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  • Emergency details on you phone: ICE numbers.
  • bigblackshed
    Full Member

    Thinking a bit about the thread where a forum member helped a fellow biker out of the woods. Does anyone carry emergency contact details and info on them or have the ICE (In Case of Emergency) number in their phone when out riding?

    If so, would the emergency services actually look through your phone to retrieve it?

    Just wondering, like.

    Free Member

    It’s a good idea and something that some of the Emergency Services encourage. However, many folk have a “phone lock” now so it’s going to be of little use.

    I have a “if found, please call” number on the Power-on screen of my GPS though 🙂

    Full Member

    Never used it, I simply look up home for parents to come and collect their drunken kids.

    I don’t have any need to use ICE when at work, if they’re that ill they can’t do it themselves then I won’t be ringing anyone.

    I should add, if it’s something that worries you then carry a plasticised card in your wallet with details on, I’ve helped look for IDs at the hospital before. Phones can break or as mentioned often locked, a small card in a wallet or pocket is better.

    Free Member

    if you use an iPhone, take a screen shot of your ICE details and set that as your phones lock screen. i try to remember to do it when I ride on me todd.

    Free Member

    I have emergency contact details taped to my helmet and they used to be on my frame as well but I took them off as I sold that bike. need to do it on the new ones!

    Free Member

    We never check at work and don’t even answer if phone rings , not sure what police do I’m sure they look but as said most phones are locked these days

    Full Member

    if you use an iPhone, take a screen shot of your ICE details and set that as your phones lock screen. i try to remember to do it when I ride on me todd.

    Only problem with that is that any push messages cover the screen.

    Free Member

    just get a tattoo

    Free Member

    Paramedic friend told me they don’t search for them straight away first priority is to help you. In hospital they might and to keep a card in wallet as its most likely to be kept with you. Helmets can get damaged and often not removed at scene of an accident.

    Free Member

    I cannot believe people do not have auto lock set on their handsets. How totally daft not to! You give away all of your contacts and grant someone carte blanche to call anywhere in the world, at your expense. Intelligent!

    Free Member

    I cannot believe people do not have auto lock set on their handsets. How totally daft not to! You give away all of your contacts and grant someone carte blanche to call anywhere in the world, at your expense. Intelligent!

    Mine is never locked.

    But then again, I’ve had mobile phones for the last 20 years and I’ve never lost or had one stolen.
    It lives in my trouser pocket, and if its not in there, it’s in my hand.

    Full Member

    Android user and I have ice and medical condition on my lock screen…I also have a medic alert bracelet thing that I wear pretty much 24/7 as well as a medic alert wallet card in my wallet. Phone may be locked but the contact details are visible so can be used.

    Free Member

    I thought ICE was in car entertainment

    Full Member

    How would you get an in care entertainment in a G&T?

    Free Member

    Genuinely un-sure what the benefits are of this.
    Being ID’d is way down on the list of my own priorities should I be incapacitated for some reason.
    Fairly sure should it become necessary, and when the immediate priorities have been dealt with, getting ID’d is relatively trivial these days. Probably because of irate wives ringing the Police/Hospital wondering where the hell you’ve got to this time 🙂

    Edit: Unless you have a medical condition obviously.

    Full Member

    ICE was fine back in the days when a mobile phone lock consisted of pressing * and # together.

    Mine is a swipe pattern, impossible to guess. And given what most phones are now capable of, frankly I don’t want anyone to access it thanks!

    Free Member

    On Android (at least from ICS), you can put owner information on the lock screen.

    Free Member

    ive got a sticker with ICE: then my home phone number stuck on the back of the phone.

    No one has ever used it, but I like to think it might help.

    Free Member

    I wear a dog tag with ICE info and more importantly medical info.

    Free Member

    ^which can’t be used by medical personnel for legal reasons until verified…. but hey ho

    Free Member

    phones die in crashes.
    phones are locked.

    My wallet has my driving Licence in it which has enough info to sort anything out.
    If I had a medical condition then a proper medical alert bracelet would be sensible.
    A proper ID Card that linked to medical records would be great.

    Free Member

    As per Drac.

    Mrs FD says they wont bother looking at a phone, they will concentrate on making you better.

    Eventually you will be well enough to say who you want to bring some grapes in, or you would hope relatives would contact the Police. If the above fails then the Police would get involved

    If you have medical conditions, surely you wear a bracelet?

    Full Member

    ^which can’t be used by medical personnel for legal reasons until verified…. but hey ho

    News to me.

    Free Member

    I wear an ankle band called a Tag. It has all my personal id, tracks me & records it all. I got it for free.

    Full Member

    It lives in my trouser pocket, and if its not in there, it’s in my hand.

    sorry, what are we talking about again?

    Free Member

    My phone usually tracks where I’ve been. I quite like the idea of giving the emergency services a breadcrumb trail to follow back to my house.

    It’ll make their otherwise dull and boring day when they have little to do, more interesting.

    Free Member

    Do folk carry their whole wallets on rides then? If I’m on a really long one ill stick a card in my pocket. Otherwise my phone is my sole source of ID. That said, if I was trying to ID someone I’d probably look for ‘home’ or ‘mum’ or sommat first.

    Free Member


    Whack one of these on your helmet or bike. Or both!

    Obviously treating the person initially is more important than contacting their NOK but if they have special medical conditions this could provide critical information for the paramedics…

    Full Member

    My lock screen has my name and wife’s phone number on it.

    I figure this is quite useful if I lose the phone and someone honest finds it and it serves as ICE info too if anyone does look for it.

    Generated using the IfFoundPlus app. Pretty photo is my own.

    Full Member

    Well that’s no good it’s only 4 digits.

    Full Member

    😀 suitably redacted. Don’t want any of you lot breathing down the phone to my missus 🙂

    The actual screen has full number and name. Obviously.

    Full Member

    LOL @ qwerty, took a second but got there!

    in a previous life we used to have a big dymo label with name and blood group on the side of moto helmets, all these interactive and modern versions seem to add to the complications that would not really be noticed in a crisis situation. and like peeps have said, phones loose battery and break just when you don’t want them to.

    KISS still works.

    Full Member

    KISS still works.

    Quite true, but as mentioned earlier helmets may get cut off and left at scene or binned. So likewise not perfect.

    Having it on the phone is also useful if you misplace the phone, which is my main reason. ICE is just a side benefit.
    If I had anything medically notifiable then I’d probably wear a suitable bracelet.

    Free Member

    Is there not duplicate issues with having an ICE contact stored in your phonebook? Surely that person already exists in the phonebook, so are we all renaming our partners ICE.

    Full Member

    KISS still works.

    Didn’t they also save Christmas?

    Full Member

    Is there not duplicate issues with having an ICE contact stored in your phonebook? Surely that person already exists in the phonebook, so are we all renaming our partners ICE.

    I believe a common solution is to add a hash # at the end of your ICE number – that way it is still callable but not a duplicate.

    Free Member

    I am on first name terms with the staff at most local hospitals and even have an allocated bed in a couple of them


    Free Member

    I’ve got a ICE on my work phone. Trouble is phone is locked with a pass code, so wouldn’t be much use really.

    Full Member

    I’ve got a ICE on my work phone. Trouble is phone is locked with a pass code, so wouldn’t be much use really.

    As mentioned earlier, just put the details on your lock screen.

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