to round off another successful day (for them).

    Free Member

    In another “pick the opposite side to X and you’ll be right” confirmation…

    I see Liz Truss is backing the protesting farmers. I bet they’re thrilled with that one!

    Free Member

    Clarkson is a throbber. Never liked the guy, but him being caught out by that interviewer and his weasely response truly sealed it.

    Quite farage-esque. What a ****.

    Full Member

    This letter from the FT seems to sum up the position for me. These farmers should be turning their anger onto to the parasitic folk who have inflated the notional value of their land to such an extent that they are now classed as millionaires and taxed accordingly.

    Also, Clarkson really is a revolting individual, he’s just good at projecting bonhomie in controlled situations, stick him in a street interview with some awkward questions from the likes of Vic Derbyshire and the switch flips instantly.

    but here’s a cycling related theme with farms ,gcn,inheritance etc

    Saw that last night, spent five minutes trying to work out if it was a skit where they ended up racing CX around the grounds of a stately home. And I can’t believe he’s not actually called Hank.

    Free Member

    In one infinitesimally small ‘victory’ I see that my local rural police force have removed their post on FB where they changed the profile picture to a “We Support British Farmers” banner.

    It was pointed out to them by me and others that the police are supposed to be apolitical.

    Free Member

    I started out from the perspective of the changes being a bad thing and this thread, being largely a load of shouting down and the usual, had done nothing to convince me otherwise. The video has me now considering the opposite viewpoint.. at they say – it’s all in the delivery.

    I don’t as a rule object to paying taxes, but I do when others don’t have to pay the same ones as me – but maybe the mistake Reeves made was that she should’ve announced that landowner estates would pay the same as the rest of us, and then gave them 10 years (with no interest and benefitting from inflation) to pay as a concession?

    Full Member

    Given his “help” to the fishing industry, I just don’t get why Farage was welcome within 20 miles of that protest yesterday.

    Free Member

    There were very mixed views on his attendance. Farage just turned up uninvited, and was then told that he wasn’t welcome to speak on stage.

    Clarkson: I hate him….on stage he was absolutely brilliant though, much as you’d expect.

    Full Member

    on stage he was absolutely brilliant though, much as you’d expect.

    Yup, very much what I would expect. What is less expected though is how shite he is when challenged.

    Full Member

    The video posted on the previous page is an excellent analysis of the modern farming conundrum.

    The problem with Labour’s approach in this and things like the winter heating grant is that they don’t offer a carrot with the necessary stick. The winter heating grant should have been tapered rather than a sharp cut off and the farmers should have been promised some form of price protections for their products to make farming worthwhile. The subsidies we pay them now are really just free extra profits to the food industry.

    Both policies are perfectly reasonable and needed as we try to wriggle out of the decades long low tax economy experiment that has enshittified the public realm, but for heavens sake Labour need to do better to explain it and say why it’ll make us all happier, healthier and wealthier in the long run.

    Free Member

    I have a family business (Tech) my business is based from my home I don’t get reduced council tax, I don’t get grants for fencing, hedges, trees, hardstanding, never had a single farm payment, the only benefit I had was a double cab pickup, I don’t get inheritance tax reduction I can’t claim back vat on anything for my land or property. I don’t travel first class, I don’t drive £70k landrovers, I can’t build an ‘agricultural workers cottage” – yet I am surrounded by Farmers who in my 60 years of watching seem to have had a good run.

    Free Member

    Tice, Farage, Truss, Clarkson and Badenoch speaking against an increase of taxation on millionaires.

    The Daily Mail has twisted a family tragedy to blame a suicide on the tax increase when a quick review of the facts shows that the tax changes would of had zero impact on his estate.

    Why are normal working people taken by this absolute nonsense?

    If it’s about our nation’s food, what about the bakers, butchers, grain mills etc. Why do they not have different IHT rules?

    What about the farmers destroying butchers businesses by opening farm shops and cutting them out of the loop? Basically profiteering by shortening the established supply chain?

    **** the multi millionaire farmers and land owners and get them to pay what they owe.

    Full Member

    Given his “help” to the fishing industry, I just don’t get why Farage was welcome within 20 miles of that protest yesterday.

    Its like Brexit, innit? These snake oil salesmen have managed to convince the hard of thinking that they’re on their side, in order to get them to behave against their own interests

    The idea that piano-tinkling squillionaire landowner ‘Lord’ Lloyd Webber has the remotest interest in some hill farmer in Penrith is absolutely laughable.

    This is the man who took a first class flight back from New York specifically in order to vote through benefit cuts to the poorest in society in the House of Lords.

    Farage and Clarkson are the same. Shysters just on the grift

    Free Member

    It was pointed out to them by me and others that the police are supposed to be apolitical.

    Nice that they did, as loads of farmers get their livestock and machinery stolen. Maybe they should put their thoughts back up online today now that the general public have moved on from their 5 minutes of fame.

    Full Member

    This is the man who took a first class flight back from New York specifically in order to vote through benefit cuts to the poorest in society in the House of Lords.

    Remarkable! Never had a high opinion of LW, but that’s a jaw-dropper.

    Full Member

    Clarkson: I hate him

    It is, I think, the totally transparently self-serving nature of it that seems invisible to the community who are lending their support to him whining about having his tax dodge removed, becasue he’s “one of them” I can understand why Clarkson is angry, that the farmers back him him up is unfathomable. He literally made his money from the public purse through working for the BBC, and sought to protect having to pay anything back through buying a farm – which he now claims was a lie, so can anything he says be trusted? Faced with actual questioning yesterday he fell apart. As for his speech, well he spoke well enough but he made a joke of the air and river pollution that some farmers are guilty of, so I don’t think he won over that many folks to the cause.

    I get that for many farmers this is just the latest of many things that seem to be piling up to conspire to make their businesses unprofitable, but given the wholly unsustainable cost of land, the wholly unsustainable nature of modern farming, the wholly unsustainable tax breaks and subsidies they’ve had for the last 50 years, did they really think the money would roll in forever from the public purse?

    As one post on Threads  put it yesterday “Yeah you put food on our tables, but we empty your bins, and clean your streets, we teach your kids, we drive the ambulance, and staff the hospital that look after you”.

    Free Member

    This is the man who took a first class flight back from New York specifically in order to vote through benefit cuts to the poorest in society in the House of Lords.
    Remarkable! Never had a high opinion of LW, but that’s a jaw-dropper.

    Oh come one they all do stuff like that no matter what the colour.

    Free Member

    Why are normal working people taken by this absolute nonsense?

    Because they aren’t very bright

    Full Member

    Oh come one they all do stuff like that no matter what the colour.

    My bar of what justifies eight hours sitting on a plane and eight hours back is clearly way too high!

    Full Member

    they all do stuff like that no matter what the colour.

    They really don’t all do stuff like that. Andrew Lloyd Webber has never been a politician and he gave up his attempt to be one when that flight to London from New York specifically in order to vote through benefit cuts proved that he totally lacked any qualities to be one.

    Before that specific vote he hadn’t attended any sitting of the House of Lords for an extremely long time. He obviously thought that benefit cuts for the poorest in society was an issue of vital importance to him.

    Free Member

    Why are normal working people taken by this absolute nonsense?

    Because the public are tired of experts.

    Because of Rupert Murdoch.

    Because of the Barclay brothers

    Because of BBCs impartiality rules.

    The list is long, but essentially, rich people are doing whatever they can to keep their money, and that means keeping you and i as poor and badly informed as possible. And they’ve been making dirty tricks legal to do it for as long as i’ve been alive.

    Those who try and point these things out are then discredited in the media, which is owned by rich people.

    It takes *real* brainpower to cut through all the rubbish that the media are allowed to (or made to) spout about stuff that affects your daily life and work out what’s really going on.

    Free Member

    Nice that they did, as loads of farmers get their livestock and machinery stolen. Maybe they should put their thoughts back up online today now that the general public have moved on from their 5 minutes of fame.

    They can (and will obviously) continue to post up with appeals and information about successful prosecutions that demonstrably back British Farmers when they are victims of crime. Like any police force should.

    But stating that they ‘back’ one group of people as a matter of general principle is not a good look for a UK policing team. They can advertise that they have the specialist knowledge, networks and skillsets to combat rural crime. What they cannot do is say they ‘back’ one group. What will they do if a farmer assaults a walker who has accidentally strayed off of a footpath, for example?

    Full Member

    It was pointed out to them by me and others that the police are supposed to be apolitical.

    Why is supporting british farmers political? Are you careful to make sure you don’t buy british meat or vegetables at the supermarket in case you are (mis?)construed to be making a political statement?

    Fighting the good fight as usual Fenderextender

    Full Member

     I can understand why Clarkson is angry, that the farmers back him him up is unfathomable.

    But, but, but, Clarkson s Farm has done “more for farming” than any other programme.

    I now can’t stand the man, he makes good watchable TV, but he’s a weapons grade idiot.

    As someone who runs a village shop and used to do alot of retail planning within a previous career, everything he’s publicly done in recent years makes him look like a tw*t imo. His best move was buying the pub recently, but he should have done that 3 years ago, except that wouldn’t have made good TV.

    Free Member

    Why is supporting british farmers political?

    Because of the timing and the context that they posted that it during a significant political protest involving farmers.

    Free Member

    Why are normal working people taken by this absolute nonsense?

    Because they aren’t very bright


    Free Member



    And as if to illustrate the point, up pops my old adversary tenburner.

    I bet you wouldn’t think the same if a police force had put a slogan on their FB site stating that they ‘back’ asylum seekers in general after they were being threatened with having buildings burned down around them.

    Fighting the bad fight as usual, tenburner.

    Free Member

    Because of the timing and the context that they posted that it during a significant political protest involving farmers.


    Full Member

    For those that like a read rather than a watch of the tax issues Byline Times has a good analysis of who will owe what in future

    Jeremy Clarkson, James Dyson and Junk Stats: Is This the Best the Anti-Inheritance Tax Farming Lobby Has to Offer?

    And a further analysis of farm acreages.

    A message from a REAL farmer who hasn’t been brainwashed by the Tories, wealthy landowners and the right wing media??#FarmersProtest

    AndrewT (@andrewt500.bsky.social) 2024-11-19T18:14:41.738Z

    Free Member


    Yeah but actual facts will never beat an image of a tractor with a Union Jack tied to the back.

    Or a big red bus with lies printed on the side.

    Free Member

    He literally made his money from the public purse through working for the BBC, and sought to protect having to pay anything back through buying a farm – which he now claims was a lie, so can anything he says be trusted?

    He was also paid “by the taxpayer” to not grow anything on his farm for many years..

    Full Member

    What I’m getting sick of is the patronising twoddle from farmers, landowners, Tory MPs and their media cheerleaders is how we ‘don’t understand’ the ways of salt of the earth countryside types. As if they’re some kind of separate (and superior)  race, blessed with attributes that none of us could ever aspire too.

    And that apparently they’re the only profession that ‘works hard’.

    I’ve never heard anyone pleading a unique case for scaffolders or car mechanics or any other trade or profession that would exclude them from paying tax like everybody else

    Free Member

    Oh come one they all do stuff like that no matter what the colour.

    Really, evidence?

    Free Member

    I’ve never heard anyone pleading a unique case for scaffolders or car mechanics or any other trade or profession that would exclude them from paying tax like everybody else

    Yes, but they’re less able to (emotively at least) hold the country to ransom.

    Let’s face it – the government has got this one right. They’ll hunker down on it and it will go away when the vast majority of genuine, hard-working farmers do not see any effect at all. There’ll be the odd flare-up, but it’ll basically go away, leaving the likes of Clarkson, Dyson, Farage et al looking like exactly what they are – tax dodging, selfish crooks who are rich beyond the dreams of avarice and (hopefully) will stress themselves over trying to avoid having £800m in the bank rather than £825m (made up figures, obvs).

    It’s a good time for the protests too – folk are starting to think about Xmas dinners etc. This wouldn’t be half as effective in January when lentil sales are through the roof again.

    Full Member

    BladeoftheSun (@bladeofthes.bsky.social) 2024-11-19T20:41:42.192Z

    Because a little bit of a reminder of why we should be engaging in class warfare not culture warfare! How Hamilton gets by on ‘only’ 822 acres is anybody’s guess!

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