Drank too much on Saturday, there’s a mobile written on my arm, I have no idea who’s it is I ” may” have made a bit of a tit of myself in front of my ex, and I appear to have a stalker/ groupie.
get back down to the scene of the crime with a stiff drink in your hand and a grin..
roll your eyes a lot and proclaim ‘What AM I like..!’ to anyone that looks at you funny before getting drunk as a rat, peeing your knickers and getting off with the barmaid in the toilets..
banned for stuff he said on twitter…. dont know much more than that, all happened on friday i think whilst i was out the office so i missed everything.
i think they just discovered his multiple accounts (TSY, GW, iDave and IHN) 😈
Definitely gone for ten years. As well as don Simon who’s also going to be spending quite a few years in the cooler. One suspects there may be others after the Great Banning Weekend of 2012 but we can’t really talk about it. 🙂
For three good reasons stop getting so pissed you have no memory of events the day after,
1..for obvious reasons as above, weirdos, stalkers ect..
2..you’ll save a fortune
3..it’ll **** you up later in life
Yes…I’m old…..
At Uni, with alarming regularity, fortunately I was a hilarious (for everybody else, according to them) drunk, to the point where they’d deliberately try to buy me enough red wine to make me go crazy. (it only worked once)