I took my five year-old daughter to see it on Sunday morning there.
She really enjoyed it, and I bought the soundtrack yesterday before picking her up from school and we listened to it all last night and this morning after breakfast.
She could remember which tracks corresponded with which scenes in the film (I was amazed), and asked me to leave the room so she could dance to some tracks without being self-conscious.
She also asked a lot of questions throughout the film, and again during the songs, about characters/plot and so on.
As for being scared – nah. She wasn't at all. Like a poster above, she's come through the Dr. Who/Harry Potter experiences and so on with little problem. I don't think this film will be scary for geoffj's wean.
For adults – I fekn loved it! It was a piece of craftsmanship, and dark enough to keep me interested. Humourous too – I think I was laughing the most out of the whole audience, but maybe I'm just "different", to quote the script – a strange 'cusser'.
I think if mum/dad is laughing/enjoying a film, it puts the child more at ease and could remove some of the fear for them.
In short, I'd recommend it.
Hope you agree, but make the choice you feel right with.