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  • EDL in Birmingham Today
  • passtherizla
    Free Member

    char34 – Member
    how is the edl racist they are against redical muslims who take the bullshit koran to extrems
    anyone can become a muslim its a RELIGION not a RACE
    edl have members from different races (indian pakistani chineese)
    its the extreme muslims they are against not other races
    get your facts right people
    at least they have the balls to stand up to these terrorists these extreme muslims are the racists

    wow… Just wow.

    Free Member

    how is the edl racist they are against redical muslims who take the bullshit koran to extrems

    That is either a deliberate misrepresentation of them or a very naive undrstanding.
    Have you seen the edl demonstrate their tolerance and acceptance of mainstream Islam?

    anyone can become a muslim its a RELIGION not a RACE edl

    It is still not ok!

    have members from different races (indian pakistani chineese) its the extreme muslims they are against not other races get your facts right people at least they have the balls to stand up to these terrorists these extreme mu
    slims are the racists

    No they are not, they don’t hate other races, they hate other religions they made up of people fromall races, north African, sub Saharan, Arabic, British, French any race can join!!!


    That’s what they say too. Hmmmm

    Free Member

    char34, that would explain the nazi salutes they always seem to be giving in their marches then.

    Either you’re a troll (hope this is the case) or need see a bit more of the world and enlighten yourself a little.

    Free Member

    but you’ll have to remind me which historical cases of ignoring those with extremist views have ended badly.

    Where to start?

    We did a fair bit of ignoring of Hitler until it all got too late.

    We’re happily ignoring some fairly extreme views and actions in Syria because they don’t have any oil

    We did a pretty good job of ignoring Al Qaida until they few a couple of planes into a couple of buildings

    We seem extremely good at turning a blind eye to Israel’s extreme prejudice against the Palestinian people, which isn’t going particularly well.

    Free Member

    char34 – Member

    how is the edl racist they are against redical muslims who take the bullshit koran to extrems
    anyone can become a muslim its a RELIGION not a RACE
    edl have members from different races (indian pakistani chineese)
    its the extreme muslims they are against not other races
    get your facts right people

    I can’t see where anyone has accused the EDL of being racist. Perhaps it should be you that ‘gets your facts right’ ? 💡

    What is perfectly reasonable to do is to lump the bigoted hatred spouted by the EDL along with other hatred peddled by racists, homophobes, and other pig-ignorant halfwits.

    Are you an EDL supporter btw ?

    Free Member

    char34 comes across as just a scared little kid, governed by impulse rather than reason, looking for someone to protect them from the nonsense stirred up by the media..

    Free Member

    seems to be a spate of caps lock in this thread, if it degenerates further i think we will see random numericals taking the place of punctuation

    omgwtflol ****s

    Free Member

    The EDL are more diverse than you think

    Lawful peaceful protest is part of this society, going out for a fight although a legacy of our history arguably isn’t the way forward

    Free Member

    Give them the freedom to speak…. and to condemn themselves out of their own mouths

    Give them the publicity they deserve (little or none IMO) rather than the publicity they crave

    (and look forward to the wendyball season when we know where most of them will be come 3:00pm on a Saturday or whenever Murdoch decides the matches should be played!)

    Quite simple really.

    Free Member

    lol this thread is turning into a see who is more stupid competition.

    Free Member

    The EDL are more diverse than you think

    That’s the oldest trick in the book. The BNP candidate in last years’ London mayoral election was a Uruguayan immigrant who struggled to speak English.

    I don’t however think it would be fair to claim that the BNP celebrates and welcomes diversity in Britain 🙂

    Free Member

    lol this thread is turning into a see who is more stupid competition.

    that is what happens when you try and defend daft views….thankfully you had the sense to decline this 😉

    Well I never some LGBT people are racist …who knew diversity existed amongst them and I for one thought they were all the same 🙄

    Free Member

    The ‘other’ EDL seemed to be having a more enjoyable time:

    And they have all the hot chicks! I know which demo I’d join. (mostly for the common sense opposition of hatred and bogotry, but the disco and attractive ladies is a significant sweetener… especially when compared to the alternate gathering of Orcs and Trolls)

    Free Member

    Well played Junkyard. Perfectly pitched!

    Free Member

    yunki iam 41
    i do agree with the edl 100%
    i have a right to have my own thoughts just like other people have a right to their thoughts its a so called free country
    so dont knock people for what they think is right
    i think radical muslim extremists should be thrown out the country end of
    if people dont want to express their feelings for fear of upsetting muslims grow some balls

    Free Member

    I think the disco lovers have the right idea. So there are two sets of protesters in that photo – the trad anti-EDL protesters and, in effect, the pi$$ taking dancers.. I am sure the actual EDL relish a bit of verbals and otherwise with the trad protesters but are more likely to be thoroughly confused and silenced (?) by a load of dancers in all the excesses the 80s could muster with great big smiles on their faces. What a brilliant way to trivialise the unpleasant message the actual EDL would like to give but without the aggression and violence. Now where was that spandex suit….?

    Free Member

    i have a right to have my own thoughts just like other people have a right to their thoughts its a so called free country
    so dont knock people for what they think is right

    unless they’re brown..?

    char – I’m also against radical extremism in all forms.. but muslims in general are pretty inoffensive, a point which your lot are a bit too fervent and hungry for a kick-off to acknowledge

    for you to imagine that a bunch of below average intelligence, bored and racist footie hooligans, and a few dispossessed violent kids with low self esteem are the answer, is in my mind either childish or stupid..

    just my opinion.. 😆

    Free Member

    I dont thinks Radical Muslim Extremists (who don’t hold a british passport) shouldn’t be deported if they’ve commited a crime. I just don’t that Muslims, in general are coming to get us in our sleep.

    As for the Koran, like all really old religious texts its got some nasty shit in it, have you read the bible, its pretty **** horrific in places. They were just the best wisdom of their time. People are free to believe what they like as long as they don’t interfere with other people’s freedoms, which reminds me…

    After the Drummer Lee Rigby’s murder the edl ‘defended England’ by smashing windows and throwing rocks at the police, who, in case you hadn’t noticed, were pretty busy and had important stuff to do. That’s the kind of defence we can do without.

    Free Member

    I haven’t got a lot to say about this, but I cannot believe with all the information there is that people can still believe in the complete rubbish that the EDL peddle.

    Really angry that they chose to have their hate-filled, prejudiced event in my home town today.

    That’s all.

    For EDL substitute Protestants in the Northern part of Ireland.

    Catn agree with any of their silly misguided demonstrations, but thankfully we still as a nation have the right to protest, even if its not acceptable to lots of residents of the towns involved.

    Free Member

    I like some radical muslims…

    Free Member

    i have a right to have my own thoughts just like other people have a right to their thoughts its a so called free country

    Bless you so I can campaign for Sharia law then with your full support?

    so dont knock people for what they think is right

    The killers of lee Rigby thought what they did was right …are you not knocking them then?

    i think radical muslim extremists should be thrown out the country end of

    Problem is you are are an extremist and neither brand is helpful.

    if people dont want to express their feelings for fear of upsetting muslims grow some balls

    As so that is what the LGBT branch do for their members 😉
    Personally I would be afraid of looking like an incoherent babbling moronic racist with highly contradictory, inconsistent and stupid views.

    Full Member

    More importantly, are tattoos mandatory for EDL membership?

    Full Member

    I find Catholicism hugely offensive, Catholics at least as intolerant as the Muslimists and very very narrow minded. The Christian right in the bible belt of Amerka are dangerously out of control and wield huge power and Evangelical Christianity in large swathes of Africa have caused major issues with human rights, and have helped fuel the prolific spread of HIV and uncontrolled population growth.

    If we are looking at those that preach extreme views and intolerance for others I think we need to include all these groups and not just the Muslimists (and for the record the Koran, depending on interpretation, preaches a pretty tolerant line).


    Danny B

    Free Member

    The EDL defended my proud English hometown by spray painting ‘EDL’ onto a load of signs. I, for one, will sleep much easier knowing that these magical seals will act as a barrier against radical Muslim extremists who want to access the local park and football fields.

    Free Member

    char34 – Member

    i do agree with the edl 100%
    i have a right to have my own thoughts just like other people have a right to their thoughts its a so called free country

    That’s not what the English Defence League do.

    They get drunk and then throw their empty bottles at the police. Or anyone else they don’t approve of.

    This is not “a right”.

    Are you sure you’re not getting confused with the English Disco Lovers ?

    Full Member

    No way would i buy my electricity from them!


    Free Member

    No way would i buy my electricity from them!

    They are actually better value as angry electrons give more energy.

    Free Member

    Yeah but they can be difficult to control and try to flow in unexpected directions, this can cause costly damage to equipment and property…

    Free Member

    We did a fair bit of ignoring of Hitler until it all got too late.

    We’re happily ignoring some fairly extreme views and actions in Syria because they don’t have any oil

    We did a pretty good job of ignoring Al Qaida until they few a couple of planes into a couple of buildings

    So which of those organisations started off as pathetic as EDL?

    Free Member

    Hitler must have started as a ranty man in he street or some such…

    *I have no factually accurate idea the grass roots origins of the Nazi party, but they were pretty small time i think. Saw it on telly, er… once.

    Free Member

    So which of those organisations started off as pathetic as EDL?

    Does being a government funded database count?


    Free Member

    A database of people armed by one country to fight a different country – yes that seems just like the EDL.

    Free Member

    So which of those organisations started off as pathetic as EDL?

    Why not just ignore them?
    Ignoring those who peddle hate has not historically been a hugely successful tactic.

    He made a valid point

    Free Member

    radical muslim.

    Full Member

    I, for one, will sleep much easier knowing that these magical seals will act as a barrier

    Full Member

    Char34. You’ve got to 41 and remained that narrow minded? That must take a shitload of effort – I applaud your dedication!

    Free Member

    Is that recess in the cliff behind the skateboarder where a Buddha statue once was?

    Free Member

    Is that recess in the cliff behind the skateboarder where a Buddha statue once was?

    sadly yes 🙁

    Free Member

    While I would not support the lunatic/hooligan element of the EDL, do you not think they do have a bit of a point?
    I do not want my home country invaded by tens of millions of immigrants.
    I think we should be able to speak up with a point of view without being branded as an ignorant Nazi/facist/racist.
    Have any of you, that are getting a little kick out of posting on here with your liberal, holier than thou, comments ever lived in a Muslim country?

    Full Member

    I do not want my home country invaded by tens of millions of immigrants.

    Has this thread been secretly nominated as the place for moronic comments or something? If so I quite like the idea. Keep the idiots in here then everyone else can ignore them.

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