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  • Employer being an ass. Advice please.
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    Possibly her employer wants ridance of her sees it as a good way for her to efectively terminate her employment, perhaps ring the tt and ask them to delay the races because she cant get time off work, or hope the thing is cancelled .

    Full Member

    To qualify what I said, as a manager, I’m happy to grant leave when it’s operationally sensible, it means to me, I’ve got less leave to worry about planning in when it might cause more difficulty.. even with one day notice I’ll grant it, if possible as it’s one day or some days less I have to worry about covering later in the year.

    Free Member

    I’m with Dezb, been on the receiving end of stupidity when it comes to taking holidays, I worked over a year never being able to take a Friday off because my boss was too scared to ask anyone to cover

    You work because you have to, the least they can do is meet you half way

    Free Member

    I do agree that not booking the holiday when you book the holiday is crazy though…

    It’s not possible. She can’t book until January and we had to book the ferry a year in advance. She’s given 5 months notice. That’s more then enough IMO. I left a job last year and one of the major reasons was their stance on holidays. I can put up with all sorts of crap, but mess with my time off and I’m gone.

    Free Member

    They’re screwing her and I don’t like it, I guess anyone should feel the same about their wife, right?

    😯 damn straight!

    Full Member

    Yup. We were fine in our MSR but there were lots in Tesco tents that weren’t

    Only year I’ve been, we had an early morning return ferry but packed up the night before & slept in some of the abandoned tents so we didn’t have to pack up in the morning, a week of rain was more than my mates triumph could take, couldn’t even bump it down to union mills 🙁

    Free Member

    specific company rules about that time period,

    There aren’t. Her manager is shitting himself because he might have to do some work, and, err, manage the situation.
    That’s about it.

    Free Member

    They’d find a way to cover if she gave them a month’s notice…of leaving.

    Free Member

    She can’t book until January

    That is mean. You should be able to book hols a far ahead as you want. Get another job.

    Free Member

    Well if all goes to plan I might see you at the TT. I will be the one wearing a hat 😯 My first time there. BTW I am self employed so I will have to sack myself. 😀

    Full Member

    MSP – no chance at all it would be constructive dismissal. Ridiculous suggestion. the company have an absolute right to refuse holidays without giving a reason.

    Full Member

    It wouldn’t be constructive dismissal in itself, but as an example of behaviour wouldn’t look good for the company.

    They do not have a right to refuse holiday without a reason. You are legally entitled to holidays, some rules may be set out in your contract, but they cannot refuse your legal entitlements without a good reason.

    Full Member

    It does sound harsh unless there’s some politics going on in the background, but you should also get approval before booking stuff.

    Full Member

    As a more constructive solution how about a “What can I do to make this work for everyone?” conversation with her boss?

    Who do you think gets the best result…

    Someone who comes wading in with demands and a whole load of Kevin the Teenager attitude


    Someone who says – I see your issue – I don’t agree entirely but I figured out how we can make it work and subatantially address your concerns.

    Free Member

    I’d just go in and start smashing stuff up.

    Let us know how you got on.

    Free Member

    From your description of her working conditions it sounds like they need her, and are getting a bloody good deal too. That being the case i’d push for a definite decision and tell them that if refused I would have no alternative but to take my talents elsewhere. It doesn’t have to sound like a threat, but it is. so only do it if you can back it up.
    EDIT: When I say you I mean her of course, its not your place to go fighting her battles unless specifically asked.

    Full Member

    MSP – 100% wrong – holidays are taken at mutual consent – they cannot refuse you to take your holidays but the time at which you take them has to be agreed by both sides. YOu do not have a legal entitlement to take them when you wish – only that yo have leave and it must be granted within the leave year

    If an employer does not want you to take a particular week they do not have to give a reason- although a good boss would and you cannot demand which weeks you take.

    Full Member

    Depends on jursidiction.
    My understanding here (not UK) is that they can refuse, but must provide a good reason ( eg for operational reasons) for doing so.
    Both parties would normally not take the mick.

    If the employer’s reason is “we’re not sure what the schedule and cover situation is going to be like”, then the employer needs a new manager.

    Free Member

    you do not have the right to determine when you take your annual leave.


    My employer tried to take my holidays away after them being approved for 10 months last year. They had business case. (Due to paying off loads of folk we were short staffed)How ever they also came at me 2 days too late under my contract and id already been shafted by them and had done 3 months straight between oz and africa.on operations i needed my holiday more than i needed the job.

    I went on holiday didnt feel guilty

    I still work here.

    Free Member

    Pete, you sound like the sort of chap who shouldn’t be messed with. I reckon you need to go and pay her manager a visit.
    Round up a couple of mates, put your leathers on and ride down to her office on your bikes.
    I reckon you need to sit outside with the engines running and wait till Manag-her leaves the office for home. As he’s walking to his car, you and your mates want to ride toward him then start circling him, revving your engines loudly.
    He’ll be cacking himself, his guard will be down; anything you request from him, he’ll make it happen….”otherwise, there’ll be trouble”
    Everyone knows not to mess with a man in leathers.

    Full Member

    That is mean. You should be able to book hols a far ahead as you want. Get another job.

    Why should you?

    Full Member

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    Free Member

    😆 @taylforth !

    Free Member

    Drac – Moderator

    If they can’t organise cover when notified 6 months in advance then IMO that’s a problem. I wouldn’t be pleased at all and that alone would probably make me look for a new job. Appreciate every industry is different etc etc.

    You can’t create cover if it’s not there no matter how much notice. [/quote]

    Then that’s a stupid position for a company to be in and would be an even bigger problem for me. What if there was an emergency/illness etc that required similar time off? If someone is so critical to an organisation that leave can’t be booked 5-6 months in advance (refused for unspecified reason?) then something is really wrong. I’d love to take a look at their business continuity/contingency plan and their risk register.

    Free Member

    Pete and The Gang

    Full Member

    Then that’s a stupid position for a company to be in and would be an even bigger problem for me. What if there was an emergency/illness etc that required similar time off?

    No it isn’t. A company should have enough to cover for holidays and a little extra for emergencies. Allowing people to take holidays as when they insist causes issues for those requiring emergency leave.

    Full Member

    TUC site

    Unfortunately, under the Working Time Regulations 1998 (WTR), you do not have the right to determine when you take your annual leave. Therefore, if your employer has a genuine business reason, it does not have to agree to your dates.

    The Regulations allow your employer to require you to give notice, equal to twice the length of the holiday requested. Your employer can also insist that you take your holiday at a particular time.

    Can my employer make me take my holidays when they want, rather than when I’d like?

    Yes. You do not necessarily have the right to choose when you take your holiday, and your employer can tell you when to take your leave.

    Full Member

    It’s for good reason leave has to be approved, and any half decent manager would never decline leave if they can help it, but if you have a team of spotty teenagers who all want to book the same weekend off for a music festival or something, then it’s obvious that it’s not possible and some will be declined, for genuine operational reasons.

    Hence why holidays need approval.

    Seems there’s more going on here, did she seek approval or just take it for granted that a lot of notice is justified ,approved or not?

    Full Member

    In reality it’s often a negotiation, but there’s no legal standing in demanding certain dates off.

    Free Member

    Whatever the legal position any company that won’t let you take a holiday when they have been given 5 months notice is probably not worth working for anyway . I would try to talk to them and explain the position and if there was no resolution I would be looking to be in a new job by the time the TT came round .

    Full Member

    The fact is a lot of companies can’t afford to pay two extra full time staff at a cost of say £50k for the pair a year just to act as floaters to cover random leave requests.

    Because most of the time you’d basically be overstaffed, and losing money paying people to do nothing for a lot of the time.

    Free Member

    Random? The same weeks 5 years in a row with 5months notice. Hardly random is it. You don’t need 2 full time floaters ffs. Just a bit of sensible planning, OT, rota changes etc. Different if there was a critical event due to take place over the same period, but why not just be upfront and tell her that.

    Full Member

    I digress though, 5 months notice is plenty… If it’s approved and not taken as an assumption.

    But it sounds like the op took it for granted rather than getting it approved formally.

    Whether the manager has a personal issue or is just a knob, who’s to say.

    Free Member

    It is a bit more random than every year it’s the same weeks every 5th year . Still totally unacceptable from the employer though .

    Free Member

    At HMPS we get our leave apps in September, in which we apply for ‘block leave’ from March the following year till February the year after (the leave I’m currently on was granted in October 2015) If that makes sense?
    We booked a cottage on South Uist for June this year before our leave apps came out & luckily I/we were granted the request, If we hadn’t there would’ve been some right shift swapping going on!

    Any company doesn’t have to grant leave exactly when you demand it.

    Free Member

    It is a bit more random than every year it’s the same weeks every 5th year .

    So it is, I misunderstood the OP.

    Full Member

    If we hadn’t there would’ve been some right shift swapping going on!

    Exactly. There are other options such as swapping holidays with another employee. Maybe someone else wanted those weeks off and have had to wait 5 years to get them. Hardly seems fair taking the same seeks off every year.

    Free Member

    Out of interest- has she been given a reason why she can’t have that time off?

    Full Member

    Today she tells me they’re being difficult about it. “Not happy with you taking the time off. We’re busy” etc

    maybe someone doesn’t want to go….again… 😉

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